// Make sure that llvm-cov can read coverage data written in gcov47+ compatible // format. // Compile with these arguments and run the result to generate .gc* files: // -coverage -Xclang -coverage-no-function-names-in-data // -Xclang -coverage-cfg-checksum -Xclang -coverage-version='407*' // We need shell for cd // REQUIRES: shell // RUN: rm -rf %t // RUN: mkdir %t // RUN: cd %t // RUN: cp %s %p/Inputs/gcov47_compatibility.gc* . // RUN: llvm-cov gcov gcov47_compatibility.cpp | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STDOUT // STDOUT: File 'gcov47_compatibility.cpp' // STDOUT: Lines executed:100.00% of 1 // STDOUT: gcov47_compatibility.cpp:creating 'gcov47_compatibility.cpp.gcov' // RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=GCOV < %t/gcov47_compatibility.cpp.gcov // GCOV: -: 0:Runs:1 // GCOV: -: 0:Programs:1 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // GCOV: -: [[@LINE]]:int main( return 0; // GCOV: 1: [[@LINE]]: return } // GCOV: -: [[@LINE]]:} // llvm-cov doesn't work on big endian yet // XFAIL: powerpc-, powerpc64-, s390x, mips-, mips64-, sparc