// Ajax Javascript support functions, based on moacdropdown XmlHttp // Written from scratch by Reini Urban // $Id$ function showHide( id ) { this.init( id ) } showHide.prototype.onXmlHttpLoad = function( ) { if( this.hXMLHttp.readyState == 4 ) { var hError = this.hXMLHttp.parseError; var img = document.getElementById(this.id+'-img'); if( hError && hError.errorCode != 0 ) { alert( hError.reason ); } else { // insert external, same-domain XML tree into id-body as HTML // we get this from any page&format=xml var body = document.getElementById(this.id+'-body'); var newbody = this.hXMLHttp.responseXML; if (newbody != null) { // DOM quirks with text/xml and DOCTYPE xhtml // msie: newbody = document, newbody.firstChild.nodeName = xml if (newbody.firstChild && newbody.firstChild.nodeName == 'xml') newbody = newbody.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling; // gecko + chrome no xml: skip only firstChild = DOCTYPE html if (newbody.firstChild && newbody.firstChild.nodeName == 'html') newbody = newbody.childNodes[1]; if (newbody == null) { alert("showHideDone "+this.id+"\nno xml children from "+this.hXMLHttp.responseText); } // We cannot just insert the responseXML into the DOM. // well gecko can, but the others not. // So convert the XML tree it on the fly into HTML nodes. // I never saw this before. I needed that, so I think I // invented that sort of rich mashup. var hContainer = CreateHtmlFromXml(newbody); hContainer.className = 'wikitext'; body.appendChild( hContainer ); body.style.display = 'block'; } else { alert("showHideDone "+this.id+"\nerror no xml from "+this.hXMLHttp.responseText); } } if (img) { if (!folderArrowPath) folderArrowPath = stylepath + 'images/'; img.src = folderArrowPath + '/folderArrowOpen.png'; } } } showHide.prototype.init = function (id) { this.id = id; this.hXMLHttp = XmlHttp.create() var hAC = this this.hXMLHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { hAC.onXmlHttpLoad() } } var cShowHide; /* recursive xml => html converter. This might need a attribute type checker in a bad world. e.g. disable all on* events */ function CreateHtmlFromXml (xml) { if (xml == null) { return document.createElement('xml'); } var xmltype = xml.nodeName; var html; if (xmltype == '#text') { html = document.createTextNode( xml.nodeValue ); html.nodeValue = xml.nodeValue; if (xml.attributes && (xml.attributes != null)) for (var i=0; i < xml.attributes.length; i++) { html.setAttribute( xml.attributes[i].name, xml.attributes[i].value ); } } else { html = document.createElement( xmltype ); if (xml.nodeValue) html.nodeValue = xml.nodeValue; if (xml.attributes && (xml.attributes != null)) for (var i=0; i < xml.attributes.length; i++) { html.setAttribute( xml.attributes[i].name, xml.attributes[i].value ); } if (xml.hasChildNodes()) for (var i=0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i++) { html.appendChild( CreateHtmlFromXml(xml.childNodes[i]) ); } } return html; } // if body is empty, load page in background into id+"-body" and show/hide id function showHideAsync(uri, id) { var body = document.getElementById(id+'-body'); if (!body) { alert("Error: id="+id+'-body'+" missing."); return; } if (body.hasChildNodes()) { //alert("showHideAsync "+uri+" "+id+"\nalready loaded"); showHideFolder(id); } else { if (!folderArrowPath) folderArrowPath = stylepath + 'images/'; //alert("showHideAsync "+uri+" "+id+"\nloading..."); var img = document.getElementById(id+'-img'); if (img) img.src = folderArrowPath + '/folderArrowLoading.gif'; cShowHide = new showHide(id) cShowHide.hXMLHttp.open( 'GET', uri, true ) cShowHide.hXMLHttp.send( null ) } } function showHideDone(id) { // insert tree into id-body var body = document.getElementById(id+'-body'); body.parentNode.replaceChild(cShowHide.hXMLHttp.responseText, body); alert("showHideDone "+id+"\ngot "+cShowHide.hXMLHttp.responseText); showHideFolder(id); } // hide after 0.4 secs function showHideDelayed(id) { window.setTimeout("doshowHide("+id+")",400); } function doshowHide(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; var highlight = document.getElementById("LSHighlight"); if (highlight) { highlight.removeAttribute("id"); } }