/* ASCIIsvg.js ============== JavaScript routines to dynamically generate Scalable Vector Graphics using a mathematical xy-coordinate system (y increases upwards) and very intuitive JavaScript commands (no programming experience required). ASCIIsvg.js is good for learning math and illustrating online math texts. Works with Internet Explorer+Adobe SVGviewer and SVG enabled Mozilla/Firefox. Ver 1.2.7 Oct 13, 2005 (c) Peter Jipsen http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen Latest version at http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen/svg/ASCIIsvg.js If you use it on a webpage, please send the URL to jipsen@chapman.edu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) for more details.*/ var checkIfSVGavailable = true; var notifyIfNoSVG = true; var alertIfNoSVG = false; var xunitlength = 20; // pixels var yunitlength = 20; // pixels var origin = [0,0]; // in pixels (default is bottom left corner) var defaultwidth = 300; defaultheight = 200; defaultborder = 0; var border = defaultborder; var strokewidth, strokedasharray, stroke, fill; var fontstyle, fontfamily, fontsize, fontweight, fontstroke, fontfill; var markerstrokewidth = "1"; var markerstroke = "black"; var markerfill = "yellow"; var marker = "none"; var arrowfill = stroke; var dotradius = 4; var ticklength = 4; var axesstroke = "black"; var gridstroke = "grey"; var pointerpos = null; var coordinates = null; var above = "above"; var below = "below"; var left = "left"; var right = "right"; var aboveleft = "aboveleft"; var aboveright = "aboveright"; var belowleft = "belowleft"; var belowright = "belowright"; var cpi = "\u03C0", ctheta = "\u03B8"; var pi = Math.PI, ln = Math.log, e = Math.E; var arcsin = Math.asin, arccos = Math.acos, arctan = Math.atan; var sec = function(x) { return 1/Math.cos(x) }; var csc = function(x) { return 1/Math.sin(x) }; var cot = function(x) { return 1/Math.tan(x) }; var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xscl, yscl, xgrid, ygrid, xtick, ytick, initialized; var isIE = document.createElementNS==null; var picture, svgpicture, doc, width, height, a, b, c, d, i, n, p, t, x, y; var arcsec = function(x) { return arccos(1/x) }; var arccsc = function(x) { return arcsin(1/x) }; var arccot = function(x) { return arctan(1/x) }; var sinh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/2 }; var cosh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x))/2 }; var tanh = function(x) { return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x)) }; var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) }; var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) }; var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) }; var arcsinh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x+1)) }; var arccosh = function(x) { return ln(x+Math.sqrt(x*x-1)) }; var arctanh = function(x) { return ln((1+x)/(1-x))/2 }; var sech = function(x) { return 1/cosh(x) }; var csch = function(x) { return 1/sinh(x) }; var coth = function(x) { return 1/tanh(x) }; var arcsech = function(x) { return arccosh(1/x) }; var arccsch = function(x) { return arcsinh(1/x) }; var arccoth = function(x) { return arctanh(1/x) }; var sign = function(x) { return (x==0?0:(x<0?-1:1)) }; function factorial(x,n) { if (n==null) n=1; for (var i=x-n; i>0; i-=n) x*=i; return (x<0?NaN:(x==0?1:x)); } function C(x,k) { var res=1; for (var i=0; i0) if (alertIfNoSVG) alert("To view the SVG pictures in Internet Explorer\n\ download the free Adobe SVGviewer from www.adobe.com/svg or\n\ use Firefox 1.5 preview (called Deerpark)"); else { var ASbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; ASbody.insertBefore(nd,ASbody.childNodes[0]); } } if (nd == null) { for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null; xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null; initialized = false; picture = (isIE ? pictures[index] : pictures[0]); src = picture.getAttribute("script"); if (src==null) src = ""; ht = picture.getAttribute("height"); if (ht==null) ht =""; if (ht!="") defaultborder = 25; if (ht=="" || src=="") if (document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input")==null) { if (isIE && src.indexOf("nobutton()")==-1) picture.parentNode.insertBefore(myCreateElementXHTML("br"),picture); node = myCreateElementXHTML("textarea"); node.setAttribute("rows","10"); node.setAttribute("cols","60"); // node.setAttribute("style","display:block"); if (isIE) src = src.replace(/([^\r])\n/g,"$1\r").slice(1); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(src)); if (src.indexOf("showcode()")==-1) node.style.display = "none"; node.setAttribute("id","picture"+(index+1)+"input"); picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture); if (src.indexOf("nobutton()")==-1) { picture.parentNode.insertBefore(myCreateElementXHTML("br"),picture); node = myCreateElementXHTML("button"); if (isIE) node.onclick = function() { showHideCode(this) }; else node.setAttribute("onclick","showHideCode(this)"); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Show/Hide")); picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture); node = myCreateElementXHTML("button"); if (isIE) node.onclick = ASfn[index]; else node.setAttribute("onclick","updatePicture("+index+")"); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Update")); if (src.indexOf("showCode()")==-1) node.style.display = "none"; picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture); /* node = myCreateElementXHTML("span"); // node.setAttribute("id","AScoord"+index); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode("(x,y)")); picture.parentNode.insertBefore(node,picture); */ picture.parentNode.insertBefore(myCreateElementXHTML("br"),picture); } if (isIE) picture.onmousemove = ASupdateCoords[index]; else picture.setAttribute("onmousemove","updateCoords"+index+"()"); } else src = document.getElementById("picture"+(index+1)+"input").value; src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r]+?)\,/g,"plot\(\"$1\","); src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r]+)\)/g,"plot(\"$1\")"); src = src.replace(/([0-9])([a-zA-Z])/g,"$1*$2"); src = src.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1"); // eval(src.replace(/\s\s/g,";")); //for XML version id = picture.getAttribute("id"); dsvg = picture.getAttribute("src"); onmov = picture.getAttribute("onmousemove"); if (id == null || id == "") { id = "picture"+(index+1); picture.setAttribute("id",id); } try { with (Math) eval(src); } catch(err) {alert(err+"\n"+src)} if (isIE) src = src.replace(/([^\r])\n/g,"$1\r"); setText("",id+"script"); // setText(src.replace(/\s\s/g,"\r"),id+"script"); //for XML version } } } function switchTo(id) { //alert(id); picture = document.getElementById(id); width = picture.getAttribute("width")-0; height = picture.getAttribute("height")-0; strokewidth = "1" // pixel stroke = "black"; // default line color fill = "none"; // default fill color marker = "none"; if ((picture.nodeName == "EMBED" || picture.nodeName == "embed") && isIE) { svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root"); doc = picture.getSVGDocument(); } else { picture.setAttribute("onmousemove","updateCoords"+(id.slice(id.length-1)-1)+"()"); //alert(picture.getAttribute("onmousemove")+"***"); svgpicture = picture; doc = document; } xunitlength = svgpicture.getAttribute("xunitlength")-0; yunitlength = svgpicture.getAttribute("yunitlength")-0; xmin = svgpicture.getAttribute("xmin")-0; xmax = svgpicture.getAttribute("xmax")-0; ymin = svgpicture.getAttribute("ymin")-0; ymax = svgpicture.getAttribute("ymax")-0; origin = [svgpicture.getAttribute("ox")-0,svgpicture.getAttribute("oy")-0]; } function updatePicture(obj) { //alert(typeof obj) var src = document.getElementById((typeof obj=="string"? obj:"picture"+(obj+1)+"input")).value; xmin = null; xmax = null; ymin = null; ymax = null; xscl = null; xgrid = null; yscl = null; ygrid = null; initialized = false; switchTo((typeof obj=="string"?obj.slice(0,8):"picture"+(obj+1))); src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r]+?)\,/g,"plot\(\"$1\","); src = src.replace(/plot\(\x20*([^\"f\[][^\n\r]+)\)/g,"plot(\"$1\")"); src = src.replace(/([0-9])([a-zA-Z])/g,"$1*$2"); src = src.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1"); //alert(src); try { with (Math) eval(src); } catch(err) {alert(err+"\n"+src)} } function showHideCode(obj) { var node = obj.nextSibling; while (node != null && node.nodeName != "BUTTON" && node.nodeName != "button") node = node.nextSibling; if (node.style.display == "none") node.style.display = ""; else node.style.display = "none"; while (node != null && node.nodeName != "TEXTAREA" && node.nodeName != "textarea") node = node.previousSibling; if (node.style.display == "none") node.style.display = ""; else node.style.display = "none"; // updatePicture(node.getAttribute("id")); } function hideCode() { //do nothing } function showcode() { //do nothing } function nobutton() { //do nothing } function setBorder(x) { border = x } function initPicture(x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max) { if (!initialized) { strokewidth = "1"; // pixel strokedasharray = null; stroke = "black"; // default line color fill = "none"; // default fill color fontstyle = "italic"; // default shape for text labels fontfamily = "times"; // default font fontsize = "16"; // default size fontweight = "normal"; fontstroke = "none"; // default font outline color fontfill = "none"; // default font color marker = "none"; initialized = true; if (x_min!=null) xmin = x_min; if (x_max!=null) xmax = x_max; if (y_min!=null) ymin = y_min; if (y_max!=null) ymax = y_max; if (xmin==null) xmin = -5; if (xmax==null) xmax = 5; if (typeof xmin != "number" || typeof xmax != "number" || xmin >= xmax) alert("Picture requires at least two numbers: xmin < xmax"); else if (y_max != null && (typeof y_min != "number" || typeof y_max != "number" || y_min >= y_max)) alert("initPicture(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) requires numbers ymin < ymax"); else { if (width==null) width = picture.getAttribute("width"); else picture.setAttribute("width",width); if (width==null || width=="") width=defaultwidth; if (height==null) height = picture.getAttribute("height"); else picture.setAttribute("height",height); if (height==null || height=="") height=defaultheight; xunitlength = (width-2*border)/(xmax-xmin); yunitlength = xunitlength; //alert(xmin+" "+xmax+" "+ymin+" "+ymax) if (ymin==null) { origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,height/2]; ymin = -(height-2*border)/(2*yunitlength); ymax = -ymin; } else { if (ymax!=null) yunitlength = (height-2*border)/(ymax-ymin); else ymax = (height-2*border)/yunitlength + ymin; origin = [-xmin*xunitlength+border,-ymin*yunitlength+border]; } // if (true ||picture.nodeName == "EMBED" || picture.nodeName == "embed") { if (isIE) { svgpicture = picture.getSVGDocument().getElementById("root"); while (svgpicture.childNodes.length()>5) svgpicture.removeChild(svgpicture.lastChild); svgpicture.setAttribute("width",width); svgpicture.setAttribute("height",height); doc = picture.getSVGDocument(); } else { var qnode = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","svg"); qnode.setAttribute("id",picture.getAttribute("id")); qnode.setAttribute("style","display:inline"); qnode.setAttribute("width",picture.getAttribute("width")); qnode.setAttribute("height",picture.getAttribute("height")); if (picture.parentNode!=null) picture.parentNode.replaceChild(qnode,picture); else svgpicture.parentNode.replaceChild(qnode,svgpicture); svgpicture = qnode; doc = document; pointerpos = doc.getElementById("pointerpos"); if (pointerpos==null) { pointerpos = myCreateElementSVG("circle"); pointerpos.setAttribute("id","pointerpos"); pointerpos.setAttribute("cx",0); pointerpos.setAttribute("cy",0); pointerpos.setAttribute("r",0.5); pointerpos.setAttribute("fill","red"); svgpicture.appendChild(pointerpos); } } // } else { // svgpicture = picture; // doc = document; // } svgpicture.setAttribute("xunitlength",xunitlength); svgpicture.setAttribute("yunitlength",yunitlength); svgpicture.setAttribute("xmin",xmin); svgpicture.setAttribute("xmax",xmax); svgpicture.setAttribute("ymin",ymin); svgpicture.setAttribute("ymax",ymax); svgpicture.setAttribute("ox",origin[0]); svgpicture.setAttribute("oy",origin[1]); var node = myCreateElementSVG("rect"); node.setAttribute("x","0"); node.setAttribute("y","0"); node.setAttribute("width",width); node.setAttribute("height",height); node.setAttribute("style","stroke-width:1;fill:white"); svgpicture.appendChild(node); if (!isIE && picture.getAttribute("onmousemove")!=null) { svgpicture.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove_listener, true); var st = picture.getAttribute("onmousemove"); svgpicture.addEventListener("mousemove", eval(st.slice(0,st.indexOf("("))), true); node = myCreateElementSVG("polyline"); node.setAttribute("points","0,0 "+width+",0"); node.setAttribute("style","stroke:white; stroke-width:3"); node.addEventListener("mousemove", top_listener, true); svgpicture.appendChild(node); node = myCreateElementSVG("polyline"); node.setAttribute("points","0,"+height+" "+width+","+height); node.setAttribute("style","stroke:white; stroke-width:3"); node.addEventListener("mousemove", bottom_listener, true); svgpicture.appendChild(node); node = myCreateElementSVG("polyline"); node.setAttribute("points","0,0 0,"+height); node.setAttribute("style","stroke:white; stroke-width:3"); node.addEventListener("mousemove", left_listener, true); svgpicture.appendChild(node); node = myCreateElementSVG("polyline"); node.setAttribute("points",(width-1)+",0 "+(width-1)+","+height); node.setAttribute("style","stroke:white; stroke-width:3"); node.addEventListener("mousemove", right_listener, true); svgpicture.appendChild(node); } border = defaultborder; } } } function line(p,q,id) { // segment connecting points p,q (coordinates in units) var node; if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id); if (node==null) { node = myCreateElementSVG("path"); node.setAttribute("id", id); svgpicture.appendChild(node); } node.setAttribute("d","M"+(p[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+ (height-p[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+ (q[0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+(height-q[1]*yunitlength-origin[1])); node.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokewidth); if (strokedasharray!=null) node.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", strokedasharray); node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke); node.setAttribute("fill", fill); if (marker=="dot" || marker=="arrowdot") { ASdot(p,4,markerstroke,markerfill); if (marker=="arrowdot") arrowhead(p,q); ASdot(q,4,markerstroke,markerfill); } else if (marker=="arrow") arrowhead(p,q); } function path(plist,id,c) { if (c==null) c=""; var node, st, i; if (id!=null) node = doc.getElementById(id); if (node==null) { node = myCreateElementSVG("path"); node.setAttribute("id", id); svgpicture.appendChild(node); } if (typeof plist == "string") st = plist; else { st = "M"; st += (plist[0][0]*xunitlength+origin[0])+","+ (height-plist[0][1]*yunitlength-origin[1])+" "+c; for (i=1; i 0.00000001) { u = [u[0]/d, u[1]/d]; up = [-u[1],u[0]]; var node = myCreateElementSVG("path"); node.setAttribute("d","M "+(w[0]-15*u[0]-4*up[0])+" "+ (w[1]-15*u[1]-4*up[1])+" L "+(w[0]-3*u[0])+" "+(w[1]-3*u[1])+" L "+ (w[0]-15*u[0]+4*up[0])+" "+(w[1]-15*u[1]+4*up[1])+" z"); node.setAttribute("stroke-width", markerstrokewidth); node.setAttribute("stroke", stroke); /*was markerstroke*/ node.setAttribute("fill", stroke); /*was arrowfill*/ svgpicture.appendChild(node); } } function chopZ(st) { var k = st.indexOf("."); if (k==-1) return st; for (var i=st.length-1; i>k && st.charAt(i)=="0"; i--); if (i==k) i--; return st.slice(0,i+1); } function grid(dx,dy) { // for backward compatibility axes(dx,dy,null,dx,dy) } function noaxes() { if (!initialized) initPicture(); } function axes(dx,dy,labels,gdx,gdy) { //xscl=x is equivalent to xtick=x; xgrid=x; labels=true; var x, y, ldx, ldy, lx, ly, lxp, lyp, pnode, st; if (!initialized) initPicture(); if (typeof dx=="string") { labels = dx; dx = null; } if (typeof dy=="string") { gdx = dy; dy = null; } if (xscl!=null) {dx = xscl; gdx = xscl; labels = dx} if (yscl!=null) {dy = yscl; gdy = yscl} if (xtick!=null) {dx = xtick} if (ytick!=null) {dy = ytick} //alert(null) dx = (dx==null?xunitlength:dx*xunitlength); dy = (dy==null?dx:dy*yunitlength); fontsize = Math.min(dx/2,dy/2,16);//alert(fontsize) ticklength = fontsize/4; if (xgrid!=null) gdx = xgrid; if (ygrid!=null) gdy = ygrid; if (gdx!=null) { gdx = (typeof gdx=="string"?dx:gdx*xunitlength); gdy = (gdy==null?dy:gdy*yunitlength); pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path"); st=""; for (x = origin[0]; x0; x = x-gdx) st += " M"+x+",0"+" "+x+","+height; for (y = height-origin[1]; y0; y = y-gdy) st += " M0,"+y+" "+width+","+y; pnode.setAttribute("d",st); pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5); pnode.setAttribute("stroke", gridstroke); pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill); svgpicture.appendChild(pnode); } pnode = myCreateElementSVG("path"); st="M0,"+(height-origin[1])+" "+width+","+ (height-origin[1])+" M"+origin[0]+",0 "+origin[0]+","+height; for (x = origin[0]+dx; x0; x = x-dx) st += " M"+x+","+(height-origin[1]+ticklength)+" "+x+","+ (height-origin[1]-ticklength); for (y = height-origin[1]+dy; y0; y = y-dy) st += " M"+(origin[0]+ticklength)+","+y+" "+(origin[0]-ticklength)+","+y; if (labels!=null) with (Math) { ldx = dx/xunitlength; ldy = dy/yunitlength; lx = (xmin>0 || xmax<0?xmin:0); ly = (ymin>0 || ymax<0?ymin:0); lxp = (ly==0?"below":"above"); lyp = (lx==0?"left":"right"); var ddx = floor(1.1-log(ldx)/log(10))+1; var ddy = floor(1.1-log(ldy)/log(10))+1; for (x = ldx; x<=xmax; x = x+ldx) text([x,ly],chopZ(x.toFixed(ddx)),lxp); for (x = -ldx; xmin<=x; x = x-ldx) text([x,ly],chopZ(x.toFixed(ddx)),lxp); for (y = ldy; y<=ymax; y = y+ldy) text([lx,y],chopZ(y.toFixed(ddy)),lyp); for (y = -ldy; ymin<=y; y = y-ldy) text([lx,y],chopZ(y.toFixed(ddy)),lyp); } pnode.setAttribute("d",st); pnode.setAttribute("stroke-width", .5); pnode.setAttribute("stroke", axesstroke); pnode.setAttribute("fill", fill); svgpicture.appendChild(pnode); } function mathjs(st) { //translate a math formula to js function notation // a^b --> pow(a,b) // na --> n*a // (...)d --> (...)*d // n! --> factorial(n) // sin^-1 --> arcsin etc. //while ^ in string, find term on left and right //slice and concat new formula string st = st.replace(/\s/g,""); if (st.indexOf("^-1")!=-1) { st = st.replace(/sin\^-1/g,"arcsin"); st = st.replace(/cos\^-1/g,"arccos"); st = st.replace(/tan\^-1/g,"arctan"); st = st.replace(/sec\^-1/g,"arcsec"); st = st.replace(/csc\^-1/g,"arccsc"); st = st.replace(/cot\^-1/g,"arccot"); st = st.replace(/sinh\^-1/g,"arcsinh"); st = st.replace(/cosh\^-1/g,"arccosh"); st = st.replace(/tanh\^-1/g,"arctanh"); st = st.replace(/sech\^-1/g,"arcsech"); st = st.replace(/csch\^-1/g,"arccsch"); st = st.replace(/coth\^-1/g,"arccoth"); } st = st.replace(/^e$/g,"(E)"); st = st.replace(/^e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"(E)$1"); st = st.replace(/([^a-zA-Z])e([^a-zA-Z])/g,"$1(E)$2"); st = st.replace(/([0-9])([\(a-zA-Z])/g,"$1*$2"); st = st.replace(/\)([\(0-9a-zA-Z])/g,"\)*$1"); var i,j,k, ch, nested; while ((i=st.indexOf("^"))!=-1) { //find left argument if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument"; j = i-1; ch = st.charAt(j); if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--; if (ch==".") { j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--; } } else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name nested = 1; j--; while (j>=0 && nested>0) { ch = st.charAt(j); if (ch=="(") nested--; else if (ch==")") nested++; j--; } while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") j--; } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") j--; } else { return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j; } //find right argument if (i==st.length-1) return "Error: missing argument"; k = i+1; ch = st.charAt(k); if (ch>="0" && ch<="9" || ch=="-") {// look for signed (decimal) number k++; while (k="0" && ch<="9") k++; if (ch==".") { k++; while (k="0" && ch<="9") k++; } } else if (ch=="(") {// look for matching closing bracket and function name nested = 1; k++; while (k0) { ch = st.charAt(k); if (ch=="(") nested++; else if (ch==")") nested--; k++; } } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable k++; while (k="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") k++; } else { return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+k; } st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"pow("+st.slice(j+1,i)+","+st.slice(i+1,k)+")"+ st.slice(k); } while ((i=st.indexOf("!"))!=-1) { //find left argument if (i==0) return "Error: missing argument"; j = i-1; ch = st.charAt(j); if (ch>="0" && ch<="9") {// look for (decimal) number j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--; if (ch==".") { j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="0" && ch<="9") j--; } } else if (ch==")") {// look for matching opening bracket and function name nested = 1; j--; while (j>=0 && nested>0) { ch = st.charAt(j); if (ch=="(") nested--; else if (ch==")") nested++; j--; } while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") j--; } else if (ch>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") {// look for variable j--; while (j>=0 && (ch=st.charAt(j))>="a" && ch<="z" || ch>="A" && ch<="Z") j--; } else { return "Error: incorrect syntax in "+st+" at position "+j; } st = st.slice(0,j+1)+"factorial("+st.slice(j+1,i)+")"+st.slice(i+1); } return st; } function plot(fun,x_min,x_max,points,id) { var pth = []; var f = function(x) { return x }, g = fun; var name = null; if (typeof fun=="string") eval("g = function(x){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }"); else if (typeof fun=="object") { eval("f = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[0])+" }"); eval("g = function(t){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun[1])+" }"); } if (typeof x_min=="string") { name = x_min; x_min = xmin } else name = id; var min = (x_min==null?xmin:x_min); var max = (x_max==null?xmax:x_max); var inc = max-min-0.000001*(max-min); inc = (points==null?inc/200:inc/points); var gt; //alert(typeof g(min)) for (var t = min; t <= max; t += inc) { gt = g(t); if (!(isNaN(gt)||Math.abs(gt)=="Infinity")) pth[pth.length] = [f(t), gt]; } path(pth,name) return p; } function slopefield(fun,dx,dy) { var g = fun; if (typeof fun=="string") eval("g = function(x,y){ with(Math) return "+mathjs(fun)+" }"); var gxy,x,y,u,v,dz; if (dx==null) dx=1; if (dy==null) dy=1; dz = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/6; var x_min = Math.ceil(xmin/dx); var y_min = Math.ceil(ymin/dy); for (x = x_min; x <= xmax; x += dx) for (y = y_min; y <= ymax; y += dy) { gxy = g(x,y); if (!isNaN(gxy)) { if (Math.abs(gxy)=="Infinity") {u = 0; v = dz;} else {u = dz/Math.sqrt(1+gxy*gxy); v = gxy*u;} line([x-u,y-v],[x+u,y+v]); } } } function updateCoords(ind) { switchTo("picture"+(ind+1)); var gx=getX(), gy=getY(); if ((xmax-gx)*xunitlength > 6*fontsize || (gy-ymin)*yunitlength > 2*fontsize) text([xmax,ymin],"("+gx.toFixed(2)+", "+gy.toFixed(2)+")", "aboveleft","AScoord"+ind,""); else text([xmax,ymin]," ","aboveleft","AScoord"+ind,""); } function updateCoords0() {updateCoords(0)} function updateCoords1() {updateCoords(1)} function updateCoords2() {updateCoords(2)} function updateCoords3() {updateCoords(3)} function updateCoords4() {updateCoords(4)} function updateCoords5() {updateCoords(5)} function updateCoords6() {updateCoords(6)} function updateCoords7() {updateCoords(7)} function updateCoords8() {updateCoords(8)} function updateCoords9() {updateCoords(9)} ASfn = [function() {updatePicture(0)}, function() {updatePicture(1)}, function() {updatePicture(2)}, function() {updatePicture(3)}, function() {updatePicture(4)}, function() {updatePicture(5)}, function() {updatePicture(6)}, function() {updatePicture(7)}, function() {updatePicture(8)}, function() {updatePicture(9)}]; ASupdateCoords = [function() {updateCoords(0)}, function() {updateCoords(1)}, function() {updateCoords(2)}, function() {updateCoords(3)}, function() {updateCoords(4)}, function() {updateCoords(5)}, function() {updateCoords(6)}, function() {updateCoords(7)}, function() {updateCoords(8)}, function() {updateCoords(9)}]; // GO1.1 Generic onload by Brothercake // http://www.brothercake.com/ //onload function function generic() { drawPictures(); }; //setup onload function if(typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined') { //.. gecko, safari, konqueror and standard window.addEventListener('load', generic, false); } else if(typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined') { //.. opera 7 document.addEventListener('load', generic, false); } else if(typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { //.. win/ie window.attachEvent('onload', generic); } //** remove this condition to degrade older browsers else { //.. mac/ie5 and anything else that gets this far //if there's an existing onload function if(typeof window.onload == 'function') { //store it var existing = onload; //add new onload handler window.onload = function() { //call existing onload function existing(); //call generic onload function generic(); }; } else { //setup onload function window.onload = generic; } }