#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sheldon Hearn. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ # # usage: mk_pci_vendors [-lq] [-p pcidevs.txt] [-v vendors.txt] # # Generate src/share/misc/pci_vendors from the Hart and Boemler lists, # currently available at: # # Boemler: http://www.pcidatabase.com/reports.php?type=tab-delimeted # Hart: http://members.datafast.net.au/dft0802/downloads/pcidevs.txt # # -l Where an entry is found in both input lists, use the entry with # the longest description. The default is for the Boemler file to # override the Hart file. # -q Do not print diagnostics. # -p Specify the pathname of the Hart file. (Default ./pcidevs.txt) # -v Specify the pathname of the Boemler file. (Default ./vendors.txt) # use strict; use Getopt::Std; my $PROGNAME = 'mk_pci_vendors'; my $VENDORS_FILE = 'vendors.txt'; my $PCIDEVS_FILE = 'pcidevs.txt'; my $cur_vendor; my %opts; my %vendors; my ($descr, $existing, $id, $line, $rv, $winner, $optlused); my $IS_VENDOR = 1; my $IS_DEVICE = 2; my $V_DESCR = 0; my $V_DEVSL = 1; my $W_NOCONTEST = 0; my $W_VENDORS = 1; my $W_PCIDEVS = 2; sub clean_descr($); sub vendors_parse($\$\$); sub pcidevs_parse($\$\$); if (not getopts('lp:qv:', \%opts) or @ARGV > 0) { print STDERR "usage: $PROGNAME [-lq] [-p pcidevs.txt] [-v vendors.txt]\n"; exit 1; } if (not defined($opts{p})) { $opts{p} = $PCIDEVS_FILE; } if (not defined($opts{v})) { $opts{v} = $VENDORS_FILE; } foreach (('l', 'q')) { if (not exists($opts{$_})) { $opts{$_} = 0; } else { $opts{$_} = 1; } } open(VENDORS, "< $opts{v}") or die "$PROGNAME: $opts{v}: $!\n"; while ($line = ) { chomp($line); $rv = vendors_parse($line, $id, $descr); if ($rv == $IS_VENDOR) { if (exists($vendors{$id})) { die "$PROGNAME: $id: duplicate vendor ID\n"; } $vendors{$id} = [$descr, {}]; $cur_vendor = $id; } elsif ($rv == $IS_DEVICE) { ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id} = $descr; } } close(VENDORS); open(PCIDEVS, "< $opts{p}") or die "$PROGNAME: $opts{p}: $!\n"; while ($line = ) { chomp($line); $rv = pcidevs_parse($line, $id, $descr); if ($rv == $IS_VENDOR) { if (not exists($vendors{$id})) { $vendors{$id} = [$descr, {}]; $winner = $W_NOCONTEST; } elsif ($opts{l}) { $existing = $vendors{$id}->[$V_DESCR]; if (length($existing) < length($descr)) { $vendors{$id}->[$V_DESCR] = $descr; $winner = $W_PCIDEVS; } else { $winner = $W_VENDORS; } } else { $winner = $W_VENDORS; } $cur_vendor = $id; if (not $opts{q} and $winner != $W_NOCONTEST) { $existing = $vendors{$id}->[$V_DESCR]; print STDERR "$PROGNAME: ", $winner == $W_VENDORS ? "Boemler" : "Hart", " vendor wins: $id\t$existing\n"; } } elsif ($rv == $IS_DEVICE) { if (not exists(${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id})) { ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id} = $descr; $winner = $W_NOCONTEST; } elsif ($opts{l}) { $existing = ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id}; if (length($existing) < length($descr)) { ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id} = $descr; $winner = $W_PCIDEVS; } else { $winner = $W_VENDORS; } } else { $winner = $W_VENDORS; } if (not $opts{q} and $winner != $W_NOCONTEST) { $existing = ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id}; print STDERR "$PROGNAME: ", $winner == $W_VENDORS ? "Boemler" : "Hart", " device wins: $id\t$existing\n"; } } } close(PCIDEVS); $optlused = $opts{l} ? "with" : "without"; print <[$V_DESCR]; print "$id\t$descr\n"; foreach $id (sort keys %{$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}) { $descr = ${$vendors{$cur_vendor}->[$V_DEVSL]}{$id}; print "\t$id\t$descr\n"; } } exit 0; # Parse a line from the Boemler file and place the ID and description # in the scalars referenced by $id_ref and $descr_ref. # # On success, returns $IS_VENDOR if the line represents a vendor entity # or $IS_DEVICE if the line represents a device entity. # # Returns 0 on failure. # sub vendors_parse($\$\$) { my ($line, $id_ref, $descr_ref) = @_; if ($line =~ /^([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})\t([^\t].+?)\s*$/) { ($$id_ref, $$descr_ref) = (uc($1), clean_descr($2)); return $IS_VENDOR; } elsif ($line =~ /^\t([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})\t([^\t].+?)\s*$/) { ($$id_ref, $$descr_ref) = (uc($1), clean_descr($2)); return $IS_DEVICE; } elsif (not $opts{q} and $line !~ /^\s*$/ and $line !~ /^;/) { chomp($line); print STDERR "$PROGNAME: ignored Boemler: $line\n"; } return 0; } # Parse a line from the Hart file and place the ID and description # in the scalars referenced by $id_ref and $descr_ref. # # On success, returns $IS_VENDOR if the line represents a vendor entity # or $IS_DEVICE if the line represents a device entity. # # Returns 0 on failure. # sub pcidevs_parse($\$\$) { my ($line, $id_ref, $descr_ref) = @_; my $descr; if ($line =~ /^V\t([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})\t([^\t].+?)\s*$/) { ($$id_ref, $$descr_ref) = (uc($1), clean_descr($2)); return $IS_VENDOR; } elsif ($line =~ /^D\t([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})\t([^\t].+?)\s*$/) { ($$id_ref, $$descr_ref) = (uc($1), clean_descr($2)); return $IS_DEVICE; } elsif (not $opts{q} and $line !~ /^\s*$/ and $line !~ /^[;ORSX]/) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: ignored Hart: $line\n"; } return 0; } sub clean_descr($) { my ($descr) = @_; return $descr; }