.. > .. * Right sidebar boxes: Archives, Syndication, Links, GoogleAds * * Happy blogging. */ require_once('lib/Theme.php'); require_once('themes/Sidebar/themeinfo.php'); class Theme_blog extends Theme_Sidebar { function _findFile ($file, $missing_okay=false) { if (file_exists($this->_path . "themes/".$this->_name."/$file")) return "themes/".$this->_name."/$file"; if (file_exists($this->_path . "themes/Sidebar/$file")) return "themes/Sidebar/$file"; return parent::_findFile($file, $missing_okay); } function _labelForAction ($action) { switch ($action) { case 'edit': return _("Edit"); case 'diff': return _("Diff"); case 'logout': return _("SignOut"); case 'login': return _("SignIn"); case 'lock': return _("Lock"); case 'unlock': return _("Unlock"); case 'remove': return _("Remove"); default: return gettext(ucfirst($action)); } } function getRecentChangesFormatter ($format) { include_once($this->file('lib/RecentChanges.php')); if (preg_match('/^rss|^sidebar/', $format)) return false; // use default if ($format == 'box') return '_blog_RecentChanges_BoxFormatter'; return '_blog_RecentChanges_Formatter'; } /* TODO: use the blog summary as label instead of the pagename */ function linkExistingWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext = '', $version = false) { global $request; if ($version !== false and !$this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX) $url = WikiURL($wikiword, array('version' => $version)); else $url = WikiURL($wikiword); // Extra steps for dumping page to an html file. if ($this->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX) { $url = preg_replace('/^\./', '%2e', $url); // dot pages } $link = HTML::a(array('href' => $url)); if (isa($wikiword, 'WikiPageName')) $default_text = $wikiword->shortName; else $default_text = $wikiword; if (!empty($linktext)) { $link->pushContent($linktext); $link->setAttr('class', 'named-wiki'); $link->setAttr('title', $this->maybeSplitWikiWord($default_text)); } else { //TODO: check if wikiblog $link->pushContent($this->maybeSplitWikiWord($default_text)); $link->setAttr('class', 'wiki'); } if ($request->getArg('frame')) $link->setAttr('target', '_top'); return $link; } } $WikiTheme = new Theme_blog('blog'); // CSS file defines fonts, colors and background images for this // style. // override sidebar definitions: $WikiTheme->setDefaultCSS(_("blog"), 'Kubrick.css'); $WikiTheme->addButtonAlias(_("(diff)"), "[diff]" ); $WikiTheme->addButtonAlias("...", "alltime"); $WikiTheme->setButtonSeparator(""); /** * WikiWords can automatically be split by inserting spaces between * the words. The default is to leave WordsSmashedTogetherLikeSo. */ $WikiTheme->setAutosplitWikiWords(false); /** * If true (default) show create '?' buttons on not existing pages, even if the * user is not signed in. * If false, anon users get no links and it looks cleaner, but then they * cannot easily fix missing pages. */ $WikiTheme->setAnonEditUnknownLinks(false); /* * You may adjust the formats used for formatting dates and times * below. (These examples give the default formats.) * Formats are given as format strings to PHP strftime() function See * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php for details. * Do not include the server's zone (%Z), times are converted to the * user's time zone. */ //$WikiTheme->setDateFormat("%B %d, %Y"); $WikiTheme->setDateFormat("%A, %B %e, %Y"); // must not contain time $WikiTheme->setTimeFormat("%H:%M:%S"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>