bookmarklets for easier link shortening and sharing.' ); ?>

select text on the page you're viewing before clicking on your bookmarklet link" ); ?>


',l=d.location,p='?u='+enc(l.href)+'&t='+enc(d.title)+s2+'&share='+share,u=f+p;try{throw('ozhismygod');}catch(z){a=function(){if(!,'Share','width=780,height=265,left=100','_blank'))l.href=u;};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))setTimeout(a,0);else%20a();}void(0);})();" class="bookmarklet" onclick="alert('');return false;">

%s\" to the beginning of the current URL (right before its 'http://' part) and hit enter.", preg_replace('@https?://@', '', YOURLS_SITE) . '/' ); ?>


username and password parameters.' ); echo "\n"; yourls_e( "If you're worried about sending your credentials into the wild, you can also make API calls without using your login or your password, using a secret signature token." ); ?>

%s', yourls_auth_signature() ); yourls_e( "(It's a secret. Keep it secret) "); ?>

API documentation for more', YOURLS_SITE . '/readme.html#API' ); ?>