getButtonSeparator(); $this->setButtonSeparator(HTML::Raw('
· ')); //$this->setButtonSeparator("\n"); //$Theme->setButtonSeparator($old); } if ($name == "actionbar" || $name == "signin") { //$old = $Theme->getButtonSeparator(); //$this->setButtonSeparator(HTML::br()); $this->setButtonSeparator(" "); //$Theme->setButtonSeparator($old); } return $this->_path . $this->_findFile("templates/$name.tmpl"); } function calendarLink($date = false) { return $this->calendarBase() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $date ? $date : time()); } function calendarBase() { static $UserCalPageTitle = false; if (!$UserCalPageTitle) $UserCalPageTitle = $GLOBALS['request']->_user->getId() . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _("Calendar"); return $UserCalPageTitle; } } $Theme = new Theme_Sidebar('Sidebar'); $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); // display flat calender dhtml under the clock if ($dbi->isWikiPage($Theme->calendarBase())) { $jslang = @$GLOBALS['LANG']; $Theme->addMoreHeaders($Theme->_CSSlink(0, $Theme->_findFile('jscalendar/calendar-phpwiki.css'),'all')); $Theme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $Theme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $Theme->_findData('jscalendar/calendar_stripped.js')))); $Theme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); if (!($langfile = $Theme->_findData("jscalendar/lang/calendar-$jslang.js"))) $langfile = $Theme->_findData("jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"); $Theme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('',array('src' => $langfile))); $Theme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); $Theme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $Theme->_findData('jscalendar/calendar-setup_stripped.js')))); $Theme->addMoreHeaders("\n"); } // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this // style. The companion '*-heavy.css' file isn't defined, it's just // expected to be in the same directory that the base style is in. //$Theme->setDefaultCSS(_("Sidebar"), 'sidebar.css'); //$Theme->addAlternateCSS('PhpWiki', 'phpwiki.css'); $Theme->setDefaultCSS('PhpWiki', 'phpwiki.css'); $Theme->addAlternateCSS(_("Printer"), 'phpwiki-printer.css', 'print, screen'); $Theme->addAlternateCSS(_("Modern"), 'phpwiki-modern.css'); /** * The logo image appears on every page and links to the HomePage. */ //$Theme->addImageAlias('logo', 'logo.png'); /** * The Signature image is shown after saving an edited page. If this * is not set, any signature defined in index.php will be used. If it * is not defined by index.php or in here then the "Thank you for * editing..." screen will be omitted. */ // Comment this next line out to enable signature. $Theme->addImageAlias('signature', false); /* * Link icons. */ $Theme->setLinkIcon('http'); $Theme->setLinkIcon('https'); $Theme->setLinkIcon('ftp'); $Theme->setLinkIcon('mailto'); $Theme->setLinkIcon('interwiki'); $Theme->setLinkIcon('*', 'url'); //$Theme->setButtonSeparator(' | '); /** * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo. */ $Theme->setAutosplitWikiWords(true); /** * If true (default) show create '?' buttons on not existing pages, even if the * user is not signed in. * If false, anon users get no links and it looks cleaner, but then they * cannot easily fix missing pages. */ $Theme->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); /* * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times * below. (These examples give the default formats.) * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See * for details. * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the * user's time zone. */ //$Theme->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>