; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt -basicaa -scoped-noalias -memcpyopt -S %s | FileCheck %s %T = type { i8, i32 } ; memcpy(%d, %a) should not be generated since store2 may-aliases load %a. define void @f(%T* %a, %T* %b, %T* %c, %T* %d) { ; CHECK-LABEL: @f( ; CHECK-NEXT: [[VAL:%.*]] = load %T, %T* %a, !alias.scope !0 ; CHECK-NEXT: store %T { i8 23, i32 23 }, %T* %b, !alias.scope !3 ; CHECK-NEXT: store %T { i8 44, i32 44 }, %T* %c, !alias.scope !6, !noalias !3 ; CHECK-NEXT: store %T [[VAL]], %T* %d, !alias.scope !9, !noalias !12 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void ; %val = load %T, %T* %a, !alias.scope !{!10} ; store1 may-aliases the load store %T { i8 23, i32 23 }, %T* %b, !alias.scope !{!11} ; store2 may-aliases the load and store3 store %T { i8 44, i32 44 }, %T* %c, !alias.scope !{!12}, !noalias !{!11} ; store3 store %T %val, %T* %d, !alias.scope !{!13}, !noalias !{!10, !11} ret void } !0 = !{!0} !1 = !{!1} !2 = !{!2} !3 = !{!3} !10 = !{ !10, !0 } !11 = !{ !11, !1 } !12 = !{ !12, !2 } !13 = !{ !13, !3 }