$(document).ready(function(){ $('#tweet_body').focus(); $('#tweet_body').keypress(function(){ setTimeout( function(){update_share()}, 50 ); // we're delaying, otherwise keypress() always triggers too fast before current key press actually inserts a letter?!! Go figure. }); $('#copylink').click(function(){ $(this).select(); }); init_clipboard(); }) function update_share() { var text = encodeURI( $('#tweet_body').val() ); var url = encodeURI( $('#copylink').val() ); var tw = 'http://twitter.com/home?status='+text; var ff = 'http://friendfeed.com/share/bookmarklet/frame#title='+text ; var fb = 'http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u='+url ; $('#share_tw').attr('href', tw); $('#share_ff').attr('href', ff); $('#share_fb').attr('href', fb); var charcount = parseInt(140 - $('#tweet_body').val().length); $('#charcount') .toggleClass("negative", charcount < 0) .text( charcount ); } function share(dest) { var url = $('#share_'+dest).attr('href'); switch (dest) { case 'ff': //$('body').append(''); window.open(url, 'ff','toolbar=no,width=500,height=350'); break; case 'fb': //var url = $('#share_fb').attr('href'); window.open( url, 'fb','toolbar=no,width=1000,height=550'); break; case 'tw': //var url = $('#share_tw').attr('href'); window.open(url, 'tw','toolbar=no,width=800,height=550'); break; } return false; } function init_clipboard() { //Create a new clipboard client clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); //Glue the clipboard client to the last td in each row clip.glue( 'copylink' ); //Grab the text from the parent row of the icon var txt = $('#copylink').val(); clip.setText(txt); //Add a complete event to let the user know the text was copied clip.addEventListener('complete', function(client, text) { html_pulse( '#copybox h2', 'Copied!' ); }); // Custom animation on hover $('#copylink').css({'backgroundPosition':'130% 50%'}); $('#'+clip.movieId) .mouseover(function(){ $('#copylink').select().animate({'backgroundPosition':'100% 50%'}, 300); }) .mouseout(function(){ $('#copylink').blur().animate({'backgroundPosition':'130% 50%'}, 300); }); // Force flash clip size (IE fix) $('#'+clip.movieId).css('height', '35px'); };