PHPUnit 3.5 =========== This is the list of changes for the PHPUnit 3.5 release series. PHPUnit 3.5.13 -------------- * The `--debug` switch is now "public" (listed in `--help`). PHPUnit 3.5.12 -------------- * Fixed GH-14: Weird `RuntimeException` when running test suite with process isolation. * Fixed GH-27: Process isolation does not work on Windows 7 x64. * Fixed GH-41: Process isolation on Windows does not work. * Fixed GH-147: Parse error when using process isolation on Windows. PHPUnit 3.5.11 -------------- * Fixed GH-127: PHPUnit does not report errors in XML configuration files. * Fixed an issue with ticket listeners related to tests that use data providers. * Updated list of dependencies in `package.xml` and added missing runtime checks for optional dependencies. PHPUnit 3.5.10 -------------- * Fixed GH-71: `PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite::addTestFile()` has problems identifying the correct test suite. * Fixed GH-120: Printer class does not handle "file does not exist" problems correctly. * Fixed GH-125: Work around [PHP bug #47987]( PHPUnit 3.5.9 ------------- * Fixed GH-17: Process Isolation breaks for global objects that implement the `Serializable` interface. * Fixed GH-64: `./` added to path to test when using PHPUnit on Windows terminal. * Fixed GH-104: Bootstrap must be relative to the current directory. PHPUnit 3.5.8 ------------- * Fixed GH-84: If no assertions are made the code should not be marked as covered. * Fixed GH-115: Make most of the attributes in `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase` private. PHPUnit 3.5.7 ------------- * Implemented GH-103: Improved handling of deprecated PHPUnit features. * Fixed GH-100: `assertSame()` does not give useful output on misordered arrays. * Fixed GH-105: Backup of static attributes causes memory exhaustion. * The TextUI test runner now prints the normal progress output in verbose mode. PHPUnit 3.5.6 ------------- * Fixed GH-87: Fatal error when calling `isPublic()` on dynamically created variable. * Properly marked `assertType()` and `assertNotType()` as well as `assertAttributeType()` and `assertAttributeNotType()` as deprecated. These assertions will removed in PHPUnit 3.6 and should no longer be used. `assertInternalType()` should be used for asserting internal types such as `integer` or `string` whereas `assertInstanceOf()` should be used for asserting that an object is an instance of a specified class or interface. PHPUnit 3.5.5 ------------- * Added support for `getMockForAbstractClass()` to the mock builder API. PHPUnit 3.5.4 ------------- * Added a ticket listener that interacts with the Trac issue API. * Added support for `E_USER_NOTICE` and `E_USER_WARNING` to `PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice` and `PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning`, respectively. * Refactored test dependency handling (required for a bugfix in `PHPUnit_Selenium`). * Fixed `--stop-on-failure`. PHPUnit 3.5.3 ------------- * Fixed GH-13: Result XML inconsistent when data provider returns empty array or does not exist. * Fixed the skeleton generator for tested classes. * Strict mode is now compatible with process isolation. * Worked around to make process isolation work on Windows. PHPUnit 3.5.2 ------------- * Tests that are incomplete or skipped no longer yield code coverage in strict mode. * Fixed GH-34: Bogus bootstrap file raises cryptic error. PHPUnit 3.5.1 ------------- * Fixed GH-30: `--repeat` option does not work. * Fixed GH-47: Failure message ignored in `assertSelectCount()`. * Fixed GH-48: Remove strict incomplete duplication. PHPUnit 3.5.0 ------------- * Implemented TRAC-834: Refactor collection, processing, and rendering of code coverage information using the [PHP_CodeCoverage]( component. * Implemented TRAC-948: Add D-BUS test listener. * Implemented TRAC-967: Only populate whitelist when code coverage is used. * Implemented TRAC-985: Sort arrays before diff. * Implemented TRAC-1033: Supplement commandline option `--stop-on-error` and friends. * Implemented TRAC-1038: Add `assertInstanceOf()`, `assertAttributeInstanceOf()`, `assertNotInstanceOf()`, and `assertAttributeNotInstanceOf()` as well as `assertInternalType()`, `assertAttributeInternalType()`, `assertNotInternalType()`, and `assertAttributeNotInternalType()`. * Implemented TRAC-1039: Added support for `regexpi:` matcher to Selenium RC driver. * Implemented TRAC-1078: Added support for setting superglobals via the XML configuration file. * Added support for mocking/stubbing of static methods. This requires PHP 5.3 and late static binding. * Added `assertStringMatchesFormat()` and `assertStringNotMatchesFormat()` as well as `assertStringMatchesFormatFile()` and `assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile()` for `EXPECTF`-like (`run-tests.php`) format string matching. * Added `assertEmpty()` and `assertNotEmpty()` as well as `assertAttributeEmpty()` and `assertAttributeNotEmpty()`. * Added the `@expectedExceptionCode` and `@expectedExceptionMessage` annotations. * Added support for the [XML format of mysqldump]( to the database extension. * Added the `` element to the `` section of the XML configuration file. * Added the `verbose` attribute to the `` element of the XML configuration file. * Added a ticket listener that interacts with the GitHub issue API. * Added a ticket listener that interacts with the GoogleCode issue API. * Added a test listener that uses [XHProf]( to profile the tested code. * Added the `--strict` switch to mark tests that perform no assertions as incomplete. * The paths in the XML configuration file can now be relative to the directory that contains the XML configuration file. * The `@author` annotation is now an alias for `@group` allowing to filter tests based on their authors. * The `PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase::$autoStop` flag has been removed, please start Selenium RC with `-browserSessionReuse` instead. * The `--log-metrics` and `--log-pmd` switches have been removed. Their functionality has been or will be merged into [PHP_Depend]( and [PHPMD]( Details can be found [here]( * The `--ansi` switch has been removed, please use `--colors` instead. * The `--coverage-source` switch has been removed. * The `--coverage-xml` switch has been removed, please use `--coverage-clover` instead. * The `--log-graphviz` switch has been removed. * The `--log-xml` switch has been removed, please use `--log-junit` instead. * The `--report` switch has been removed, please use `--coverage-html` instead. * The `--skeleton` switch has been removed, please use `--skeleton-test` instead. * The `TestListener` implementation that logs to [PEAR::Log]( sinks has been removed. * The test database functionality has been removed. * The shared fixture functionality has been removed. * `PHPUnit_Extensions_PerformanceTestCase` has been removed. * `PHPUnit_Extensions_TicketListener_Trac` has been removed. * The `PHPUnit_Extensions_Story_TestCase` functionality has been deprecated. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject` with the [PHPUnit_MockObject]( component. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase` with the [DbUnit]( component. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase` with the [PHPUnit_Selenium]( component. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Util_FilterIterator` with the [PHP_FileIterator]( component. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Util_Template` with the [Text_Template]( component. * Replaced `PHPUnit_Util_Timer` with the [PHP_Timer]( component. * Fixed TRAC-1068: `assertSame()` on two floats does not print the error message. * Fixed GH-7: Code paths that create a `PHPUnit_Framework_Warning` end up serializing/unserializing globals unconditionally. * PHPUnit now requires PHP 5.2.7 (or later) but PHP 5.3.3 (or later) is highly recommended. * PHPUnit now uses an autoloader to load its classes. If the tested code requires an autoloader, use `spl_autoload_register()` to register it. * `PHPUnit/Framework.php` should no longer be included by test code. If needed, include `PHPUnit/Autoload.php` to make PHPUnit's autoloader available.