/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2003, 2013, 2018 Marshall Kirk McKusick. * All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MARSHALL KIRK MCKUSICK ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MARSHALL KIRK MCKUSICK BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PRTBLKNOS union dinode { struct ufs1_dinode dp1; struct ufs2_dinode dp2; }; extern struct uufsd disk; #else /* used by fsdb */ #include static struct bufarea *bp; #endif void prtblknos(struct fs *fs, union dinode *dp); static const char *distance(struct fs *, ufs2_daddr_t, ufs2_daddr_t); static void printblk(struct fs *, ufs_lbn_t, ufs2_daddr_t, int, ufs_lbn_t); static void indirprt(struct fs *, int, ufs_lbn_t, ufs_lbn_t, ufs2_daddr_t, ufs_lbn_t); void prtblknos(fs, dp) struct fs *fs; union dinode *dp; { int i, mode, frags; ufs_lbn_t lbn, lastlbn, len, blksperindir; ufs2_daddr_t blkno; off_t size; if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) { size = dp->dp1.di_size; mode = dp->dp1.di_mode; } else { size = dp->dp2.di_size; mode = dp->dp2.di_mode; } switch (mode & IFMT) { default: printf("unknown inode type 0%d\n", (mode & IFMT)); return; case 0: printf("unallocated inode\n"); return; case IFIFO: printf("fifo\n"); return; case IFCHR: printf("character device\n"); return; case IFBLK: printf("block device\n"); return; case IFSOCK: printf("socket\n"); return; case IFWHT: printf("whiteout\n"); return; case IFLNK: if (size == 0) { printf("empty symbolic link\n"); return; } if (size < fs->fs_maxsymlinklen) { printf("symbolic link referencing %s\n", (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) ? (char *)dp->dp1.di_db : (char *)dp->dp2.di_db); return; } printf("symbolic link\n"); break; case IFREG: if (size == 0) { printf("empty file\n"); return; } printf("regular file, size %jd\n", (intmax_t)size); break; case IFDIR: if (size == 0) { printf("empty directory\n"); return; } printf("directory, size %jd\n", (intmax_t)size); break; } lastlbn = howmany(size, fs->fs_bsize); len = lastlbn < UFS_NDADDR ? lastlbn : UFS_NDADDR; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i < lastlbn - 1) frags = fs->fs_frag; else frags = howmany(size - (lastlbn - 1) * fs->fs_bsize, fs->fs_fsize); if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) blkno = dp->dp1.di_db[i]; else blkno = dp->dp2.di_db[i]; printblk(fs, i, blkno, frags, lastlbn); } blksperindir = 1; len = lastlbn - UFS_NDADDR; lbn = UFS_NDADDR; for (i = 0; len > 0 && i < UFS_NIADDR; i++) { if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) blkno = dp->dp1.di_ib[i]; else blkno = dp->dp2.di_ib[i]; indirprt(fs, i, blksperindir, lbn, blkno, lastlbn); blksperindir *= NINDIR(fs); lbn += blksperindir; len -= blksperindir; } /* dummy print to flush out last extent */ printblk(fs, lastlbn, 0, frags, 0); } static void indirprt(fs, level, blksperindir, lbn, blkno, lastlbn) struct fs *fs; int level; ufs_lbn_t blksperindir; ufs_lbn_t lbn; ufs2_daddr_t blkno; ufs_lbn_t lastlbn; { char indir[MAXBSIZE]; ufs_lbn_t i, last; if (blkno == 0) { printblk(fs, lbn, blkno, blksperindir * NINDIR(fs) * fs->fs_frag, lastlbn); return; } printblk(fs, lbn, blkno, fs->fs_frag, -level); /* read in the indirect block. */ #ifdef PRTBLKNOS if (bread(&disk, fsbtodb(fs, blkno), indir, fs->fs_bsize) == -1) { #else /* used by fsdb */ bp = getdatablk(blkno, fs->fs_bsize, BT_LEVEL1 + level); if (bp->b_errs == 0) { memcpy(indir, bp->b_un.b_buf, fs->fs_bsize); } else { #endif warn("Read of indirect block %jd failed", (intmax_t)blkno); /* List the unreadable part as a hole */ printblk(fs, lbn, 0, blksperindir * NINDIR(fs) * fs->fs_frag, lastlbn); return; } last = howmany(lastlbn - lbn, blksperindir) < NINDIR(fs) ? howmany(lastlbn - lbn, blksperindir) : NINDIR(fs); if (blksperindir == 1) { for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) blkno = ((ufs1_daddr_t *)indir)[i]; else blkno = ((ufs2_daddr_t *)indir)[i]; printblk(fs, lbn + i, blkno, fs->fs_frag, lastlbn); } return; } for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) blkno = ((ufs1_daddr_t *)indir)[i]; else blkno = ((ufs2_daddr_t *)indir)[i]; indirprt(fs, level - 1, blksperindir / NINDIR(fs), lbn + blksperindir * i, blkno, lastlbn); } } static const char * distance(fs, lastblk, firstblk) struct fs *fs; ufs2_daddr_t lastblk; ufs2_daddr_t firstblk; { ufs2_daddr_t delta; int firstcg, lastcg; static char buf[100]; if (lastblk == 0) return (""); delta = firstblk - lastblk - 1; firstcg = dtog(fs, firstblk); lastcg = dtog(fs, lastblk); if (firstcg == lastcg) { snprintf(buf, 100, " distance %jd", (intmax_t)delta); return (&buf[0]); } snprintf(buf, 100, " cg %d blk %jd to cg %d blk %jd", lastcg, (intmax_t)dtogd(fs, lastblk), firstcg, (intmax_t)dtogd(fs, firstblk)); return (&buf[0]); } static const char *indirname[UFS_NIADDR] = { "First", "Second", "Third" }; static void printblk(fs, lbn, blkno, numfrags, lastlbn) struct fs *fs; ufs_lbn_t lbn; ufs2_daddr_t blkno; int numfrags; ufs_lbn_t lastlbn; { static int seq; static ufs2_daddr_t totfrags, lastindirblk, lastblk, firstblk; if (lastlbn <= 0) goto flush; if (seq == 0) { seq = howmany(numfrags, fs->fs_frag); totfrags = numfrags; firstblk = blkno; return; } if (lbn == 0) { seq = howmany(numfrags, fs->fs_frag); totfrags = numfrags; lastblk = 0; firstblk = blkno; lastindirblk = 0; return; } if (lbn < lastlbn && ((firstblk == 0 && blkno == 0) || (firstblk == BLK_NOCOPY && blkno == BLK_NOCOPY) || (firstblk == BLK_SNAP && blkno == BLK_SNAP) || blkno == firstblk + seq * fs->fs_frag)) { seq += howmany(numfrags, fs->fs_frag); totfrags += numfrags; return; } flush: if (seq == 0) goto prtindir; if (firstblk <= BLK_SNAP) { if (seq == 1) printf("\tlbn %jd %s\n", (intmax_t)(lbn - seq), firstblk == 0 ? "hole" : firstblk == BLK_NOCOPY ? "nocopy" : "snapblk"); else printf("\tlbn %jd-%jd %s\n", (intmax_t)lbn - seq, (intmax_t)lbn - 1, firstblk == 0 ? "hole" : firstblk == BLK_NOCOPY ? "nocopy" : "snapblk"); } else if (seq == 1) { if (totfrags == 1) printf("\tlbn %jd blkno %jd%s\n", (intmax_t)(lbn - seq), (intmax_t)firstblk, distance(fs, lastblk, firstblk)); else printf("\tlbn %jd blkno %jd-%jd%s\n", (intmax_t)(lbn - seq), (intmax_t)firstblk, (intmax_t)(firstblk + totfrags - 1), distance(fs, lastblk, firstblk)); lastblk = firstblk + totfrags - 1; } else { printf("\tlbn %jd-%jd blkno %jd-%jd%s\n", (intmax_t)(lbn - seq), (intmax_t)(lbn - 1), (intmax_t)firstblk, (intmax_t)(firstblk + totfrags - 1), distance(fs, lastblk, firstblk)); lastblk = firstblk + totfrags - 1; } if (lastlbn > 0 || blkno == 0) { seq = 1; totfrags = numfrags; firstblk = blkno; return; } prtindir: if (seq != 0 && (fs->fs_metaspace == 0 || lastindirblk == 0)) lastindirblk = lastblk; printf("%s-level indirect, blkno %jd-%jd%s\n", indirname[-lastlbn], (intmax_t)blkno, (intmax_t)(blkno + numfrags - 1), distance(fs, lastindirblk, blkno)); lastindirblk = blkno + numfrags - 1; if (fs->fs_metaspace == 0) lastblk = lastindirblk; seq = 0; }