$Id: README,v 1.2 2001-12-22 17:12:51 wainstead Exp $ (This is just a set of entries from my work log when I was at Capital Thinking. It was then copy/pasted into their Wiki (they used PyWiki) as a little tutorial on how to use it. All of the basic information is here. It was tailor made for their system, so some reworking is still needed to make it work with PhpWiki; also I didn't quite grok unit testing as implemented by httpunit at the time. I suppose we'd also be better off using the PHP version of httpunit as well, though it was still beta when I last looked at it. Capital Thinking uses ATG Dynamo on Solaris, so all of our work was in Java and Perl, in case you were wondering why these were chosen). How to make a single test * write the script * generate the java file * compile it, run it How to make a test suite: * write the script * run makemakebuild.pl * run ant -------------- Short Tutorial The GuiTester is a small simple system to test the GUI of the BlueWire system. As a programmer you have to do these steps: 1. Write a little input script. Let's call it MyTest.inputs. 2. Create a Java source file with your input script, with a Perl script called maketest.pl. Run this command: '''maketest.pl MyTest.inputs'''. This will create a file called MyTest.java. 3. Compile your file: '''javac MyTest.java''' 4. Run your test: '''java MyTest''' That's the short form for writing your own single test. You can accumulate tests in a single directory, and via the magical tools "make" and Ant, run a whole set of tests. 1. Write one or more input scripts. 1. run '''makemakebuild.pl'''. This script gets the names of all .input files in the current directory and generates a Makefile and a build.xml file. 1. Run ant with no arguments, i.e. just type "ant" and hit return. That's all. All the Java files will be generated for you, compiled, and ran against BlueWire. ----------------- A Longer Tutorial An input script, which follows the naming convention ClassName.inputs, consists of a set of little statement blocks. Here is a sample which handles logging in to the system: # start script # get the starting page type: starting_page start_url: go # log in type: fill_and_submit_form form_num: 0 submitbutton_num: 0 setparam: "/jpmorgan/dbbeans/CTAuthentication.bean.username", "jpmorganuser" setparam: "/jpmorgan/dbbeans/CTAuthentication.bean.password", "jpmorganuser" assert_url: active_deals go # end script (If you use Emacs you can get some nice color highlighting with: M-x font-lock-mode RET M-x sh-mode RET) First, each block starts with a type: command and ends with "go": type: starting_page start_url: go This tells the code generator the action we're taking ("type:") is going to the starting page, and "start_url:" has the URL to go to. The second block will fill in and submit the form: type: fill_and_submit_form form_num: 0 submitbutton_num: 0 setparam: "/jpmorgan/dbbeans/CTAuthentication.bean.username", "jpmorganuser" setparam: "/jpmorgan/dbbeans/CTAuthentication.bean.password", "jpmorganuser" assert_url: active_deals go Here form_num is the form number in the page; that is, in Javascript-land, each form in the page has a number starting at zero. Likewise all submit buttons have a number (per form) starting at zero. "setparam" gives the name of the form field and the value for that field. Later we will see you can use names for the forms and submit buttons, if available. Here's a list of the keywords in the little scripting language: assert_field: assert_text: assert_title: assert_url: follow_image_link: follow_link: form_name: form_num: go setparam: start_url: submitbutton_name: submitbutton_num: type: # ----- '''Comments''' Each comment has to be at the start of the line; you can introduce comments with a hash sign (#) at the start of a line: # I am a comment. oo----- '''Types of statement blocks''' There are only four kinds of statement blocks in GuiTester: starting_page fill_and_submit_form follow_image_link follow_link They are pretty self explanatory. Any script you write will always start with the '''starting_page''' block. Usually this will be the index.jhtml of BlueWire and the second statement block will be '''fill_and_submit_form''' where you will log into the system. ----- '''Assertions''' You can do assertions on form fields, titles, URLs and the text of the page. Assertions always follow the form: assert_thing "string" <, "string"> Some assertions take one argument (title, URL, text) and one takes two (field). Examples: assert_field: "fname", "Jackie" assert_field: "lname", "Robinson" assert_title: "this is the page's title" assert_url: "somedealpage.jhtml" Assertions throw an exception and the test fails if they are not true. Assertions are always done after a page has been retrieved in a given statement block... this is a subtle point and you should reread that if it doesn't make sense. '''assert_url''' will take the string and try to match it in the URL returned. ----- '''Following links''' follow_image_link: follow_link: These will follow a link by the text in the link, or by the ALT text if it's an image link (like "Browse Deals"). follow_image_link: "Browse Deals" follow_link: "Get a Quick Quote" ----- '''Filling in forms''' form_name: form_num: submitbutton_name: submitbutton_num: setparam: These tell what form and what submit button to use... these are only used with '''fill_and_submit_form''' statement blocks. They take either a name (as shown in the '''name=""''' attribute of the form or button) or the number. The number is a Javascript/DOM thing; all forms are numbered by order of appearance starting at 0. The '''setparam:''' directive will set a form field, and takes two arguments: the form field name, and the value. Note that you must always use double quotes for the arguments, separated by a comma: setparam: "searchterm", "foo" setparam: "num_things", "3" setparam: "options_list", "16"