# $FreeBSD$ To generate the locales: Tools needed: java, perl, devel/p5-Tie-IxHash, converters/p5-Text-Iconv and textproc/p5-XML-Parser fetch cldr data from: http://cldr.unicode.org extract in a directory ~/unicode/cldr/v30.0.3 for example fetch unidata from http://www.unicode.org/Public/zipped/ (latest version) extract in a directory ~/unicode/UNIDATA/9.0.0 for example Note that the prebuilt cldr tools are not working on freebsd, it needs to be rebuilt: cd $CLDRDIR/tools/java ant build either modify tools/tools/locales/etc/unicode.conf or export variables: CLDRDIR="~/unicode/cldr/v30.0.3" UNIDATADIR="~/unicode/UNIDATA/9.0.0" run: make POSIX make install