bad_interp_len_head() { atf_set "descr" "Bad interpreter length" } bad_interp_len_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:No such file or directory' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper bad_interp_len" } empty_head() { atf_set "descr" "Empty file" } empty_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:Exec format error' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper empty" } good_aout_head() { atf_set "descr" "Good a.out" } good_aout_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 -e empty -o 'match:succeeded' \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper ./good_aout" } good_script_head() { atf_set "descr" "Good script" } good_script_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 -e empty -o 'match:succeeded' \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper good_script" } non_exist_head() { atf_set "descr" "Non-existent file" } non_exist_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:No such file or directory' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper non_exist" } non_exist_shell_head() { atf_set "descr" "Non-existent shell" } non_exist_shell_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:No such file or directory' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper non_exist_shell" } script_arg_head() { atf_set "descr" "-x in the shebang" } script_arg_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 -e 'match:\+ echo succeeded' -o 'match:succeeded' \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper script_arg" } script_arg_nospace_head() { atf_set "descr" '-x in the shebang; no space between #! and /bin/sh' } script_arg_nospace_body() { atf_check -s exit:0 -e 'match:\+ echo succeeded' -o 'match:succeeded' \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper script_arg_nospace" } sparse_aout_head() { atf_set "descr" 'Sparse file' } sparse_aout_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:Exec format error' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper sparse_aout" } trunc_aout_head() { atf_set "descr" 'Truncated file' } trunc_aout_body() { atf_check -s exit:1 -e 'match:Exec format error' -o empty \ -x "cd $(atf_get_srcdir) && ./execve_helper trunc_aout" } atf_init_test_cases() { atf_add_test_case bad_interp_len atf_add_test_case empty atf_add_test_case good_aout atf_add_test_case good_script atf_add_test_case non_exist atf_add_test_case non_exist_shell atf_add_test_case script_arg atf_add_test_case script_arg_nospace atf_add_test_case sparse_aout atf_add_test_case trunc_aout }