#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ base=`basename $0` no=45 sectors=100 keyfile=`mktemp /tmp/$base.XXXXXX` || exit 1 sector=`mktemp /tmp/$base.XXXXXX` || exit 1 echo "1..5520" i=1 for cipher in aes:0 aes:128 aes:256 \ aes-xts:0 aes-xts:128 aes-xts:256 \ aes-cbc:0 aes-cbc:128 aes-cbc:192 aes-cbc:256 \ 3des:0 3des:192 \ 3des-cbc:0 3des-cbc:192 \ blowfish:0 blowfish:128 blowfish:160 blowfish:192 blowfish:224 \ blowfish:256 blowfish:288 blowfish:320 blowfish:352 blowfish:384 \ blowfish:416 blowfish:448 \ blowfish-cbc:0 blowfish-cbc:128 blowfish-cbc:160 blowfish-cbc:192 blowfish-cbc:224 \ blowfish-cbc:256 blowfish-cbc:288 blowfish-cbc:320 blowfish-cbc:352 blowfish-cbc:384 \ blowfish-cbc:416 blowfish-cbc:448 \ camellia:0 camellia:128 camellia:192 camellia:256 \ camellia-cbc:0 camellia-cbc:128 camellia-cbc:192 camellia-cbc:256; do ealgo=${cipher%%:*} keylen=${cipher##*:} for aalgo in hmac/md5 hmac/sha1 hmac/ripemd160 hmac/sha256 hmac/sha384 hmac/sha512; do for secsize in 512 1024 2048 4096 8192; do #mdconfig -a -t malloc -s `expr $secsize \* 2 + 512`b -u $no || exit 1 mdconfig -a -t malloc -s $sectors -u $no || exit 1 dd if=/dev/random of=${keyfile} bs=512 count=16 >/dev/null 2>&1 geli init -B none -a $aalgo -e $ealgo -l $keylen -P -K $keyfile -s $secsize md${no} 2>/dev/null geli attach -p -k $keyfile md${no} dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/md${no}.eli bs=${secsize} count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 dd if=/dev/md${no}.eli bs=${secsize} count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ok $i - small 1 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" else echo "not ok $i - small 1 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" fi i=$((i+1)) geli detach md${no} # Copy first small sector to the second small sector. # This should be detected as corruption. dd if=/dev/md${no} of=${sector} bs=512 count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 dd if=${sector} of=/dev/md${no} bs=512 count=1 seek=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 geli attach -p -k $keyfile md${no} dd if=/dev/md${no}.eli of=/dev/null bs=${secsize} count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ok $i - small 2 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" else echo "not ok $i - small 2 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" fi i=$((i+1)) ms=`diskinfo /dev/md${no} | awk '{print $3 - 512}'` ns=`diskinfo /dev/md${no}.eli | awk '{print $4}'` usecsize=`echo "($ms / $ns) - (($ms / $ns) % 512)" | bc` dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/md${no}.eli bs=${secsize} count=2 >/dev/null 2>&1 dd if=/dev/md${no}.eli bs=${secsize} count=2 >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ok $i - big 1 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" else echo "not ok $i - big 1 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" fi i=$((i+1)) geli detach md${no} # Copy first big sector to the second big sector. # This should be detected as corruption. dd if=/dev/md${no} of=${sector} bs=${usecsize} count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 dd if=${sector} of=/dev/md${no} bs=${usecsize} count=1 seek=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 geli attach -p -k $keyfile md${no} dd if=/dev/md${no}.eli of=/dev/null bs=${secsize} count=2 >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ok $i - big 2 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" else echo "not ok $i - big 2 aalgo=${aalgo} ealgo=${ealgo} keylen=${keylen} sec=${secsize}" fi i=$((i+1)) geli detach md${no} mdconfig -d -u $no done done done rm -f $keyfile $sector