/*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD * * Copyright (c) 2019 The FreeBSD Foundation * * This software was developed by BFF Storage Systems, LLC under sponsorship * from the FreeBSD Foundation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Tests for the "default_permissions" mount option. They must be in their own * file so they can be run as an unprivileged user */ extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } #include "mockfs.hh" #include "utils.hh" using namespace testing; class DefaultPermissions: public FuseTest { virtual void SetUp() { m_default_permissions = true; FuseTest::SetUp(); if (HasFatalFailure() || IsSkipped()) return; if (geteuid() == 0) { GTEST_SKIP() << "This test requires an unprivileged user"; } /* With -o default_permissions, FUSE_ACCESS should never be called */ EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_ACCESS); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(0); } public: void expect_getattr(uint64_t ino, mode_t mode, uint64_t attr_valid, int times, uid_t uid = 0, gid_t gid = 0) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_GETATTR && in->header.nodeid == ino); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(times) .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([=](auto i __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, attr); out->body.attr.attr.ino = ino; // Must match nodeid out->body.attr.attr.mode = mode; out->body.attr.attr.size = 0; out->body.attr.attr.uid = uid; out->body.attr.attr.uid = gid; out->body.attr.attr_valid = attr_valid; }))); } void expect_lookup(const char *relpath, uint64_t ino, mode_t mode, uint64_t attr_valid, uid_t uid = 0, gid_t gid = 0) { FuseTest::expect_lookup(relpath, ino, mode, 0, 1, attr_valid, uid, gid); } }; class Access: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Chown: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Chgrp: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Lookup: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Open: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Setattr: public DefaultPermissions {}; class Unlink: public DefaultPermissions {}; /* * Test permission handling during create, mkdir, mknod, link, symlink, and * rename vops (they all share a common path for permission checks in * VOP_LOOKUP) */ class Create: public DefaultPermissions { public: void expect_create(const char *relpath, uint64_t ino) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { const char *name = (const char*)in->body.bytes + sizeof(fuse_open_in); return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_CREATE && (0 == strcmp(relpath, name))); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([=](auto in __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, create); out->body.create.entry.attr.mode = S_IFREG | 0644; out->body.create.entry.nodeid = ino; out->body.create.entry.entry_valid = UINT64_MAX; out->body.create.entry.attr_valid = UINT64_MAX; }))); } }; class Deleteextattr: public DefaultPermissions { public: void expect_removexattr() { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_REMOVEXATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(0))); } }; class Getextattr: public DefaultPermissions { public: void expect_getxattr(ProcessMockerT r) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_GETXATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(r)); } }; class Listextattr: public DefaultPermissions { public: void expect_listxattr() { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_LISTXATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([](auto i __unused, auto out) { out->body.listxattr.size = 0; SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, listxattr); }))); } }; class Rename: public DefaultPermissions { public: /* * Expect a rename and respond with the given error. Don't both to * validate arguments; the tests in rename.cc do that. */ void expect_rename(int error) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_RENAME); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(error))); } }; class Setextattr: public DefaultPermissions { public: void expect_setxattr(int error) { EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([=](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETXATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(error))); } }; TEST_F(Access, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; mode_t access_mode = X_OK; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); ASSERT_NE(0, access(FULLPATH, access_mode)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Access, eacces_no_cached_attrs) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; mode_t access_mode = X_OK; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, 0, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, 0); expect_getattr(ino, S_IFREG | 0644, 0, 1); /* * Once default_permissions is properly implemented, there might be * another FUSE_GETATTR or something in here. But there should not be * a FUSE_ACCESS */ ASSERT_NE(0, access(FULLPATH, access_mode)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Access, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; mode_t access_mode = R_OK; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); /* * Once default_permissions is properly implemented, there might be * another FUSE_GETATTR or something in here. */ ASSERT_EQ(0, access(FULLPATH, access_mode)) << strerror(errno); } /* Only root may change a file's owner */ TEST_F(Chown, eperm) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; const uint64_t ino = 42; const mode_t mode = 0755; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1, geteuid()); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | mode, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(0); EXPECT_NE(0, chown(FULLPATH, 0, -1)); EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } /* non-root users may only chgrp a file to a group they belong to */ TEST_F(Chgrp, eperm) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; const uint64_t ino = 42; const mode_t mode = 0755; int ngroups = 64; gid_t groups[ngroups]; uid_t uid; gid_t gid, newgid; int i; uid = geteuid(); gid = getegid(); getgrouplist(getlogin(), getegid(), groups, &ngroups); for (newgid = 0; newgid >= 0; newgid++) { bool belongs = false; for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { if (groups[i] == newgid) belongs = true; } if (!belongs) break; } /* newgid is now a group to which the current user does not belong */ expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1, uid, gid); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | mode, UINT64_MAX, uid, gid); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(0); EXPECT_NE(0, chown(FULLPATH, -1, newgid)); EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } TEST_F(Chgrp, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; const uint64_t ino = 42; const mode_t mode = 0755; uid_t uid; gid_t gid, newgid; uid = geteuid(); gid = 0; newgid = getegid(); expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1, uid, gid); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | mode, UINT64_MAX, uid, gid); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(0); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR && in->header.nodeid == ino); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([=](auto in __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, attr); out->body.attr.attr.mode = S_IFREG | mode; out->body.attr.attr.uid = uid; out->body.attr.attr.gid = newgid; }))); EXPECT_EQ(0, chown(FULLPATH, -1, newgid)) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Create, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int fd; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1); EXPECT_LOOKUP(1, RELPATH).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); expect_create(RELPATH, ino); fd = open(FULLPATH, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644); EXPECT_LE(0, fd) << strerror(errno); /* Deliberately leak fd. close(2) will be tested in release.cc */ } TEST_F(Create, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); EXPECT_LOOKUP(1, RELPATH).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); EXPECT_EQ(-1, open(FULLPATH, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644)); EXPECT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Deleteextattr, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, 0); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_delete_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo")); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Deleteextattr, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); expect_removexattr(); ASSERT_EQ(0, extattr_delete_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo")) << strerror(errno); } /* Delete system attributes requires superuser privilege */ TEST_F(Deleteextattr, system) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0666, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_delete_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo")); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } /* Deleting user attributes merely requires WRITE privilege */ TEST_F(Deleteextattr, user) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0666, UINT64_MAX, 0); expect_removexattr(); ASSERT_EQ(0, extattr_delete_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo")) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Getextattr, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; char data[80]; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0600, UINT64_MAX, 0); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_get_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", data, sizeof(data))); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Getextattr, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; char data[80]; const char value[] = "whatever"; ssize_t value_len = strlen(value) + 1; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; ssize_t r; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); /* Getting user attributes only requires read access */ expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0444, UINT64_MAX, 0); expect_getxattr( ReturnImmediate([&](auto in __unused, auto out) { memcpy((void*)out->body.bytes, value, value_len); out->header.len = sizeof(out->header) + value_len; }) ); r = extattr_get_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", data, sizeof(data)); ASSERT_EQ(value_len, r) << strerror(errno); EXPECT_STREQ(value, data); } /* Getting system attributes requires superuser privileges */ TEST_F(Getextattr, system) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; char data[80]; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0666, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_get_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", data, sizeof(data))); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } TEST_F(Listextattr, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0600, UINT64_MAX, 0); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_list_file(FULLPATH, ns, NULL, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Listextattr, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1); /* Listing user extended attributes merely requires read access */ expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, 0); expect_listxattr(); ASSERT_EQ(0, extattr_list_file(FULLPATH, ns, NULL, 0)) << strerror(errno); } /* Listing system xattrs requires superuser privileges */ TEST_F(Listextattr, system) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1); /* Listing user extended attributes merely requires read access */ expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_list_file(FULLPATH, ns, NULL, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } /* A component of the search path lacks execute permissions */ TEST_F(Lookup, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_dir/some_file.txt"; const char RELDIRPATH[] = "some_dir"; uint64_t dir_ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELDIRPATH, dir_ino, S_IFDIR | 0700, UINT64_MAX, 0); EXPECT_EQ(-1, access(FULLPATH, F_OK)); EXPECT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Open, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); EXPECT_NE(0, open(FULLPATH, O_RDWR)); EXPECT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Open, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; int fd; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_open(ino, 0, 1); fd = open(FULLPATH, O_RDONLY); EXPECT_LE(0, fd) << strerror(errno); /* Deliberately leak fd. close(2) will be tested in release.cc */ } TEST_F(Rename, eacces_on_srcdir) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/d/dst"; const char RELDST[] = "d/dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); EXPECT_LOOKUP(1, RELDST) .Times(AnyNumber()) .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); ASSERT_EQ(-1, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Rename, eacces_on_dstdir_for_creating) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/d/dst"; const char RELDSTDIR[] = "d"; const char RELDST[] = "dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t src_ino = 42; uint64_t dstdir_ino = 43; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, src_ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_lookup(RELDSTDIR, dstdir_ino, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX); EXPECT_LOOKUP(dstdir_ino, RELDST).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); ASSERT_EQ(-1, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Rename, eacces_on_dstdir_for_removing) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/d/dst"; const char RELDSTDIR[] = "d"; const char RELDST[] = "dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t src_ino = 42; uint64_t dstdir_ino = 43; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, src_ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_lookup(RELDSTDIR, dstdir_ino, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX); EXPECT_LOOKUP(dstdir_ino, RELDST).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); ASSERT_EQ(-1, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Rename, eperm_on_sticky_srcdir) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/d/dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 01777, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); ASSERT_EQ(-1, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } TEST_F(Rename, eperm_on_sticky_dstdir) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/d/dst"; const char RELDSTDIR[] = "d"; const char RELDST[] = "dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t src_ino = 42; uint64_t dstdir_ino = 43; uint64_t dst_ino = 44; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, src_ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_lookup(RELDSTDIR, dstdir_ino, S_IFDIR | 01777, UINT64_MAX); EXPECT_LOOKUP(dstdir_ino, RELDST) .WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([=](auto in __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, entry); out->body.entry.attr.mode = S_IFREG | 0644; out->body.entry.nodeid = dst_ino; out->body.entry.attr_valid = UINT64_MAX; out->body.entry.entry_valid = UINT64_MAX; out->body.entry.attr.uid = 0; }))); ASSERT_EQ(-1, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } /* Successfully rename a file, overwriting the destination */ TEST_F(Rename, ok) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/dst"; const char RELDST[] = "dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; // The inode of the already-existing destination file uint64_t dst_ino = 2; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1, geteuid()); expect_lookup(RELSRC, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_lookup(RELDST, dst_ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX); expect_rename(0); ASSERT_EQ(0, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Rename, ok_to_remove_src_because_of_stickiness) { const char FULLDST[] = "mountpoint/dst"; const char RELDST[] = "dst"; const char FULLSRC[] = "mountpoint/src"; const char RELSRC[] = "src"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 01777, UINT64_MAX, 1, 0); expect_lookup(RELSRC, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); EXPECT_LOOKUP(1, RELDST).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnErrno(ENOENT))); expect_rename(0); ASSERT_EQ(0, rename(FULLSRC, FULLDST)) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Setattr, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; const uint64_t ino = 42; const mode_t oldmode = 0755; const mode_t newmode = 0644; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | oldmode, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR && in->header.nodeid == ino && in->body.setattr.mode == newmode); }, Eq(true)), _) ).WillOnce(Invoke(ReturnImmediate([](auto in __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, attr); out->body.attr.attr.mode = S_IFREG | newmode; }))); EXPECT_EQ(0, chmod(FULLPATH, newmode)) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Setattr, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; const uint64_t ino = 42; const mode_t oldmode = 0755; const mode_t newmode = 0644; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | oldmode, UINT64_MAX, 0); EXPECT_CALL(*m_mock, process( ResultOf([](auto in) { return (in->header.opcode == FUSE_SETATTR); }, Eq(true)), _) ).Times(0); EXPECT_NE(0, chmod(FULLPATH, newmode)); EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } TEST_F(Setextattr, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; const char value[] = "whatever"; ssize_t value_len = strlen(value) + 1; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; ssize_t r; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); expect_setxattr(0); r = extattr_set_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", (void*)value, value_len); ASSERT_EQ(value_len, r) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Setextattr, eacces) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; const char value[] = "whatever"; ssize_t value_len = strlen(value) + 1; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, 0); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_set_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", (void*)value, value_len)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } // Setting system attributes requires superuser privileges TEST_F(Setextattr, system) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; const char value[] = "whatever"; ssize_t value_len = strlen(value) + 1; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_SYSTEM; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0666, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, extattr_set_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", (void*)value, value_len)); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); } // Setting user attributes merely requires write privileges TEST_F(Setextattr, user) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; const char value[] = "whatever"; ssize_t value_len = strlen(value) + 1; int ns = EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER; ssize_t r; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0666, UINT64_MAX, 0); expect_setxattr(0); r = extattr_set_file(FULLPATH, ns, "foo", (void*)value, value_len); ASSERT_EQ(value_len, r) << strerror(errno); } TEST_F(Unlink, ok) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0777, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); expect_unlink(1, RELPATH, 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink(FULLPATH)) << strerror(errno); } /* * Ensure that a cached name doesn't cause unlink to bypass permission checks * in VOP_LOOKUP. * * This test should pass because lookup(9) purges the namecache entry by doing * a vfs_cache_lookup with ~MAKEENTRY when nameiop == DELETE. */ TEST_F(Unlink, cached_unwritable_directory) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); EXPECT_LOOKUP(1, RELPATH) .Times(AnyNumber()) .WillRepeatedly(Invoke( ReturnImmediate([=](auto i __unused, auto out) { SET_OUT_HEADER_LEN(out, entry); out->body.entry.attr.mode = S_IFREG | 0644; out->body.entry.nodeid = ino; out->body.entry.entry_valid = UINT64_MAX; })) ); /* Fill name cache */ ASSERT_EQ(0, access(FULLPATH, F_OK)) << strerror(errno); /* Despite cached name , unlink should fail */ ASSERT_EQ(-1, unlink(FULLPATH)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Unlink, unwritable_directory) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 0755, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, geteuid()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, unlink(FULLPATH)); ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno); } TEST_F(Unlink, sticky_directory) { const char FULLPATH[] = "mountpoint/some_file.txt"; const char RELPATH[] = "some_file.txt"; uint64_t ino = 42; expect_getattr(1, S_IFDIR | 01777, UINT64_MAX, 1); expect_lookup(RELPATH, ino, S_IFREG | 0644, UINT64_MAX, 0); ASSERT_EQ(-1, unlink(FULLPATH)); ASSERT_EQ(EPERM, errno); }