body; } /** * Perform a POST request, return response object * * Notable object properties: body, headers, status_code * * @since 1.7 * @see yourls_http_request * @return object Response */ function yourls_http_post( $url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array() ) { return yourls_http_request( 'POST', $url, $headers, $data, $options ); } /** * Perform a POST request, return body * * Wrapper for yourls_http_request() * * @since 1.7 * @see yourls_http_request * @return string body */ function yourls_http_post_body( $url, $headers = array(), $data = array(), $options = array() ) { $return = yourls_http_post( $url, $headers, $data, $options ); return $return->body; } /** * Default HTTP requests options for YOURLS * * For a list of all available options, see function request() in Requests/Requests.php * * @since 1.7 * @return array Options */ function yourls_http_default_options() { $options = array( 'timeout' => '5', 'useragent' => yourls_http_user_agent(), 'follow_redirects' => true, 'redirects' => 3, ); return yourls_apply_filter( 'http_default_options', $options ); } /** * Perform a HTTP request, return response object * * @since 1.7 * @param string $var Stuff * @return string Result */ function yourls_http_request( $type, $url, $headers, $data, $options ) { yourls_http_load_library(); $options = array_merge( yourls_http_default_options(), $options ); return Requests::request( $url, $headers, $data, $type, $options ); } /** * Check if Requests class is defined, include Requests library if need be * * All HTTP functions should perform that check prior to any operation. This is to avoid * include()-ing all the Requests files on every YOURLS instance disregarding whether needed or not. * * @since 1.7 */ function yourls_http_load_library() { if ( !class_exists( 'Requests', false ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Requests/Requests.php'; Requests::register_autoloader(); } } /** * Deprecated. Get remote content via a GET request using best transport available * Returns $content (might be an error message) or false if no transport available * */ function yourls_get_remote_content( $url, $maxlen = 4096, $timeout = 5 ) { yourls_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '1.7', 'yourls_http_get' ); return yourls_http_get_body( $url ); } /** * Return funky user agent string * */ function yourls_http_user_agent() { return yourls_apply_filter( 'http_user_agent', 'YOURLS v'.YOURLS_VERSION.' + (running on '.YOURLS_SITE.')' ); }