// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s @interface I { int Y; } @property int X; @property int Y; @property int Z; @end @implementation I @dynamic X; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}} @dynamic X; // expected-error {{property 'X' is already implemented}} @synthesize Y; // expected-note {{previous use is here}} @synthesize Z=Y; // expected-error {{synthesized properties 'Z' and 'Y' both claim ivar 'Y'}} @end // rdar://8703553 @interface IDEPathCell { @private id _gradientStyle; } @property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) id gradientStyle; @end @implementation IDEPathCell @synthesize gradientStyle = _gradientStyle; - (void)setGradientStyle:(id)value { } + (void)_componentCellWithRepresentedObject { self.gradientStyle; // expected-error {{property 'gradientStyle' not found on object of type 'Class'}} } @end