/*============================================================================== This Wikiwyg mode supports a DesignMode wysiwyg editor with toolbar buttons COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Socialtext Corporation 655 High Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Wikiwyg is free software. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt =============================================================================*/ proto = new Subclass('Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg', 'Wikiwyg.Mode'); proto.classtype = 'wysiwyg'; proto.modeDescription = 'Wysiwyg'; proto.config = { useParentStyles: true, useStyleMedia: 'wikiwyg', iframeId: null, iframeObject: null, disabledToolbarButtons: [], editHeightMinimum: 150, editHeightAdjustment: 1.3, clearRegex: null }; proto.initializeObject = function() { this.edit_iframe = this.get_edit_iframe(); this.div = this.edit_iframe; this.set_design_mode_early(); } proto.set_design_mode_early = function() { // Se IE, below // Unneeded for Gecko } proto.fromHtml = function(html) { html = html.replace(/\n/g,'
') ; this.set_inner_html(html); } proto.toHtml = function(func) { func(this.get_inner_html()); } // This is needed to work around the broken IMGs in Firefox design mode. // Works harmlessly on IE, too. // TODO - IMG URLs that don't match /^\// proto.fix_up_relative_imgs = function() { var base = location.href.replace(/(.*?:\/\/.*?\/).*/, '$1'); var imgs = this.get_edit_document().getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var ii = 0; ii < imgs.length; ++ii) imgs[ii].src = imgs[ii].src.replace(/^\//, base); } proto.enableThis = function() { this.superfunc('enableThis').call(this); this.edit_iframe.style.border = '1px black solid'; this.edit_iframe.width = '100%'; this.setHeightOf(this.edit_iframe); this.fix_up_relative_imgs(); this.get_edit_document().designMode = 'on'; // XXX - Doing stylesheets in initializeObject might get rid of blue flash this.apply_stylesheets(); this.enable_keybindings(); this.clear_inner_html(); } proto.clear_inner_html = function() { var inner_html = this.get_inner_html(); var clear = this.config.clearRegex; if (clear && inner_html.match(clear)) this.set_inner_html(''); } proto.get_keybinding_area = function() { return this.get_edit_document(); } proto.get_edit_iframe = function() { var iframe; if (this.config.iframeId) { iframe = document.getElementById(this.config.iframeId); iframe.iframe_hack = true; } else if (this.config.iframeObject) { iframe = this.config.iframeObject; iframe.iframe_hack = true; } else { // XXX in IE need to wait a little while for iframe to load up iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); } return iframe; } proto.get_edit_window = function() { // See IE, below return this.edit_iframe.contentWindow; } proto.get_edit_document = function() { // See IE, below return this.get_edit_window().document; } proto.get_inner_html = function() { return this.get_edit_document().body.innerHTML; } proto.set_inner_html = function(html) { this.get_edit_document().body.innerHTML = html; } proto.apply_stylesheets = function(styles) { var styles = document.styleSheets; var head = this.get_edit_document().getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var style = styles[i]; if (style.href == location.href) this.apply_inline_stylesheet(style, head); else if (this.should_link_stylesheet(style)) this.apply_linked_stylesheet(style, head); } } proto.apply_inline_stylesheet = function(style, head) { // TODO: figure this out } proto.should_link_stylesheet = function(style, head) { var media = style.media; var config = this.config; var media_text = media.mediaText ? media.mediaText : media; var use_parent = ((!media_text || media_text == 'screen') && config.useParentStyles); var use_style = (media_text && (media_text == config.useStyleMedia)); if (!use_parent && !use_style) // TODO: simplify return false; else return true; } proto.apply_linked_stylesheet = function(style, head) { var link = Wikiwyg.createElementWithAttrs( 'link', { href: style.href, type: style.type, media: 'screen', rel: 'STYLESHEET' }, this.get_edit_document() ); head.appendChild(link); } proto.process_command = function(command) { if (this['do_' + command]) this['do_' + command](command); if (! Wikiwyg.is_ie) this.get_edit_window().focus(); } proto.exec_command = function(command, option) { this.get_edit_document().execCommand(command, false, option); } proto.format_command = function(command) { this.exec_command('formatblock', '<' + command + '>'); } proto.do_bold = proto.exec_command; proto.do_italic = proto.exec_command; proto.do_underline = proto.exec_command; proto.do_strike = function() { this.exec_command('strikethrough'); } proto.do_hr = function() { this.exec_command('inserthorizontalrule'); } proto.do_ordered = function() { this.exec_command('insertorderedlist'); } proto.do_unordered = function() { this.exec_command('insertunorderedlist'); } proto.do_indent = proto.exec_command; proto.do_outdent = proto.exec_command; proto.do_h1 = proto.format_command; proto.do_h2 = proto.format_command; proto.do_h3 = proto.format_command; proto.do_h4 = proto.format_command; proto.do_h5 = proto.format_command; proto.do_h6 = proto.format_command; proto.do_pre = proto.format_command; proto.do_p = proto.format_command; proto.do_table = function() { var html = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
'; if (! Wikiwyg.is_ie) this.get_edit_window().focus(); this.insert_table(html); } proto.insert_table = function(html) { // See IE this.exec_command('inserthtml', html); } proto.do_link = function() { var selection = this.get_link_selection_text(); if (! selection) return; var url; var match = selection.match(/(.*?)\b((?:http|https|ftp|irc):\/\/\S+)(.*)/); if (match) { if (match[1] || match[3]) return null; url = match[2]; } else { url = '?' + escape(selection); } this.exec_command('createlink', url); } proto.get_selection_text = function() { // See IE, below return this.get_edit_window().getSelection().toString(); } proto.get_link_selection_text = function() { var selection = this.get_selection_text(); if (! selection) { alert("Please select the text you would like to turn into a link."); return; } return selection; } /*============================================================================== Support for Internet Explorer in Wikiwyg.Wysiwyg =============================================================================*/ if (Wikiwyg.is_ie) { proto.set_design_mode_early = function(wikiwyg) { // XXX - need to know if iframe is ready yet... this.get_edit_document().designMode = 'on'; } proto.get_edit_window = function() { return this.edit_iframe; } proto.get_edit_document = function() { return this.edit_iframe.contentWindow.document; } proto.get_selection_text = function() { var selection = this.get_edit_document().selection; if (selection != null) return selection.createRange().htmlText; return ''; } proto.insert_table = function(html) { var doc = this.get_edit_document(); var range = this.get_edit_document().selection.createRange(); if (range.boundingTop == 2 && range.boundingLeft == 2) return; range.pasteHTML(html); range.collapse(false); range.select(); } // Use IE's design mode default key bindings for now. proto.enable_keybindings = function() {} } // end of global if