from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import lit.Test import lit.TestRunner import lit.util from .base import TestFormat kIsWindows = sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin'] class GoogleTest(TestFormat): def __init__(self, test_sub_dir, test_suffix): self.test_sub_dir = os.path.normcase(str(test_sub_dir)).split(';') self.test_suffix = str(test_suffix) # On Windows, assume tests will also end in '.exe'. if kIsWindows: self.test_suffix += '.exe' def getGTestTests(self, path, litConfig, localConfig): """getGTestTests(path) - [name] Return the tests available in gtest executable. Args: path: String path to a gtest executable litConfig: LitConfig instance localConfig: TestingConfig instance""" try: lines = lit.util.capture([path, '--gtest_list_tests'], env=localConfig.environment) if kIsWindows: lines = lines.replace('\r', '') lines = lines.split('\n') except: litConfig.error("unable to discover google-tests in %r" % path) raise StopIteration nested_tests = [] for ln in lines: if not ln.strip(): continue prefix = '' index = 0 while ln[index*2:index*2+2] == ' ': index += 1 while len(nested_tests) > index: nested_tests.pop() ln = ln[index*2:] if ln.endswith('.'): nested_tests.append(ln) elif any([name.startswith('DISABLED_') for name in nested_tests + [ln]]): # Gtest will internally skip these tests. No need to launch a # child process for it. continue else: yield ''.join(nested_tests) + ln # Note: path_in_suite should not include the executable name. def getTestsInExecutable(self, testSuite, path_in_suite, execpath, litConfig, localConfig): if not execpath.endswith(self.test_suffix): return (dirname, basename) = os.path.split(execpath) # Discover the tests in this executable. for testname in self.getGTestTests(execpath, litConfig, localConfig): testPath = path_in_suite + (basename, testname) yield lit.Test.Test(testSuite, testPath, localConfig, file_path=execpath) def getTestsInDirectory(self, testSuite, path_in_suite, litConfig, localConfig): source_path = testSuite.getSourcePath(path_in_suite) for filename in os.listdir(source_path): filepath = os.path.join(source_path, filename) if os.path.isdir(filepath): # Iterate over executables in a directory. if not os.path.normcase(filename) in self.test_sub_dir: continue dirpath_in_suite = path_in_suite + (filename, ) for subfilename in os.listdir(filepath): execpath = os.path.join(filepath, subfilename) for test in self.getTestsInExecutable( testSuite, dirpath_in_suite, execpath, litConfig, localConfig): yield test elif ('.' in self.test_sub_dir): for test in self.getTestsInExecutable( testSuite, path_in_suite, filepath, litConfig, localConfig): yield test def execute(self, test, litConfig): testPath,testName = os.path.split(test.getSourcePath()) while not os.path.exists(testPath): # Handle GTest parametrized and typed tests, whose name includes # some '/'s. testPath, namePrefix = os.path.split(testPath) testName = namePrefix + '/' + testName cmd = [testPath, '--gtest_filter=' + testName] if litConfig.useValgrind: cmd = litConfig.valgrindArgs + cmd if litConfig.noExecute: return lit.Test.PASS, '' try: out, err, exitCode = lit.util.executeCommand( cmd, env=test.config.environment, timeout=litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime) except lit.util.ExecuteCommandTimeoutException: return (lit.Test.TIMEOUT, 'Reached timeout of {} seconds'.format( litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime) ) if exitCode: return lit.Test.FAIL, out + err passing_test_line = '[ PASSED ] 1 test.' if passing_test_line not in out: msg = ('Unable to find %r in gtest output:\n\n%s%s' % (passing_test_line, out, err)) return lit.Test.UNRESOLVED, msg return lit.Test.PASS,''