* Copyright (C) 2004 Reini Urban * * This file is part of PhpWiki. * * PhpWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PhpWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PhpWiki; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Unit tests for PhpWiki. * * You must have PEAR's PHPUnit package . * These tests are unrelated to test/maketest.pl, which do not use PHPUnit. * These tests run from the command-line as well as from the browser. * Use the argv (from cli) or tests (from browser) params to run only certain tests. * * $ tests.php test= test= ... db=dba debug=9 level=10 */ /**************************************************************** User definable options *****************************************************************/ // common cfg options are taken from config/config.ini define('GROUP_METHOD', 'NONE'); define('USE_DB_SESSION', false); define('RATING_STORAGE', 'WIKIPAGE'); // memory usage: (8MB limit on certain servers) // setupwiki // cli: Mem16712 => Mem16928 // web: Mem21216 => Mem26332 (5MB) // dumphtml: // cli: Mem20696 => Mem31240 (with USECACHE) (10MB) // cli: Mem20240 => Mem30212 (without USECACHE) (10MB) // web: Mem29424 => Mem35400 (without USECACHE) (6MB) //define('USECACHE', false); // available database backends to test: $database_backends = array( 'file', 'dba', 'SQL', 'ADODB', ); // "flatfile" testing occurs in "tests/unit/.testbox/" // "dba" needs the DATABASE_DBA_HANDLER, also in the .textbox directory $database_dba_handler = (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') ? "db3" : "gdbm"; // "SQL" and "ADODB" need delete permissions to the test db // You have to create that database beforehand with our schema $database_dsn = "mysql://wikiuser:@localhost/phpwiki_test"; // For "cvs" see the seperate tests/unit_test_backend_cvs.php #################################################################### # # Preamble needed to get the tests to run. # #################################################################### $cur_dir = getcwd(); # Add root dir to the path if (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') $cur_dir = str_replace("\\","/", $cur_dir); $rootdir = $cur_dir . '/../../'; $ini_sep = substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN' ? ';' : ':'; ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . $ini_sep . $rootdir . $ini_sep . $rootdir . "lib/pear"); if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_NAME"] == 'phpwiki.sourceforge.net') { ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ":/usr/share/pear"); //define('ENABLE_PAGEPERM',false); // costs nothing define('USECACHE',false); define('WIKIDB_NOCACHE_MARKUP',1); } # Quiet warnings in IniConfig.php $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = "PHPUnit"; function printMemoryUsage($msg = '') { static $mem = 0; if ($msg) echo $msg,"\n"; if ((defined('DEBUG') and (DEBUG & 8)) or !defined('DEBUG')) { echo "-- MEMORY USAGE: "; $oldmem = $mem; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') and memory_get_usage()) { $mem = memory_get_usage(); } elseif (function_exists('getrusage') and ($u = getrusage()) and !empty($u['ru_maxrss'])) { $mem = $u['ru_maxrss']; } elseif (substr(PHP_OS,0,3)=='WIN') { // requires a newer cygwin // what we want is the process memory only: apache or php $pid = getmypid(); // This works only if it's a cygwin process (apache or php) //$mem = (integer) trim(system("cat /proc/$pid/statm |cut -f1")); // if it's native windows use something like this: // (requires pslist from sysinternals.com) $memstr = system("pslist $pid|grep -A1 Mem|sed 1d|perl -ane\"print \$"."F[5]\""); $mem = (integer) trim($memstr); } else { $pid = getmypid(); //%MEM: Percentage of total memory in use by this process //VSZ: Total virtual memory size, in 1K blocks. //RSS: Real Set Size, the actual amount of physical memory allocated to this process. //CPU time used by process since it started. //echo "%",`ps -o%mem,vsz,rss,time -p $pid|sed 1d`,"\n"; $memstr = system("ps -orss -p $pid|sed 1d"); $mem = (integer) trim($memstr); } echo sprintf("%8d (%+4d)\n", $mem, $mem - $oldmem); flush(); } } function printSimpleTrace($bt) { //print_r($bt); echo "Traceback:\n"; foreach ($bt as $i => $elem) { if (!array_key_exists('file', $elem)) { continue; } print " " . $elem['file'] . ':' . $elem['line'] . "\n"; } } # Show lots of detail when an assert() in the code fails function assert_callback( $script, $line, $message ) { echo "assert failed: script ", $script," line ", $line," :"; echo "$message"; echo "Traceback:\n"; printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()); exit; } $foo = assert_options( ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'assert_callback'); # # Get error reporting to call back, too # // set the error reporting level for this script if (defined('E_STRICT') and (E_ALL & E_STRICT)) // strict php5? error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); // exclude E_STRICT else error_reporting(E_ALL); // php4 // This is too strict, fails on every notice and warning. /* function myErrorHandler$errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { echo "$errfile: $errline: error# $errno: $errstr\n"; echo "Traceback:\n"; printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()); } // The ErrorManager version function _ErrorHandler_CB(&$error) { echo "Traceback:\n"; printSimpleTrace(debug_backtrace()); if ($error->isFatal()) { $error->errno = E_USER_WARNING; return true; // ignore error } return true; } // set to the user defined error handler // $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("myErrorHandler"); // This is already done via _DEBUG_TRACE //$ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiFunctionCb('_ErrorHandler_CB')); */ function purge_dir($dir) { static $finder; if (!isset($finder)) { $finder = new FileFinder; } $fileSet = new fileSet($dir); assert(!empty($dir)); foreach ($fileSet->getFiles() as $f) { unlink("$dir/$f"); } } function purge_testbox() { global $db_params; if (isset($GLOBALS['request'])) { $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); } $dir = $db_params['directory']; switch ($db_params['dbtype']) { case 'file': assert(!empty($dir)); foreach (array('latest_ver','links','page_data','ver_data') as $d) { purge_dir("$dir/$d"); } break; case 'SQL': case 'ADODB': foreach ($dbi->_backend->_table_names as $table) { $dbi->genericSqlQuery("DELETE FROM $table"); } break; case 'dba': purge_dir($dir); break; } if (isset($dbi)) { $dbi->_cache->close(); $dbi->_backend->_latest_versions = array(); } } #################################################################### # # End of preamble, run the test suite .. # #################################################################### # lib/config.php might do a cwd() if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'])) echo "
elseif (!empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['argv']))
    $argv = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['argv'];
elseif (!ini_get("register_argc_argv"))
    echo "Could not read cmd args (register_argc_argv=Off?)\n";
// purge the testbox
$debug_level = 9; //_DEBUG_VERBOSE | _DEBUG_TRACE
$user_level  = 1; // BOGO
// use argv (from cli) or tests (from browser) params to run only certain tests
// avoid pear: Console::Getopt
$alltests = array('InlineParserTest','HtmlParserTest','PageListTest','ListPagesTest',
    $argv = array();
    foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $key => $val) {
    	if (is_array($val)) 
    	    foreach ($val as $v) $argv[] = $key."=".$v;
    	elseif (strstr($val,",") and in_array($key,array("test","db")))
    	    foreach (explode(",",$val) as $v) $argv[] = $key."=".$v;
            $argv[] = $key."=".$val;
} elseif (!empty($argv) and preg_match("/test\.php$/", $argv[0]))
if (!empty($argv)) {
    //support db=file db=dba test=SetupWiki test=DumpHtml debug=num
    $runtests = array();
    $run_database_backends = array();
    foreach ($argv as $arg) {
        if (preg_match("/^test=(.+)$/",$arg,$m) and in_array($m[1], $alltests))
            $runtests[] = $m[1];
        elseif (preg_match("/^db=(.+)$/",$arg,$m) and in_array($m[1], $database_backends))
            $run_database_backends[] = $m[1];
        elseif (preg_match("/^debug=(\d+)$/",$arg,$m))
            $debug_level = $m[1];
        elseif (preg_match("/^level=(\d+)$/",$arg,$m))
            $user_level = $m[1];
        elseif (in_array($arg, $alltests))
            $runtests[] = $arg;
        elseif ($debug_level & 1)
            echo "ignored arg: ", $arg, "\n";
    if (!empty($run_database_backends))
        $database_backends = $run_database_backends;
    if (!empty($runtests))
        $alltests = $runtests;
    if ($debug_level & 1) {
        echo "test=", join(",",$alltests),"\n";
        echo "db=", join(",",$database_backends),"\n";
        echo "debug=", $debug_level,"\n";
        echo "level=", $user_level,"\n";
        if ($debug_level & 8) {
            echo "pid=",getmypid(),"\n";
        echo "\n";
define('DEBUG', $debug_level); 

if (DEBUG & 8)
    printMemoryUsage("before PEAR");

# Test files
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';

if (DEBUG & 8)
    printMemoryUsage("after PEAR, before PhpWiki");

define('PHPWIKI_NOMAIN', true);
# Other needed files
require_once $rootdir.'index.php';
require_once $rootdir.'lib/main.php';

if ($debug_level & 9) {
    echo "PHP_OS: ",PHP_OS, "\n";
    echo "PHP_VERSION: ",PHP_VERSION, "\n";
        echo "$v=",(defined($v) and constant($v)) ? constant($v) : "false","\n";

global $ErrorManager;
//FIXME: ignore cached requests (if-modified-since) from cli
class MockRequest extends WikiRequest {
    function MockRequest(&$dbparams) {
        $this->_dbi = WikiDB::open($dbparams);
        $this->_user = new MockUser("a_user", $GLOBALS['user_level']);
        $this->_group = WikiGroup::getGroup();
        $this->_args = array('pagename' => 'HomePage', 'action' => 'browse');
    function getGroup() {
    	if (is_object($this->_group))
            return $this->_group;
        else // FIXME: this is set to "/f:" somewhere.
            return WikiGroup::getGroup();

    class MockUser extends _WikiUser {
        function MockUser($name, $level) {
            $this->_userid = $name;
            $this->_isSignedIn = $level > 1;
            $this->_level = $level;
        function isSignedIn() {
            return $this->_isSignedIn;
} else {
    class MockUser extends WikiUser {
        function MockUser($name, $level) {
            $this->_userid = $name;
            $this->_isSignedIn = $level > 1;
            $this->_level = $level;
        function isSignedIn() {
            return $this->_isSignedIn;

    $request->_user = WikiUser('AnonUser');
else {
    $request->_user = new WikiUser($request, 'AnonUser');
    $request->_prefs = $request->_user->getPreferences();
include_once("themes/" . THEME . "/themeinfo.php");

    printMemoryUsage("after PhpWiki, before tests");

// save and restore all args for each test.
class phpwiki_TestCase extends PHPUnit_TestCase {
    function setUp() { 
        global $request;
        $this->_savedargs = $request->_args;
        $request->_args = array();
        if (DEBUG & 1) {
            echo $this->_name,"\n";
    function tearDown() {
        global $request;
        $request->_args = $this->_savedargs;
        if (DEBUG & _DEBUG_TRACE)

# Test all db backends.
foreach ($database_backends as $dbtype) {

    $suite  = new PHPUnit_TestSuite("phpwiki");

    $db_params                         = array();
    $db_params['directory']            = $cur_dir . '/.testbox';
    $db_params['dsn']                  = $database_dsn;
    $db_params['dba_handler']          = $database_dba_handler;
    $db_params['dbtype']               = $dbtype;

    echo "Testing DB Backend \"$dbtype\" ...\n";
    $request = new MockRequest($db_params);

    foreach ($alltests as $test) {
        if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/'.$test.'.php'))
            require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/'.$test.'.php';
            require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/plugin/'.$test.'.php';
        $suite->addTest( new PHPUnit_TestSuite($test) );

    $result = PHPUnit::run($suite); 
    echo "ran " . $result->runCount() . " tests, " . $result->failureCount() . " failures.\n";

    if ($result->failureCount() > 0) {
        echo "More detail:\n";
        echo $result->toString();

    echo "
\n"; // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>