getID(); } if (!isset($group_id) || !isset($project)) { exit_no_group(); } elseif (!($project->usesPlugin("wiki"))) { exit_disabled('home'); } // If project is private, check membership. if (!$project->isPublic()) { session_require_perm('project_read', $project->getID()); } $arr = explode('/', urldecode(getStringFromServer('REQUEST_URI'))); array_shift($arr); array_shift($arr); array_shift($arr); array_shift($arr); array_shift($arr); $path = join('/', $arr); $basepath = realpath(forge_get_config('groupdir_prefix') .'/'. $project->getUnixName() . '/www/uploads/'); $filepath = realpath($basepath . '/' . $path); $filename = basename($filepath); if (strncmp($basepath, $filepath, strlen($basepath)) !== 0) { error_log("DEBUG: basepath=$basepath, filepath=$filepath"); exit_error(_('Invalid path: No access')); } if ($filepath && is_file($filepath)) { if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")) { # workaround for IE filename bug with multiple periods/ multiple dots in filename # that adds square brackets to filename - eg. becomes setup[1].abc.exe $filename = preg_replace('/\./', '%2e', $filename, substr_count($filename, '.') - 1); } $filename = str_replace('"', '', $filename); header('Content-disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $filepath); header("Content-type: $mimetype"); $length = filesize($filepath); header("Content-length: $length"); readfile_chunked($filepath); } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); require_once $gfwww . '404.php'; }