// $FreeBSD$ // FlexeLint file for fifolog tools // -passes=3 -ffc // GCC -cgnu +d__FreeBSD__=7 +d__GNUC__=4 +d__GNUC_MINOR__=2 +d__FreeBSD_cc_version=700003 +d__attribute__()= -d__builtin_va_list=void* // used by stdarg.h // -d__builtin_stdarg_start()=_to_semi // ditto // -d__builtin_va_start(a,b)=((void)(b),(a)=0) // ditto // -d__builtin_va_end()=_to_semi // ditto +rw(__inline) // enable the (non-standard) __inline keyword +rw(__inline__) // enable the (non-standard) __inline__ keyword +d"__unused=/*lint -e{715} -e{818} */" -e537 // Repeated include file -elib(652) // #define of symbol '...' declared previously -function(exit,__assert) -function(exit,err) -function(exit,errx) -e716 // while(1) ... -e717 // do ... while(0) // Ignore return values -esym(534, memset) -esym(534, memcpy) -esym(534, strcpy) -esym(534, printf) -esym(534, time) -esym(534, fprintf) -esym(534, vfprintf) +libh(fifolog.h) +libh(miniobj.h) +libh(libfifolog.h) -e713 // loss of precision sign/unsigned -e732 // loss of sign -e734 // loss of precision assignment -e737 // loss of sign in promotion int->unsigned -e573 // sign/unsign mix in divide