/* Ppmd8.h -- PPMdI codec 2011-01-27 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain This code is based on: PPMd var.I (2002): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain Carryless rangecoder (1999): Dmitry Subbotin : Public domain */ #ifndef __PPMD8_H #define __PPMD8_H #include "archive_ppmd_private.h" #define PPMD8_MIN_ORDER 2 #define PPMD8_MAX_ORDER 16 struct CPpmd8_Context_; typedef #ifdef PPMD_32BIT struct CPpmd8_Context_ * #else UInt32 #endif CPpmd8_Context_Ref; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct CPpmd8_Context_ { Byte NumStats; Byte Flags; UInt16 SummFreq; CPpmd_State_Ref Stats; CPpmd8_Context_Ref Suffix; } CPpmd8_Context; #pragma pack(pop) #define Ppmd8Context_OneState(p) ((CPpmd_State *)&(p)->SummFreq) /* The BUG in Shkarin's code for FREEZE mode was fixed, but that fixed code is not compatible with original code for some files compressed in FREEZE mode. So we disable FREEZE mode support. */ enum { PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_RESTART, PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_CUT_OFF #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT , PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE #endif }; typedef struct { CPpmd8_Context *MinContext, *MaxContext; CPpmd_State *FoundState; unsigned OrderFall, InitEsc, PrevSuccess, MaxOrder; Int32 RunLength, InitRL; /* must be 32-bit at least */ UInt32 Size; UInt32 GlueCount; Byte *Base, *LoUnit, *HiUnit, *Text, *UnitsStart; UInt32 AlignOffset; unsigned RestoreMethod; /* Range Coder */ UInt32 Range; UInt32 Code; UInt32 Low; union { IByteIn *In; IByteOut *Out; } Stream; Byte Indx2Units[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; Byte Units2Indx[128]; CPpmd_Void_Ref FreeList[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; UInt32 Stamps[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; Byte NS2BSIndx[256], NS2Indx[260]; CPpmd_See DummySee, See[24][32]; UInt16 BinSumm[25][64]; } CPpmd8; void Ppmd8_Construct(CPpmd8 *p); Bool Ppmd8_Alloc(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size); void Ppmd8_Free(CPpmd8 *p); void Ppmd8_Init(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned maxOrder, unsigned restoreMethod); #define Ppmd8_WasAllocated(p) ((p)->Base != NULL) /* ---------- Internal Functions ---------- */ extern const Byte PPMD8_kExpEscape[16]; #ifdef PPMD_32BIT #define Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, ptr) (ptr) #define Ppmd8_GetContext(p, ptr) (ptr) #define Ppmd8_GetStats(p, ctx) ((ctx)->Stats) #else #define Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, offs) ((void *)((p)->Base + (offs))) #define Ppmd8_GetContext(p, offs) ((CPpmd8_Context *)Ppmd8_GetPtr((p), (offs))) #define Ppmd8_GetStats(p, ctx) ((CPpmd_State *)Ppmd8_GetPtr((p), ((ctx)->Stats))) #endif void Ppmd8_Update1(CPpmd8 *p); void Ppmd8_Update1_0(CPpmd8 *p); void Ppmd8_Update2(CPpmd8 *p); void Ppmd8_UpdateBin(CPpmd8 *p); #define Ppmd8_GetBinSumm(p) \ &p->BinSumm[p->NS2Indx[Ppmd8Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Freq - 1]][ \ p->NS2BSIndx[Ppmd8_GetContext(p, p->MinContext->Suffix)->NumStats] + \ p->PrevSuccess + p->MinContext->Flags + ((p->RunLength >> 26) & 0x20)] CPpmd_See *Ppmd8_MakeEscFreq(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned numMasked, UInt32 *scale); /* ---------- Decode ---------- */ Bool Ppmd8_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd8 *p); #define Ppmd8_RangeDec_IsFinishedOK(p) ((p)->Code == 0) int Ppmd8_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p); /* returns: -1 as EndMarker, -2 as DataError */ /* ---------- Encode ---------- */ #define Ppmd8_RangeEnc_Init(p) { (p)->Low = 0; (p)->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF; } void Ppmd8_RangeEnc_FlushData(CPpmd8 *p); void Ppmd8_EncodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p, int symbol); /* symbol = -1 means EndMarker */ typedef struct { /* Base Functions */ void (*Ppmd8_Construct)(CPpmd8 *p); Bool (*Ppmd8_Alloc)(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size); void (*Ppmd8_Free)(CPpmd8 *p); void (*Ppmd8_Init)(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned max_order, unsigned restore_method); #define Ppmd7_WasAllocated(p) ((p)->Base != NULL) /* Decode Functions */ int (*Ppmd8_RangeDec_Init)(CPpmd8 *p); int (*Ppmd8_DecodeSymbol)(CPpmd8 *p); } IPpmd8; extern const IPpmd8 __archive_ppmd8_functions; #endif