\n"; exit(); } if (!msql_select_db($msql_db, $dbc)) { echo "Cannot open database $msql_db, giving up."; echo "Error message: ", msql_error(), "
\n"; exit(); } $dbi['dbc'] = $dbc; $dbi['table'] = $dbinfo['table']; // page metadata $dbi['page_table'] = $dbinfo['page_table']; // page content return $dbi; } function CloseDataBase($dbi) { // NOP function // msql connections are established as persistant // they cannot be closed through msql_close() } function msqlDecomposeString($string) { $ret_arr = array(); $el = 0; // zero, one, infinity // account for the small case if (strlen($string) < MSQL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { $ret_arr[$el] = $string; return $ret_arr; } $words = array(); $line = $string2 = ""; // split on single spaces $words = preg_split("/ /", $string); $num_words = count($words); reset($words); $ret_arr[0] = $words[0]; $line = " $words[1]"; // for all words, build up lines < MSQL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH in $ret_arr for ($x = 2; $x < $num_words; $x++) { $length = strlen($line) + strlen($words[$x]) + strlen($ret_arr[$el]) + 1; if ($length < MSQL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { $line .= " " . $words[$x]; } else { // put this line in the return array, reset, continue $ret_arr[$el++] .= $line; $line = " $words[$x]"; // reset } } $ret_arr[$el] = $line; return $ret_arr; } // Take form data and prepare it for the db function MakeDBHash($pagename, $pagehash) { $pagehash["pagename"] = addslashes($pagename); if (!isset($pagehash["flags"])) $pagehash["flags"] = 0; if (!isset($pagehash["content"])) $pagehash["content"] = array(); $pagehash["author"] = addslashes($pagehash["author"]); $pagehash["refs"] = serialize($pagehash["refs"]); return $pagehash; } // Take db data and prepare it for display function MakePageHash($dbhash) { // unserialize/explode content $dbhash['refs'] = unserialize($dbhash['refs']); return $dbhash; } // Return hash of page + attributes or default function RetrievePage($dbi, $pagename) { $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $query = "select * from $dbi[table] where pagename='$pagename'"; if ($res = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc'])) { $dbhash = msql_fetch_array($res); $query = "select lineno,line from $dbi[page_table] " . "where pagename='$pagename' " . "order by lineno"; if ($res = msql_query($query, $dbi[dbc])) { $dbhash["content"] = array(); while ($row = msql_fetch_array($res)) { $dbhash["content"][ $row["lineno"] ] = $row["line"]; } } return MakePageHash($dbhash); } return -1; } // Either insert or replace a key/value (a page) function InsertPage($dbi, $pagename, $pagehash) { $pagehash = MakeDBHash($pagename, $pagehash); // temporary hack until the time stuff is brought up to date $pagehash["created"] = time(); $pagehash["lastmodified"] = time(); if (IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename)) { $PAIRS = "author='$pagehash[author]'," . "created=$pagehash[created]," . "flags=$pagehash[flags]," . "lastmodified=$pagehash[lastmodified]," . "pagename='$pagehash[pagename]'," . "refs='$pagehash[refs]'," . "version=$pagehash[version]"; $query = "UPDATE $dbi[table] SET $PAIRS WHERE pagename='$pagename'"; } else { // do an insert // build up the column names and values for the query $COLUMNS = "author, created, flags, lastmodified, " . "pagename, refs, version"; $VALUES = "'$pagehash[author]', " . "$pagehash[created], $pagehash[flags], " . "$pagehash[lastmodified], '$pagehash[pagename]', " . "'$pagehash[refs]', $pagehash[version]"; $query = "INSERT INTO $dbi[table] ($COLUMNS) VALUES($VALUES)"; } // echo "

Query: $query

\n"; // first, insert the metadata $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); if ($retval == false) echo "Insert/update failed: ", msql_error(), "
\n"; // second, insert the page data // remove old data from page_table $query = "delete from $dbi[page_table] where pagename='$pagename'"; echo "Delete query: $query
\n"; $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); if ($retval == false) echo "Delete on $dbi[page_table] failed: ", msql_error(), "
\n"; // insert the new lines reset($pagehash["content"]); $tmparray = array(); $y = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < count($pagehash["content"]); $x++) { // manage line length here, lines should not exceed the // length MSQL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH or something if (strlen($pagehash["content"][$x]) > MSQL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { $length = strlen($pagehash["content"][$x]); echo "Must break up line ($length): " . $pagehash["content"][$x] ."
\n"; // can I cheat and use preg_split to break the line up? // match this line with: /(.{1,127})+/ // in fact, split it on a zero-width metachar every 127th position // take the returned array and add elements to $tmparray } else { $tmparray[$y] = $pagehash["content"][$x]; $y++; } } reset($tmparray); for ($x = 0; $x < count($tmparray); $x ++) { $line = addslashes($tmparray[$x]); $query = "INSERT INTO $dbi[page_table] " . "(pagename, lineno, line) " . "VALUES('$pagename', $x, '$line')"; echo "Page line insert query: $query
\n"; $retval = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); if ($retval == false) echo "Insert into $dbi[page_table] failed: ", msql_error(), "
\n";; } //echo "

inserted $x lines for $pagename

\n"; } function IsWikiPage($dbi, $pagename) { $pagename = addslashes($pagename); $query = "select pagename from $dbi[table] where pagename='$pagename'"; // echo "Query: $query
\n"; if ($res = msql_query($query, $dbi['dbc'])) { return(msql_affected_rows($res)); } } // setup for title-search function InitTitleSearch($dbi, $search) { $search = addslashes($search); $query = "select pagename from $dbi[table] " . "where pagename clike '%$search%' order by pagename"; $res = msql_query($query, $dbi["dbc"]); return $res; } // iterating through database function TitleSearchNextMatch($dbi, $res) { if($o = msql_fetch_object($res)) { return $o->pagename; } else { return 0; } } // setup for full-text search function InitFullSearch($dbi, $search) { $search = addslashes($search); $query = "select * from $dbi[table] where searchterms clike '%$search%'"; $res = msql_query($query, $dbi["dbc"]); return $res; } // iterating through database function FullSearchNextMatch($dbi, $res) { if($hash = msql_fetch_array($res)) { return MakePageHash($hash); } else { return 0; } } //////////////////////// // new database features function IncreaseHitCount($dbi, $pagename) { $query = "update hitcount set hits=hits+1 where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = mysql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); if (!mysql_affected_rows($dbi['dbc'])) { $query = "insert into hitcount (pagename, hits) " . "values ('$pagename', 1)"; $res = mysql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); } return $res; } function GetHitCount($dbi, $pagename) { $query = "select hits from hitcount where pagename='$pagename'"; $res = mysql_query($query, $dbi['dbc']); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $hits = mysql_result($res, 0); } else { $hits = "0"; } return $hits; } function InitMostPopular($dbi, $limit) { $query = "select * from hitcount " . "order by hits desc, pagename limit $limit"; $res = mysql_query($query); return $res; } function MostPopularNextMatch($dbi, $res) { if ($hits = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { return $hits; } else { return 0; } } ?>