/* NOCW */ /* cc -o ssdemo -I../include selfsign.c ../libcrypto.a */ #include #include #include #include #include int mkit(X509 **x509p, EVP_PKEY **pkeyp, int bits, int serial, int days); int main() { BIO *bio_err; X509 *x509 = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON); bio_err = BIO_new_fp(stderr, BIO_NOCLOSE); mkit(&x509, &pkey, 512, 0, 365); RSA_print_fp(stdout, pkey->pkey.rsa, 0); X509_print_fp(stdout, x509); PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout, pkey, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); PEM_write_X509(stdout, x509); X509_free(x509); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); #ifdef CUSTOM_EXT /* Only needed if we add objects or custom extensions */ X509V3_EXT_cleanup(); OBJ_cleanup(); #endif CRYPTO_mem_leaks(bio_err); BIO_free(bio_err); return (0); } #ifdef WIN16 # define MS_CALLBACK _far _loadds # define MS_FAR _far #else # define MS_CALLBACK # define MS_FAR #endif static void MS_CALLBACK callback(p, n, arg) int p; int n; void *arg; { char c = 'B'; if (p == 0) c = '.'; if (p == 1) c = '+'; if (p == 2) c = '*'; if (p == 3) c = '\n'; fputc(c, stderr); } int mkit(x509p, pkeyp, bits, serial, days) X509 **x509p; EVP_PKEY **pkeyp; int bits; int serial; int days; { X509 *x; EVP_PKEY *pk; RSA *rsa; X509_NAME *name = NULL; X509_NAME_ENTRY *ne = NULL; X509_EXTENSION *ex = NULL; if ((pkeyp == NULL) || (*pkeyp == NULL)) { if ((pk = EVP_PKEY_new()) == NULL) { abort(); return (0); } } else pk = *pkeyp; if ((x509p == NULL) || (*x509p == NULL)) { if ((x = X509_new()) == NULL) goto err; } else x = *x509p; rsa = RSA_generate_key(bits, RSA_F4, callback, NULL); if (!EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pk, rsa)) { abort(); goto err; } rsa = NULL; X509_set_version(x, 3); ASN1_INTEGER_set(X509_get_serialNumber(x), serial); X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notBefore(x), 0); X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notAfter(x), (long)60 * 60 * 24 * days); X509_set_pubkey(x, pk); name = X509_get_subject_name(x); /* * This function creates and adds the entry, working out the correct * string type and performing checks on its length. Normally we'd check * the return value for errors... */ X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, "C", MBSTRING_ASC, "UK", -1, -1, 0); X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, "CN", MBSTRING_ASC, "OpenSSL Group", -1, -1, 0); X509_set_issuer_name(x, name); /* * Add extension using V3 code: we can set the config file as NULL * because we wont reference any other sections. We can also set the * context to NULL because none of these extensions below will need to * access it. */ ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, NULL, NID_netscape_cert_type, "server"); X509_add_ext(x, ex, -1); X509_EXTENSION_free(ex); ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, NULL, NID_netscape_comment, "example comment extension"); X509_add_ext(x, ex, -1); X509_EXTENSION_free(ex); ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, NULL, NID_netscape_ssl_server_name, "www.openssl.org"); X509_add_ext(x, ex, -1); X509_EXTENSION_free(ex); #if 0 /* might want something like this too.... */ ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, NULL, NID_basic_constraints, "critical,CA:TRUE"); X509_add_ext(x, ex, -1); X509_EXTENSION_free(ex); #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_EXT /* Maybe even add our own extension based on existing */ { int nid; nid = OBJ_create("", "MyAlias", "My Test Alias Extension"); X509V3_EXT_add_alias(nid, NID_netscape_comment); ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, NULL, nid, "example comment alias"); X509_add_ext(x, ex, -1); X509_EXTENSION_free(ex); } #endif if (!X509_sign(x, pk, EVP_md5())) goto err; *x509p = x; *pkeyp = pk; return (1); err: return (0); }