df->buildCache($this->modulename); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($this->modulename, $this->objectname); $this->seed->field_defs = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$this->objectname]['fields']; } public function setUp() { $this->markTestIncomplete("Skipping for now..."); $this->field = get_widget('varchar'); $this->field->id = $this->modulename.'foo_c'; $this->field->name = 'foo_c'; $this->field->vanme = 'LBL_Foo'; $this->field->comments = NULL; $this->field->help = NULL; $this->field->custom_module = $this->modulename; $this->field->type = 'varchar'; $this->field->label = 'LBL_FOO'; $this->field->len = 255; $this->field->required = 0; $this->field->default_value = NULL; $this->field->date_modified = '2009-09-14 02:23:23'; $this->field->deleted = 0; $this->field->audited = 0; $this->field->massupdate = 0; $this->field->duplicate_merge = 0; $this->field->reportable = 1; $this->field->importable = 'true'; $this->field->ext1 = NULL; $this->field->ext2 = NULL; $this->field->ext3 = NULL; $this->field->ext4 = NULL; $this->seed = new Account(); $this->df = new DynamicField($this->modulename); $this->df->setup ( $this->seed ) ; $this->field->save ( $this->df ) ; $this->db = $GLOBALS['db']; $this->repairDictionary(); } public function tearDown() { if ( isset($this->field) && ( $this->field instanceOf TemplateField ) ) { $this->field->delete ( $this->df ) ; } if ( isset($this->db) && ( $this->db instanceOf DBManager ) && $this->db->tableExists($this->table_name) ) { $this->db->dropTableName($this->table_name); } } public function testRepairRemovedFieldNoExecute() { //Remove the custom column $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} DROP COLUMN {$this->field->name}"); //Run repair $ret = $this->df->repairCustomFields(false); $this->assertRegExp("/MISSING IN DATABASE - {$this->field->name} - ROW/", $ret); $compareFieldDefs = $this->db->getHelper()->get_columns($this->table_name); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($this->field->name, $compareFieldDefs); } public function testRepairRemovedFieldExecute() { //Remove the custom column $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_name} DROP COLUMN {$this->field->name}"); //Run repair $ret = $this->df->repairCustomFields(true); $this->assertRegExp("/MISSING IN DATABASE - {$this->field->name} - ROW/", $ret); $compareFieldDefs = $this->db->getHelper()->get_columns($this->table_name); $this->assertArrayHasKey($this->field->name, $compareFieldDefs); } public function testCreateTableNoExecute() { //Remove the custom table $this->db->dropTableName($this->table_name); //Run repair $ret = $this->df->repairCustomFields(false); //Test that the table is going to be created. $this->assertRegExp("/Missing Table: {$this->table_name}/", $ret); //Test that the custom field is going to be added. $this->assertRegExp("/MISSING IN DATABASE - {$this->field->name} - ROW/", $ret); //Assert that the table was NOT created $this->assertFalse($this->db->tableExists($this->table_name), "Asserting that the custom table is not created when repair is run with execute set false"); } public function testCreateTableExecute() { //Remove the custom table $this->db->dropTableName($this->table_name); //Run repair $ret = $this->df->repairCustomFields(); $this->assertRegExp("/MISSING IN DATABASE - {$this->field->name} - ROW/", $ret); //Test that the table is going to be created. $this->assertRegExp("/Missing Table: {$this->table_name}/", $ret); //Test that the custom field is going to be added. $this->assertRegExp("/MISSING IN DATABASE - {$this->field->name} - ROW/", $ret); //Assert that the table was created $this->assertTrue($this->db->tableExists($this->table_name), "Asserting that the custom table is created when repair is run with execute not set"); } }