"; } else { // ordinary embedded link $embedded[$i] = "[$i]"; } } } $numlines = count($pagehash["content"]); // Loop over all lines of the page and apply transformation rules for ($index = 0; $index < $numlines; $index++) { $tmpline = $pagehash["content"][$index]; if (!strlen($tmpline) || $tmpline == "\r") { // this is a blank line, send

$html .= SetHTMLOutputMode("p", ZERO_DEPTH, 0); continue; } /* If your web server is not accessble to the general public, you may allow this code below, which allows embedded HTML. If just anyone can reach your web server it is highly advised that you do not allow this. elseif (preg_match("/(^\|)(.*)/", $tmpline, $matches)) { // HTML mode $html .= SetHTMLOutputMode("", ZERO_DEPTH, 0); $html .= $matches[2]; continue; } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // New linking scheme: links are in brackets. This will // emulate typical HTML linking as well as Wiki linking. // match anything between brackets except only numbers // trying: $numBracketLinks = preg_match_all("/\[.+?\]/", $tmpline, $brktlinks); // sort instead of rsort or "[[link] [link]" will be rendered wrong. sort($brktlinks[0]); reset($brktlinks[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $numBracketLinks; $i++) { $brktlink = preg_quote($brktlinks[0][$i]); $linktoken = "${FieldSeparator}brkt${i}brkt${FieldSeparator}"; $tmpline = preg_replace("|$brktlink|", $linktoken, $tmpline); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // replace all URL's with tokens, so we don't confuse them // with Wiki words later. Wiki words in URL's break things. $hasURLs = preg_match_all("/\b($AllowedProtocols):[^\s\<\>\[\]\"'\(\)]*[^\s\<\>\[\]\"'\(\)\,\.\?]/", $tmpline, $urls); // have to sort, otherwise errors creep in when the domain appears // in two consecutive URL's on the same line, but the second is // longer e.g. http://c2.com followed by http://c2.com/wiki rsort($urls[0]); reset($urls[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $hasURLs; $i++) { $inplaceURL = preg_quote($urls[0][$i]); $URLtoken = "${FieldSeparator}${i}${FieldSeparator}"; $tmpline = preg_replace("|$inplaceURL|", $URLtoken, $tmpline); } // escape HTML metachars $tmpline = ereg_replace("[&]", "&", $tmpline); $tmpline = ereg_replace("[>]", ">", $tmpline); $tmpline = ereg_replace("[<]", "<", $tmpline); // four or more dashes to

$tmpline = ereg_replace("^-{4,}", "
", $tmpline); // %%% are linebreaks $tmpline = str_replace("%%%", "
", $tmpline); // bold italics $tmpline = preg_replace("|(''''')(.*?)(''''')|", "\\2", $tmpline); // bold $tmpline = preg_replace("|(''')(.*?)(''')|", "\\2", $tmpline); // bold $tmpline = preg_replace("|(__)(.*?)(__)|", "\\2", $tmpline); // italics $tmpline = preg_replace("|('')(.*?)('')|", "\\2", $tmpline); // Link Wiki words // Wikiwords preceeded by a '!' are not linked if (preg_match_all("#!?\b(([A-Z][a-z]+){2,})\b#", $tmpline, $link)) { // uniq the list of matches unset($hash); for ($i = 0; $link[0][$i]; $i++) { // $realfile = $link[0][$i]; $hash[$link[0][$i]]++; } // all '!WikiName' entries are sorted first ksort($hash); while (list($realfile, $val) = each($hash)) { if (strstr($realfile, '!')) { $tmpline = str_replace($realfile, "${FieldSeparator}nlnk${FieldSeparator}" . substr($realfile, 1), $tmpline); } elseif (IsWikiPage($dbi, $realfile)) { $tmpline = preg_replace( "#([^$FieldSeparator]|^)\b$realfile\b#", "\\1" . LinkExistingWikiWord($realfile), $tmpline); } else { $tmpline = preg_replace( "#([^$FieldSeparator]|^)\b$realfile\b#", "\\1" . LinkUnknownWikiWord($realfile), $tmpline); } } // get rid of placeholders $tmpline = str_replace("${FieldSeparator}nlnk${FieldSeparator}", "", $tmpline); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // put bracketed links back, linked for ($i = 0; $i < $numBracketLinks; $i++) { // forms: [free style text link] // [Named link to site|http://c2.com/] // [mailto:anystylelink@somewhere.com] $brktlink = ParseAndLink($brktlinks[0][$i]); $linktoken = "${FieldSeparator}brkt${i}brkt${FieldSeparator}"; $tmpline = preg_replace("|$linktoken|", $brktlink, $tmpline); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // put URLs back, linked for ($i = 0; $i < $hasURLs; $i++) { $inplaceURL = LinkURL($urls[0][$i]); $URLtoken = "${FieldSeparator}${i}${FieldSeparator}"; $tmpline = preg_replace("|$URLtoken|", $inplaceURL, $tmpline); } // match and replace all user-defined links ([1], [2], [3]...) preg_match_all("|\[(\d+)\]|", $tmpline, $match); if (count($match[0])) { for ($k = 0; $k < count($match[0]); $k++) { if (! empty($embedded[$match[1][$k]])) { $linkpattern = preg_quote($match[0][$k]); $tmpline = preg_replace("|$linkpattern|", $embedded[$match[1][$k]], $tmpline); } } } // HTML modes: pre, unordered/ordered lists, term/def if (preg_match("/(^\t)(.*?)(:\t)(.*$)/", $tmpline, $matches)) { // this is a dictionary list item $html .= SetHTMLOutputMode("dl", SINGLE_DEPTH, 1); $tmpline = "
" . $matches[2] . "
" . $matches[4]; // oops, the \d needed to be \d+, thanks alister@minotaur.nu } elseif (preg_match("/(^\t+)(\*|\d+|#)/", $tmpline, $matches)) { // this is part of a list $numtabs = strlen($matches[1]); if ($matches[2] == "*") { $listtag = "ul"; } else { $listtag = "ol"; // a rather tacit assumption. oh well. } $tmpline = preg_replace("/^(\t+)(\*|\d+|#)/", "", $tmpline); $html .= SetHTMLOutputMode($listtag, SINGLE_DEPTH, $numtabs); $html .= "
  • "; // tabless markup for unordered and ordered lists // first, unordered lists: one or more astericks at the // start of a line indicate a