; RUN: opt %s -simplifycfg -S | FileCheck %s ; ConstantFoldTerminator function can convert SwitchInst with one case (and default) to ; a conditional BranchInst. This test checks the converted BranchInst preserve the ; make.implicit metadata. declare i32 @consume(i32*) declare void @trap() define i32 @copy-metadata(i32* %x) { entry: %x.int = ptrtoint i32* %x to i64 ; CHECK: br i1 %cond, label %is_null, label %default, !make.implicit !0 switch i64 %x.int, label %default [ i64 0, label %is_null ], !make.implicit !0 default: %0 = call i32 @consume(i32* %x) ret i32 %0 is_null: call void @trap() unreachable } !0 = !{}