// Init some stuff $(document).ready(function(){ $('#add-url, #add-keyword').keyup(function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) {add();} } ); reset_url(); $('#new_url_form').attr('action', 'javascript:add();'); if ($("#tblUrl tr.nourl_found").length != 1) { $("#tblUrl").tablesorter({ sortList:[[3,1]], // Sort on column #3 (numbering starts at 0) headers: { 6: {sorter: false} }, // no sorter on column #6 widgets: ['zebra'] // prettify }); } }); // Create new link and add to table function add() { var newurl = $("#add-url").val(); if ( !newurl || newurl == 'http://' ) { alert('no URL ?'); return; } var keyword = $("#add-keyword").val(); add_loading("#add-button"); $.getJSON( "admin_ajax.php", {mode:'add', url: newurl, keyword: keyword}, function(data){ if(data.status == 'success') { $('#tblUrl tbody').prepend( data.html ).trigger("update"); $('.nourl_found').remove(); zebra_table(); reset_url(); increment(); } feedback(data.message, data.status); end_loading("#add-button"); end_disable("#add-button"); } ); } // Display the edition interface function edit(id) { add_loading("#edit-button-" + id); add_loading("#delete-button-" + id); $.getJSON( "admin_ajax.php", { mode: "edit_display", id: id }, function(data){ $("#id-" + id).after( data.html ); $("#edit-url-"+ id).focus(); end_loading("#edit-button-" + id); end_loading("#delete-button-" + id); } ); } // Delete a link function remove(id) { if (!confirm('Really delete?')) { return; } $.getJSON( "admin_ajax.php", { mode: "delete", id: id }, function(data){ if (data.success == 1) { $("#id-" + id).fadeOut(function(){$(this).remove();zebra_table();}); } else { alert('something wrong happened while deleting :/'); } } ); } // Cancel edition of a link function hide_edit(id) { $("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){ end_disable("#edit-button-" + id); end_disable("#delete-button-" + id); }); } // Save edition of a link function edit_save(id) { add_loading("#edit-close-" + id); var newurl = $("#edit-url-" + id).val(); var newid = $("#edit-id-" + id).val(); $.getJSON( "admin_ajax.php", {mode:'edit_save', url: newurl, id: id, newid: newid }, function(data){ if(data.status == 'success') { $("#url-" + id).html('' + data.url.url + ''); $("#keyword-" + id).html(data.url.keyword); $("#shorturl-" + id).html('' + data.url.shorturl + ''); $("#timestamp-" + id).html(data.url.date); $("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){ $('#tblUrl tbody').trigger("update"); }); } feedback(data.message, data.status); end_disable("#edit-close-" + id); end_loading("#edit-close-" + id); end_disable("#edit-button-" + id); end_disable("#delete-button-" + id); } ); } // Unused for now since HTTP Auth sucks donkeys. function logout() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "admin_ajax.php", data: {mode:'logout'}, success: function() { window.parent.location.href = window.parent.location.href; } }); } // Begin the spinning animation & disable a button function add_loading(el) { $(el).attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass('disabled').addClass('loading'); } // End spinning animation function end_loading(el) { $(el).removeClass('loading'); } // Un-disable an element function end_disable(el) { $(el).removeAttr("disabled").removeClass('disabled'); } // Prettify table with odd & even rows function zebra_table() { $("#tblUrl tbody tr:even").removeClass('odd').addClass('even'); $("#tblUrl tbody tr:odd").removeClass('even').addClass('odd'); $('#tblUrl tbody').trigger("update"); } // Update feedback message function feedback(msg, type) { var span = (type == 'fail') ? '' : '' ; var delay = (type == 'fail') ? 2500 : 1000 ; $('#feedback').html(span + msg + '').fadeIn(200,function(){ $(this).animate({'opacity':1}, delay, function() { $(this).fadeOut(800); }) }); } // Ready to add another URL function reset_url() { $('#add-url').val('http://').focus(); $('#add-keyword').val(''); } // Increment URL counters function increment() { $('.increment').each(function(){ $(this).html( parseInt($(this).html()) + 1); }); }