/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Declaration of osm_sm_t. * This object represents an IBA subnet. * This object is part of the OpenSM family of objects. */ #ifndef _OSM_SM_H_ #define _OSM_SM_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus # define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" { # define END_C_DECLS } #else /* !__cplusplus */ # define BEGIN_C_DECLS # define END_C_DECLS #endif /* __cplusplus */ BEGIN_C_DECLS /****h* OpenSM/SM * NAME * SM * * DESCRIPTION * The SM object encapsulates the information needed by the * OpenSM to instantiate a subnet manager. The OpenSM allocates * one SM object per subnet manager. * * The SM object is thread safe. * * This object should be treated as opaque and should * be manipulated only through the provided functions. * * AUTHOR * Steve King, Intel * *********/ /****s* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_t * NAME * osm_sm_t * * DESCRIPTION * Subnet Manager structure. * * This object should be treated as opaque and should * be manipulated only through the provided functions. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct osm_sm { osm_thread_state_t thread_state; unsigned signal_mask; cl_spinlock_t signal_lock; cl_spinlock_t state_lock; cl_event_t signal_event; cl_event_t subnet_up_event; cl_timer_t sweep_timer; cl_timer_t polling_timer; cl_event_wheel_t trap_aging_tracker; cl_thread_t sweeper; unsigned master_sm_found; uint32_t retry_number; ib_net64_t master_sm_guid; osm_remote_sm_t *p_polling_sm; osm_subn_t *p_subn; osm_db_t *p_db; osm_vendor_t *p_vendor; osm_log_t *p_log; osm_mad_pool_t *p_mad_pool; osm_vl15_t *p_vl15; cl_dispatcher_t *p_disp; cl_plock_t *p_lock; atomic32_t sm_trans_id; cl_spinlock_t mgrp_lock; cl_qlist_t mgrp_list; osm_sm_mad_ctrl_t mad_ctrl; osm_lid_mgr_t lid_mgr; osm_ucast_mgr_t ucast_mgr; cl_disp_reg_handle_t sweep_fail_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t ni_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t pi_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t nd_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t si_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t lft_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t mft_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t sm_info_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t trap_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t slvl_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t vla_disp_h; cl_disp_reg_handle_t pkey_disp_h; } osm_sm_t; /* * FIELDS * p_subn * Pointer to the Subnet object for this subnet. * * p_db * Pointer to the database (persistency) object * * p_vendor * Pointer to the vendor specific interfaces object. * * p_log * Pointer to the log object. * * p_mad_pool * Pointer to the MAD pool. * * p_vl15 * Pointer to the VL15 interface. * * mad_ctrl * MAD Controller. * * p_disp * Pointer to the Dispatcher. * * p_lock * Pointer to the serializing lock. * * SEE ALSO * SM object *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_construct * NAME * osm_sm_construct * * DESCRIPTION * This function constructs an SM object. * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_construct(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to a SM object to construct. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * Allows calling osm_sm_init, osm_sm_destroy * * Calling osm_sm_construct is a prerequisite to calling any other * method except osm_sm_init. * * SEE ALSO * SM object, osm_sm_init, osm_sm_destroy *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_shutdown * NAME * osm_sm_shutdown * * DESCRIPTION * The osm_sm_shutdown function shutdowns an SM, stopping the sweeper * and unregistering all messages from the dispatcher * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_shutdown(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to a SM object to shutdown. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * SEE ALSO * SM object, osm_sm_construct, osm_sm_init *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_destroy * NAME * osm_sm_destroy * * DESCRIPTION * The osm_sm_destroy function destroys an SM, releasing * all resources. * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_destroy(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to a SM object to destroy. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * Performs any necessary cleanup of the specified SM object. * Further operations should not be attempted on the destroyed object. * This function should only be called after a call to osm_sm_construct or * osm_sm_init. * * SEE ALSO * SM object, osm_sm_construct, osm_sm_init *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_init * NAME * osm_sm_init * * DESCRIPTION * The osm_sm_init function initializes a SM object for use. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_init(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, IN osm_subn_t * const p_subn, IN osm_db_t * const p_db, IN osm_vendor_t * const p_vendor, IN osm_mad_pool_t * const p_mad_pool, IN osm_vl15_t * const p_vl15, IN osm_log_t * const p_log, IN osm_stats_t * const p_stats, IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp, IN cl_plock_t * const p_lock); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object to initialize. * * p_subn * [in] Pointer to the Subnet object for this subnet. * * p_vendor * [in] Pointer to the vendor specific interfaces object. * * p_mad_pool * [in] Pointer to the MAD pool. * * p_vl15 * [in] Pointer to the VL15 interface. * * p_log * [in] Pointer to the log object. * * p_stats * [in] Pointer to the statistics object. * * p_disp * [in] Pointer to the OpenSM central Dispatcher. * * p_lock * [in] Pointer to the OpenSM serializing lock. * * RETURN VALUES * IB_SUCCESS if the SM object was initialized successfully. * * NOTES * Allows calling other SM methods. * * SEE ALSO * SM object, osm_sm_construct, osm_sm_destroy *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_signal * NAME * osm_sm_signal * * DESCRIPTION * Signal event to SM * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_signal(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, osm_signal_t signal); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * signal * [in] sm signal number. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * SM object *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_sweep * NAME * osm_sm_sweep * * DESCRIPTION * Initiates a subnet sweep. * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_sweep(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * RETURN VALUES * IB_SUCCESS if the sweep completed successfully. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * SM object *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_bind * NAME * osm_sm_bind * * DESCRIPTION * Binds the sm object to a port guid. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_bind(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, IN const ib_net64_t port_guid); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object to bind. * * port_guid * [in] Local port GUID with which to bind. * * * RETURN VALUES * None * * NOTES * A given SM object can only be bound to one port at a time. * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_req_get * NAME * osm_req_get * * DESCRIPTION * Starts the process to transmit a directed route request for * the attribute. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_req_get(IN osm_sm_t * sm, IN const osm_dr_path_t * const p_path, IN const uint16_t attr_id, IN const uint32_t attr_mod, IN const cl_disp_msgid_t err_msg, IN const osm_madw_context_t * const p_context); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * p_path * [in] Pointer to the directed route path to the node * from which to retrieve the attribute. * * attr_id * [in] Attribute ID to request. * * attr_mod * [in] Attribute modifier for this request. * * err_msg * [in] Message id with which to post this MAD if an error occurs. * * p_context * [in] Mad wrapper context structure to be copied into the wrapper * context, and thus visible to the recipient of the response. * * RETURN VALUES * IB_SUCCESS if the request was successful. * * NOTES * This function asynchronously requests the specified attribute. * The response from the node will be routed through the Dispatcher * to the appropriate receive controller object. *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_req_set * NAME * osm_req_set * * DESCRIPTION * Starts the process to transmit a directed route Set() request. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_req_set(IN osm_sm_t * sm, IN const osm_dr_path_t * const p_path, IN const uint8_t * const p_payload, IN const size_t payload_size, IN const uint16_t attr_id, IN const uint32_t attr_mod, IN const cl_disp_msgid_t err_msg, IN const osm_madw_context_t * const p_context); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * p_path * [in] Pointer to the directed route path of the recipient. * * p_payload * [in] Pointer to the SMP payload to send. * * payload_size * [in] The size of the payload to be copied to the SMP data field. * * attr_id * [in] Attribute ID to request. * * attr_mod * [in] Attribute modifier for this request. * * err_msg * [in] Message id with which to post this MAD if an error occurs. * * p_context * [in] Mad wrapper context structure to be copied into the wrapper * context, and thus visible to the recipient of the response. * * RETURN VALUES * IB_SUCCESS if the request was successful. * * NOTES * This function asynchronously requests the specified attribute. * The response from the node will be routed through the Dispatcher * to the appropriate receive controller object. *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_resp_send * NAME * osm_resp_send * * DESCRIPTION * Starts the process to transmit a directed route response. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_resp_send(IN osm_sm_t * sm, IN const osm_madw_t * const p_req_madw, IN const ib_net16_t status, IN const uint8_t * const p_payload); /* * PARAMETERS * p_resp * [in] Pointer to an osm_resp_t object. * * p_madw * [in] Pointer to the MAD Wrapper object for the requesting MAD * to which this response is generated. * * status * [in] Status for this response. * * p_payload * [in] Pointer to the payload of the response MAD. * * RETURN VALUES * IB_SUCCESS if the response was successful. * *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_mcgrp_join * NAME * osm_sm_mcgrp_join * * DESCRIPTION * Adds a port to the multicast group. Creates the multicast group * if necessary. * * This function is called by the SA. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_mcgrp_join(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, IN const ib_net16_t mlid, IN const ib_net64_t port_guid, IN osm_mcast_req_type_t req_type); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * mlid * [in] Multicast LID * * port_guid * [in] Port GUID to add to the group. * * req_type * [in] Type of the MC request that caused this join * (MC create/join). * * RETURN VALUES * None * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM/osm_sm_mcgrp_leave * NAME * osm_sm_mcgrp_leave * * DESCRIPTION * Removes a port from the multicast group. * * This function is called by the SA. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_mcgrp_leave(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, IN const ib_net16_t mlid, IN const ib_net64_t port_guid); /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * mlid * [in] Multicast LID * * port_guid * [in] Port GUID to remove from the group. * * RETURN VALUES * None * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****f* OpenSM: OpenSM/osm_sm_wait_for_subnet_up * NAME * osm_sm_wait_for_subnet_up * * DESCRIPTION * Blocks the calling thread until the subnet is up. * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline cl_status_t osm_sm_wait_for_subnet_up(IN osm_sm_t * const p_sm, IN uint32_t const wait_us, IN boolean_t const interruptible) { return (cl_event_wait_on(&p_sm->subnet_up_event, wait_us, interruptible)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * wait_us * [in] Number of microseconds to wait. * * interruptible * [in] Indicates whether the wait operation can be interrupted * by external signals. * * RETURN VALUES * CL_SUCCESS if the wait operation succeeded in response to the event * being set. * * CL_TIMEOUT if the specified time period elapses. * * CL_NOT_DONE if the wait was interrupted by an external signal. * * CL_ERROR if the wait operation failed. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****f* OpenSM: State Manager/osm_sm_is_greater_than * NAME * osm_sm_is_greater_than * * DESCRIPTION * Compares two SM's ( * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline boolean_t osm_sm_is_greater_than(IN const uint8_t l_priority, IN const ib_net64_t l_guid, IN const uint8_t r_priority, IN const ib_net64_t r_guid) { return (l_priority > r_priority || (l_priority == r_priority && cl_ntoh64(l_guid) < cl_ntoh64(r_guid))); } /* * PARAMETERS * l_priority * [in] Priority of the SM on the "left" * * l_guid * [in] GUID of the SM on the "left" * * r_priority * [in] Priority of the SM on the "right" * * r_guid * [in] GUID of the SM on the "right" * * RETURN VALUES * Return TRUE if an sm with l_priority and l_guid is higher than an sm * with r_priority and r_guid, return FALSE otherwise. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * State Manager *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM State Manager/osm_sm_state_mgr_process * NAME * osm_sm_state_mgr_process * * DESCRIPTION * Processes and maintains the states of the SM. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_state_mgr_process(IN osm_sm_t *sm, IN osm_sm_signal_t signal); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * signal * [in] Signal to the state SM engine. * * RETURN VALUES * None. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * State Manager *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM State Manager/osm_sm_state_mgr_signal_master_is_alive * NAME * osm_sm_state_mgr_signal_master_is_alive * * DESCRIPTION * Signals that the remote Master SM is alive. * Need to clear the retry_number variable. * * SYNOPSIS */ void osm_sm_state_mgr_signal_master_is_alive(IN osm_sm_t *sm); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * RETURN VALUES * None. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * State Manager *********/ /****f* OpenSM: SM State Manager/osm_sm_state_mgr_check_legality * NAME * osm_sm_state_mgr_check_legality * * DESCRIPTION * Checks the legality of the signal received, according to the * current state of the SM state machine. * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osm_sm_state_mgr_check_legality(IN osm_sm_t *sm, IN osm_sm_signal_t signal); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * signal * [in] Signal to the state SM engine. * * RETURN VALUES * None. * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * State Manager *********/ void osm_report_sm_state(osm_sm_t *sm); /****f* OpenSM: SM State Manager/osm_send_trap144 * NAME * osm_send_trap144 * * DESCRIPTION * Send trap 144 to the master SM. * * SYNOPSIS */ int osm_send_trap144(osm_sm_t *sm, ib_net16_t local); /* * PARAMETERS * sm * [in] Pointer to an osm_sm_t object. * * local * [in] OtherLocalChanges mask in network byte order. * * RETURN VALUES * 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise. * *********/ void osm_set_sm_priority(osm_sm_t *sm, uint8_t priority); END_C_DECLS #endif /* _OSM_SM_H_ */