// Wikipedia JavaScript support functions // if this is true, the toolbar will no longer overwrite the infobox when you move the mouse over individual items var noOverwrite=false; var alertText; var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info var is_gecko = ((clientPC.indexOf('gecko')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('khtml') == -1) && (clientPC.indexOf('netscape/7.0')==-1)); var is_safari = ((clientPC.indexOf('AppleWebKit')!=-1) && (clientPC.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)); var is_khtml = (navigator.vendor == 'KDE' || ( document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled )); if (clientPC.indexOf('opera')!=-1) { var is_opera = true; var is_opera_preseven = (window.opera && !document.childNodes); var is_opera_seven = (window.opera && document.childNodes); } // add any onload functions in this hook (please don't hard-code any events in the xhtml source) function onloadhook () { // don't run anything below this for non-dom browsers if(!(document.getElementById && document.getElementsByTagName)) return; histrowinit(); unhidetzbutton(); tabbedprefs(); } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",onloadhook,false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload",onloadhook); // document.write special stylesheet links function addcss ( stylepath ) { if (is_opera_preseven) { document.write(''); } else if (is_opera_seven) { document.write(''); } else if (is_khtml) { document.write(''); } return; } // Un-trap us from framesets if( window.top != window ) window.top.location = window.location; // for enhanced RecentChanges function toggleVisibility( _levelId, _otherId, _linkId) { var thisLevel = document.getElementById( _levelId ); var otherLevel = document.getElementById( _otherId ); var linkLevel = document.getElementById( _linkId ); if ( thisLevel.style.display == 'none' ) { thisLevel.style.display = 'block'; otherLevel.style.display = 'none'; linkLevel.style.display = 'inline'; } else { thisLevel.style.display = 'none'; otherLevel.style.display = 'inline'; linkLevel.style.display = 'none'; } } // page history stuff // attach event handlers to the input elements on history page function histrowinit () { hf = document.getElementById('pagehistory'); if(!hf) return; lis = hf.getElementsByTagName('LI'); for (i=0;i= 0) ? "-" : "+") + ((tzHour < 10) ? "0" : "") + tzHour + ((tzMin < 10) ? "0" : "") + tzMin; if( tz != tzString ) { var junk = msg.split( '$1' ); document.write( junk[0] + "UTC" + tzString + junk[1] ); } } function unhidetzbutton() { tzb = document.getElementById('guesstimezonebutton') if(tzb) tzb.style.display = 'inline'; } // in [-]HH:MM format... // won't yet work with non-even tzs function fetchTimezone() { // FIXME: work around Safari bug var localclock = new Date(); // returns negative offset from GMT in minutes var tzRaw = localclock.getTimezoneOffset(); var tzHour = Math.floor( Math.abs(tzRaw) / 60); var tzMin = Math.abs(tzRaw) % 60; var tzString = ((tzRaw >= 0) ? "-" : "") + ((tzHour < 10) ? "0" : "") + tzHour + ":" + ((tzMin < 10) ? "0" : "") + tzMin; return tzString; } function guessTimezone(box) { document.preferences.wpHourDiff.value = fetchTimezone(); } function showTocToggle(show,hide) { if (document.getElementById) { document.writeln('[' + '' + '' + hide + '' + ']'); } } function toggleToc() { var toc = document.getElementById('tocinside'); var showlink=document.getElementById('showlink'); var hidelink=document.getElementById('hidelink'); if(toc.style.display == 'none') { toc.style.display = tocWas; hidelink.style.display=''; showlink.style.display='none'; } else { tocWas = toc.style.display; toc.style.display = 'none'; hidelink.style.display='none'; showlink.style.display=''; } } // this function generates the actual toolbar buttons with localized text // we use it to avoid creating the toolbar where javascript is not enabled function addButton(imageFile, speedTip, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) { speedTip=escapeQuotes(speedTip); tagOpen=escapeQuotes(tagOpen); tagClose=escapeQuotes(tagClose); sampleText=escapeQuotes(sampleText); var mouseOver=""; // we can't change the selection, so we show example texts // when moving the mouse instead, until the first button is clicked if(!document.selection && !is_gecko) { // filter backslashes so it can be shown in the infobox var re=new RegExp("\\\\n","g"); tagOpen=tagOpen.replace(re,""); tagClose=tagClose.replace(re,""); mouseOver = "onMouseover=\"if(!noOverwrite){document.infoform.infobox.value='"+tagOpen+sampleText+tagClose+"'};\""; } document.write(""); document.write("\""+speedTip+"\""); document.write(""); return; } function addInfobox(infoText,text_alert) { alertText=text_alert; var clientPC = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // Get client info var re=new RegExp("\\\\n","g"); alertText=alertText.replace(re,"\n"); // if no support for changing selection, add a small copy & paste field // document.selection is an IE-only property. The full toolbar works in IE and // Gecko-based browsers. if(!document.selection && !is_gecko) { infoText=escapeQuotesHTML(infoText); document.write("
"+ "
"); } } function escapeQuotes(text) { var re=new RegExp("'","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\'"); re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,'"'); re=new RegExp("\\n","g"); text=text.replace(re,"\\n"); return text; } function escapeQuotesHTML(text) { var re=new RegExp('"',"g"); text=text.replace(re,"""); return text; } // apply tagOpen/tagClose to selection in textarea, // use sampleText instead of selection if there is none // copied and adapted from phpBB function insertTags(tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText) { var txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1; // IE if(document.selection && !is_gecko) { var theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text; if(!theSelection) { theSelection=sampleText;} txtarea.focus(); if(theSelection.charAt(theSelection.length - 1) == " "){// exclude ending space char, if any theSelection = theSelection.substring(0, theSelection.length - 1); document.selection.createRange().text = tagOpen + theSelection + tagClose + " "; } else { document.selection.createRange().text = tagOpen + theSelection + tagClose; } // Mozilla } else if(txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart; var endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd; var scrollTop=txtarea.scrollTop; var myText = (txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos); if(!myText) { myText=sampleText;} if(myText.charAt(myText.length - 1) == " "){ // exclude ending space char, if any subst = tagOpen + myText.substring(0, (myText.length - 1)) + tagClose + " "; } else { subst = tagOpen + myText + tagClose; } txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + subst + txtarea.value.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length); txtarea.focus(); var cPos=startPos+(tagOpen.length+myText.length+tagClose.length); txtarea.selectionStart=cPos; txtarea.selectionEnd=cPos; txtarea.scrollTop=scrollTop; // All others } else { var copy_alertText=alertText; var re1=new RegExp("\\$1","g"); var re2=new RegExp("\\$2","g"); copy_alertText=copy_alertText.replace(re1,sampleText); copy_alertText=copy_alertText.replace(re2,tagOpen+sampleText+tagClose); var text; if (sampleText) { text=prompt(copy_alertText); } else { text=""; } if(!text) { text=sampleText;} text=tagOpen+text+tagClose; document.infoform.infobox.value=text; // in Safari this causes scrolling if(!is_safari) { txtarea.focus(); } noOverwrite=true; } // reposition cursor if possible if (txtarea.createTextRange) txtarea.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); } // This script was provided for free by // http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/domcss // See http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html function getAllSheets() { if( !window.ScriptEngine && navigator.__ice_version ) { return document.styleSheets; } if( document.getElementsByTagName ) { var Lt = document.getElementsByTagName('link'), St = document.getElementsByTagName('style'); } else if( document.styleSheets && document.all ) { var Lt = document.all.tags('LINK'), St = document.all.tags('STYLE'); } else { return []; } for( var x = 0, os = []; Lt[x]; x++ ) { var rel = Lt[x].rel ? Lt[x].rel : Lt[x].getAttribute ? Lt[x].getAttribute('rel') : ''; if( typeof( rel ) == 'string' && rel.toLowerCase().indexOf('style') + 1 ) { os[os.length] = Lt[x]; } } for( var x = 0; St[x]; x++ ) { os[os.length] = St[x]; } return os; } function changeStyle() { for( var x = 0, ss = getAllSheets(); ss[x]; x++ ) { if( ss[x].title ) { ss[x].disabled = true; } for( var y = 0; y < arguments.length; y++ ) { if( ss[x].title == arguments[y] ) { ss[x].disabled = false; } } } } function PrinterStylesheet() { changeStyle('Printer'); }