save(); return $contact; } /** * Create ProspectList instance * @param Contact instance to attach to prospect list */ public static function createProspectList($contact = null) { $prospectList = new ProspectList(); $prospectList->name = "test"; $prospectList->save(); self::$_createdProspectListsIds[] = $prospectList->id; if ($contact instanceof Contact) { self::attachContactToProspectList($prospectList, $contact); } return $prospectList; } /** * * Attach Contact to prospect list * @param ProspectList $prospectList prospect list instance * @param Contact $contact contact instance */ public static function attachContactToProspectList($prospectList, $contact) { $prospectList->load_relationship('contacts'); $prospectList->contacts->add($contact->id,array()); } /** * Set up - create prospect list with 2 contacts */ public function setUp() { global $current_user; $current_user = SugarTestUserUtilities::createAnonymousUser();; $this->_contacts[] = self::createContact(); $this->_contacts[] = self::createContact(); $this->_prospectList = self::createProspectList($this->_contacts[0]); self::attachContactToProspectList($this->_prospectList, $this->_contacts[1]); } /** * Clear all created data * @see PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::tearDown() */ public function tearDown() { SugarTestContactUtilities::removeAllCreatedContacts(); SugarTestAccountUtilities::removeAllCreatedAccounts(); SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers(); $this->_clearProspects(); } /** * Test if email exists within report */ public function testContactExistExportList() { $content = export("ProspectLists", $this->_prospectList->id, true); $this->assertContains($this->_contacts[0]->first_name, $content, "Report should contain email of created contact"); $this->assertContains($this->_contacts[1]->first_name, $content, "Report should contain email of created contact"); } private function _clearProspects() { $ids = implode("', '", self::$_createdProspectListsIds); $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM prospect_list_campaigns WHERE prospect_list_id IN (\'' . $ids . '\')'); $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM prospect_lists_prospects WHERE prospect_list_id IN (\'' . $ids . '\')'); $GLOBALS['db']->query('DELETE FROM prospect_lists WHERE id IN (\'' . $ids . '\')'); } }