sudo: false language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - 7.1 - hhvm matrix: allow_failures: - php: hhvm env: - DB=mysql before_script: - git clone git:// tests - git clone git:// user/languages/fr - cp user/languages/fr/fr_FR.* user/languages - mysql -e 'create database IF NOT EXISTS yourls_tests;' - cp tests/yourls-tests-config-travis.php user/config.php - | # Export Composer's global bin dir to PATH composer config --list --global export PATH=`composer config --list --global | grep '\[home\]' | { read a; echo "${a#* }/vendor/bin:$PATH"; }` - | # Install the specified version of PHPUnit depending on the PHP version: case "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" in 7.1|7.0|hhvm) echo "Using PHPUnit 5.7" composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=5.7.*" ;; 5.6|5.5|5.4|5.3) echo "Using PHPUnit 4.8" composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=4.8.*" ;; *) echo "No PHPUnit version handling for PHP version $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" exit 1 ;; esac - which phpunit - phpunit --version script: phpunit --configuration ./tests/phpunit-travis.xml.dist after_script: rm user/config.php notifications: email: false irc: channels: - "" use_notice: true