#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ desc="open returns EEXIST when O_CREAT and O_EXCL were specified and the file exists" dir=`dirname $0` . ${dir}/../misc.sh echo "1..12" n0=`namegen` expect 0 create ${n0} 0644 expect EEXIST open ${n0} O_CREAT,O_EXCL 0644 expect 0 unlink ${n0} expect 0 mkdir ${n0} 0755 expect EEXIST open ${n0} O_CREAT,O_EXCL 0644 expect 0 rmdir ${n0} expect 0 mkfifo ${n0} 0644 expect EEXIST open ${n0} O_CREAT,O_EXCL 0644 expect 0 unlink ${n0} expect 0 symlink test ${n0} expect EEXIST open ${n0} O_CREAT,O_EXCL 0644 expect 0 unlink ${n0}