'pre_execute', 'install_mkdirs'=>'mkdir', 'install_copy'=>'copy', 'install_images'=>'image_dir', 'install_menus'=>'menu', 'install_userpage'=>'user_page', 'install_dashlets'=>'dashlets', 'install_administration'=>'administration', 'install_connectors'=>'connectors', 'install_vardefs'=>'vardefs', 'install_layoutdefs'=>'layoutdefs', 'install_layoutfields'=>'layoutfields', 'install_relationships'=>'relationships', 'install_languages'=>'language', 'install_logichooks'=>'logic_hooks', 'post_execute'=>'post_execute', ); private $blackListExempt = array(); private $validExt = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'css', 'js', 'php', 'txt', 'html', 'htm', 'tpl', 'pdf', 'md5', 'xml'); private $blackList = array( 'popen', 'proc_open', 'escapeshellarg', 'escapeshellcmd', 'proc_close', 'proc_get_status', 'proc_nice', 'basename', 'passthru', 'clearstatcache', 'delete', 'dirname', 'disk_free_space', 'disk_total_space', 'diskfreespace', 'fclose', 'feof', 'fflush', 'fgetc', 'fgetcsv', 'fgets', 'fgetss', 'file_exists', 'file_get_contents', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'flock', 'fnmatch', 'fpassthru', 'fputcsv', 'fputs', 'fread', 'fscanf', 'fseek', 'fstat', 'ftell', 'ftruncate', 'fwrite', 'glob', 'is_dir', 'is_file', 'is_link', 'is_readable', 'is_uploaded_file', 'parse_ini_string', 'pathinfo', 'pclose', 'readfile', 'readlink', 'realpath_cache_get', 'realpath_cache_size', 'realpath', 'rewind', 'set_file_buffer', 'tmpfile', 'umask', 'eval', 'exec', 'system', 'shell_exec', 'passthru', 'chgrp', 'chmod', 'chwown', 'file_put_contents', 'file', 'fileatime', 'filectime', 'filegroup', 'fileinode', 'filemtime', 'fileowner', 'fileperms', 'fopen', 'is_executable', 'is_writable', 'is_writeable', 'lchgrp', 'lchown', 'linkinfo', 'lstat', 'mkdir', 'parse_ini_file', 'rmdir', 'stat', 'tempnam', 'touch', 'unlink', 'getimagesize', 'call_user_func', 'call_user_func_array', 'create_function', //mutliple files per function call 'copy', 'link', 'rename', 'symlink', 'move_uploaded_file', 'chdir', 'chroot', 'create_cache_directory', 'mk_temp_dir', 'write_array_to_file', 'write_encoded_file', 'create_custom_directory', 'sugar_rename', 'sugar_chown', 'sugar_fopen', 'sugar_mkdir', 'sugar_file_put_contents', 'sugar_chgrp', 'sugar_chmod', 'sugar_touch', ); public function printToWiki(){ echo "'''Default Extensions'''
"; foreach($this->validExt as $b){ echo '#' . $b . '
'; } echo "'''Default Black Listed Functions'''
"; foreach($this->blackList as $b){ echo '#' . $b . '
'; } } public function __construct(){ if(!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['blackListExempt'])){ $this->blackListExempt = array_merge($this->blackListExempt, $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['blackListExempt']); } if(!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['blackList'])){ $this->blackList = array_merge($this->blackList, $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['blackList']); } if(!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['validExt'])){ $this->validExt = array_merge($this->validExt, $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['validExt']); } } private $issues = array(); private $pathToModule = ''; /** *returns a list of issues */ public function getIssues(){ return $this->issues; } /** *returns true or false if any issues were found */ public function hasIssues(){ return !empty($this->issues); } /** *Ensures that a file has a valid extension */ private function isValidExtension($file){ $file = strtolower($file); $extPos = strrpos($file, '.'); //make sure they don't override the files.md5 if($extPos === false || $file == 'files.md5')return false; $ext = substr($file, $extPos + 1); return in_array($ext, $this->validExt); } /** *Scans a directory and calls on scan file for each file **/ public function scanDir($path){ static $startPath = ''; if(empty($startPath))$startPath = $path; if(!is_dir($path))return false; $d = dir($path); while($e = $d->read()){ $next = $path . '/' . $e; if(is_dir($next)){ if(substr($e, 0, 1) == '.')continue; $this->scanDir($next); }else{ $issues = $this->scanFile($next); } } return true; } /** * Given a file it will open it's contents and check if it is a PHP file (not safe to just rely on extensions) if it finds isValidExtension($file)){ $issues[] = translate('ML_INVALID_EXT'); $this->issues['file'][$file] = $issues; return $issues; } $contents = file_get_contents($file); if(stripos($contents,'$token){ if(is_string($token[0])){ switch($token[0]){ case '`': $issues['backtick'] = translate('ML_INVALID_FUNCTION') . " '`'"; case '(': if($checkFunction)$issues[] = $possibleIssue; break; } $checkFunction = false; $possibleIssue = ''; }else{ $token['_msi'] = token_name($token[0]); switch($token[0]){ case T_WHITESPACE: continue; case T_EVAL: if(in_array('eval', $this->blackList) && !in_array('eval', $this->blackListExempt)) $issues[]= translate('ML_INVALID_FUNCTION') . ' eval()'; break; case T_STRING: $token[1] = strtolower($token[1]); if(!in_array($token[1], $this->blackList))break; if(in_array($token[1], $this->blackListExempt))break; if ($lastToken !== false && ($lastToken[0] == T_NEW || $lastToken[0] == T_OBJECT_OPERATOR || $lastToken[0] == T_DOUBLE_COLON)) { break; } case T_VARIABLE: $checkFunction = true; $possibleIssue = translate('ML_INVALID_FUNCTION') . ' ' . $token[1] . '()'; break; default: $checkFunction = false; $possibleIssue = ''; } if ($token[0] != T_WHITESPACE) { $lastToken = $token; } } } if(!empty($issues)){ $this->issues['file'][$file] = $issues; } return $issues; } /* * checks files.md5 file to see if the file is from sugar * ONLY WORKS ON FILES */ public function sugarFileExists($path){ static $md5 = array(); if(empty($md5) && file_exists('files.md5')) { include('files.md5'); $md5 = $md5_string; } if(isset($md5['./' . $path]))return true; } /** *This function will scan the Manifest for disabled actions specified in $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableActions'] *if $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableRestrictedCopy'] is set to false or not set it will call on scanCopy to ensure that it is not overriding files */ public function scanManifest($manifestPath){ $issues = array(); if(!file_exists($manifestPath)){ $this->issues['manifest'][$manifestPath] = translate('ML_NO_MANIFEST'); return $issues; } $fileIssues = $this->scanFile($manifestPath); //if the manifest contains malicious code do not open it if(!empty($fileIssues)){ return $fileIssues; } include($manifestPath); //scan for disabled actions if(isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableActions'])){ foreach($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableActions'] as $action){ if(isset($installdefs[$this->manifestMap[$action]])){ $issues[] = translate('ML_INVALID_ACTION_IN_MANIFEST') . $this->manifestMap[$action]; } } } //now lets scan for files that will override our files if(empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableRestrictedCopy']) && isset($installdefs['copy'])){ foreach($installdefs['copy'] as $copy){ $from = str_replace('', $this->pathToModule, $copy['from']); $to = $copy['to']; if(substr_count($from, '..')){ $this->issues['copy'][$from] = translate('ML_PATH_MAY_NOT_CONTAIN').' ".." -' . $from; } if(substr_count($to, '..')){ $this->issues['copy'][$to] = translate('ML_PATH_MAY_NOT_CONTAIN'). ' ".." -' . $to; } while(substr_count($from, '//')){ $from = str_replace('//', '/', $from); } while(substr_count($to, '//')){ $to = str_replace('//', '/', $to); } $this->scanCopy($from, $to); } } if(!empty($issues)){ $this->issues['manifest'][$manifestPath] = $issues; } } /** * Takes in where the file will is specified to be copied from and to * and ensures that there is no official sugar file there. If the file exists it will check * against the MD5 file list to see if Sugar Created the file * */ function scanCopy($from, $to){ //if the file doesn't exist for the $to then it is not overriding anything if(!file_exists($to))return; //if $to is a dir and $from is a file then make $to a full file path as well if(is_dir($to) && is_file($from)){ if(substr($to,-1) === '/'){ $to = substr($to, 0 , strlen($to) - 1); } $to .= '/'. basename($from); } //if the $to is a file and it is found in sugarFileExists then don't allow overriding it if(is_file($to) && $this->sugarFileExists($to)){ $this->issues['copy'][$from] = translate('ML_OVERRIDE_CORE_FILES') . '(' . $to . ')'; } if(is_dir($from)){ $d = dir($from); while($e = $d->read()){ if($e == '.' || $e == '..')continue; $this->scanCopy($from .'/'. $e, $to .'/' . $e); } } } /** *Main external function that takes in a path to a package and then scans *that package's manifest for disabled actions and then it scans the PHP files *for restricted function calls * */ public function scanPackage($path){ $this->pathToModule = $path; $this->scanManifest($path . '/manifest.php'); if(empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['disableFileScan'])){ $this->scanDir($path); } } /** *This function will take all issues of the current instance and print them to the screen **/ public function displayIssues($package='Package'){ echo '

'.str_replace('{PACKAGE}' , $package ,translate('ML_PACKAGE_SCANNING')). '

' . translate('ML_INSTALLATION_FAILED') . '

' .str_replace('{PACKAGE}' , $package ,translate('ML_PACKAGE_NOT_CONFIRM')). '

' . translate('ML_SUGAR_LOADING_POLICY') . ' ' . translate('ML_SUGAR_KB') . '.'. '
' . translate('ML_AVAIL_RESTRICTION'). ' ' . translate('ML_SUGAR_DZ') . '.

'; foreach($this->issues as $type=>$issues){ echo '

'. ucfirst($type) .' ' . translate('ML_ISSUES') . '

'; echo '
'; foreach($issues as $file=>$issue){ $file = str_replace($this->pathToModule . '/', '', $file); echo '
' . $file . '
'; if(is_array($issue)){ foreach($issue as $i){ echo "$i
"; } }else{ echo "$issue
"; } echo "
"; } echo '
'; } echo "
"; } } ?>