$wikiword"; } function LinkUnknownWikiWord($wikiword) { global $ScriptUrl; $enc_word = rawurlencode($wikiword); $wikiword = htmlspecialchars($wikiword); return "$wikiword?"; } function LinkURL($url) { global $ScriptUrl; if(ereg("[<>\"]", $url)) { return "BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, ""; } $enc_url = htmlspecialchars($url); return "$enc_url"; } function RenderQuickSearch() { global $value, $ScriptUrl; $formtext = "
\n"; return $formtext; } function RenderFullSearch() { global $value, $ScriptUrl; $formtext = "
\n"; return $formtext; } function RenderMostPopular() { global $ScriptUrl, $dbi; $query = InitMostPopular($dbi, 20); $result = "
\n"; while ($qhash = MostPopularNextMatch($dbi, $query)) { $result .= "
$qhash[hits] ... " . LinkExistingWikiWord($qhash['pagename']) . "\n"; } $result .= "
\n"; return $result; } // converts spaces to tabs function CookSpaces($pagearray) { return preg_replace("/ {3,8}/", "\t", $pagearray); } class Stack { var $items; var $size = 0; function push($item) { $this->items[$this->size] = $item; $this->size++; return true; } function pop() { if ($this->size == 0) { return false; // stack is empty } $this->size--; return $this->items[$this->size]; } function cnt() { return $this->size; } function top() { return $this->items[$this->size - 1]; } } // end class definition // I couldn't move this to wiki_config.php3 because it // wasn't declared yet. $stack = new Stack; /* Wiki HTML output can, at any given time, be in only one mode. It will be something like Unordered List, Preformatted Text, plain text etc. When we change modes we have to issue close tags for one mode and start tags for another. */ function SetHTMLOutputMode($tag, $tagdepth, $tabcount) { global $stack; $retvar = ""; if ($tagdepth == SINGLE_DEPTH) { if ($tabcount < $stack->cnt()) { // there are fewer tabs than stack, // reduce stack to that tab count while ($stack->cnt() > $tabcount) { $closetag = $stack->pop(); if ($closetag == false) { //echo "bounds error in tag stack"; break; } $retvar .= "\n"; } // if list type isn't the same, // back up one more and push new tag if ($tag != $stack->top()) { $closetag = $stack->pop(); $retvar .= "<$tag>\n"; $stack->push($tag); } } elseif ($tabcount > $stack->cnt()) { // we add the diff to the stack // stack might be zero while ($stack->cnt() < $tabcount) { #echo "<$tag>\n"; $retvar .= "<$tag>\n"; $stack->push($tag); if ($stack->cnt() > 10) { // arbitrarily limit tag nesting echo "Stack bounds exceeded in SetHTMLOutputMode\n"; exit(); } } } else { if ($tag == $stack->top()) { return; } else { $closetag = $stack->pop(); #echo "\n"; #echo "<$tag>\n"; $retvar .= "\n"; $retvar .= "<$tag>\n"; $stack->push($tag); } } } elseif ($tagdepth == ZERO_DEPTH) { // empty the stack for $depth == 0; // what if the stack is empty? if ($tag == $stack->top()) { return; } while ($stack->cnt() > 0) { $closetag = $stack->pop(); #echo "\n"; $retvar .= "\n"; } if ($tag) { #echo "<$tag>\n"; $retvar .= "<$tag>\n"; $stack->push($tag); } } else { // error echo "Passed bad tag depth value in SetHTMLOutputMode\n"; exit(); } return $retvar; } // end SetHTMLOutputMode // The Recent Changes file is solely handled here function UpdateRecentChanges($dbi, $pagename, $isnewpage) { global $remoteuser; // this is set in the config global $dateformat; global $ScriptUrl; $recentchanges = RetrievePage($dbi, "RecentChanges"); // this shouldn't be necessary, since PhpWiki loads // default pages if this is a new baby Wiki if ($recentchanges == -1) { $recentchanges = array(); } $now = time(); $today = date($dateformat, $now); if (date($dateformat, $recentchanges["lastmodified"]) != $today) { $isNewDay = TRUE; $recentchanges["lastmodified"] = $now; } else { $isNewDay = FALSE; } $numlines = sizeof($recentchanges["content"]); $newpage = array(); $k = 0; // scroll through the page to the first date and break // dates are marked with "____" at the beginning of the line for ($i = 0; $i < ($numlines + 1); $i++) { if (preg_match("/^____/", $recentchanges["content"][$i])) { break; } else { $newpage[$k++] = $recentchanges["content"][$i]; } } // if it's a new date, insert it, else add the updated page's // name to the array if ($isNewDay) { $newpage[$k++] = "____$today\r"; $newpage[$k++] = "\r"; } else { $newpage[$k++] = $recentchanges["content"][$i++]; } if($isnewpage) { $newpage[$k++] = "\t* [$pagename] (new) ..... $remoteuser\r"; } else { $diffurl = "$ScriptUrl?diff=" . rawurlencode($pagename); $newpage[$k++] = "\t* [$pagename] ([diff|$diffurl]) ..... $remoteuser\r"; } // copy the rest of the page into the new array $pagename = preg_quote($pagename); for (; $i < ($numlines + 1); $i++) { // skip previous entry for $pagename if (preg_match("|\[$pagename\]|", $recentchanges["content"][$i])) { continue; } else { $newpage[$k++] = $recentchanges["content"][$i]; } } $recentchanges["content"] = $newpage; InsertPage($dbi, "RecentChanges", $recentchanges); } // for archiving pages to a seperate dbm function SaveCopyToArchive($pagename, $pagehash) { global $ArchiveDataBase; $adbi = OpenDataBase($ArchiveDataBase); $newpagename = $pagename; InsertPage($adbi, $newpagename, $pagehash); } function ParseAndLink($bracketlink) { global $dbi, $AllowedProtocols; // $bracketlink will start and end with brackets; in between // will be either a page name, a URL or both seperated by a pipe. // strip brackets and leading space preg_match("/(\[\s*)(.+?)(\s*\])/", $bracketlink, $match); $linkdata = $match[2]; // send back links that are only numbers (they are references) if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $linkdata)) { return $bracketlink; } // send back escaped ([[) bracket sets if (preg_match("/^\[/", $linkdata)) { return htmlspecialchars(substr($bracketlink, 1)); } // match the contents preg_match("/([^|]+)(\|)?([^|]+)?/", $linkdata, $matches); if (isset($matches[3])) { $URL = trim($matches[3]); $linkname = htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[1])); // assert proper URL's if (preg_match("#^($AllowedProtocols):#", $URL)) { return "$linkname"; } else { return "BAD URL -- links have to start with one of " . "$AllowedProtocols followed by ':'"; } } if (isset($matches[1])) { $linkname = trim($matches[1]); if (IsWikiPage($dbi, $linkname)) { return LinkExistingWikiWord($linkname); } elseif (preg_match("#^($AllowedProtocols):#", $linkname)) { return LinkURL($linkname); } else { return LinkUnknownWikiWord($linkname); } } return $bracketlink; } ?>