_pm = new PackageManager(); } function performBasicSearch(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $search_term = ''; $node_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['search_term'])) { $search_term = nl2br($_REQUEST['search_term']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['node_id'])) { $node_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['node_id']); } $xml = PackageManager::getPackages($node_id); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('packages' => $xml)); } /** * Retrieve a list of packages which belong to the corresponding category * * @param category_id this is passed via POST and is the category id of packages * we wish to retrieve * @return packages xml string consisting of the packages and releases which belong to * the category */ function getPackages(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $category_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $category_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['category_id']); } $xml = PackageManager::getPackages($category_id); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('package_output' => $xml)); } /** * Obtain a list of releases from the server. This function is currently used for generating the patches/langpacks for upgrade wizard * as well as during installation */ function getReleases(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $category_id = ''; $package_id = ''; $types = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $category_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['category_id']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['package_id'])) { $package_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['package_id']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['types'])) { $types = nl2br($_REQUEST['types']); } $types = explode(',', $types); $filter = array(); $count = count($types); $index = 1; $type_str = ''; foreach($types as $type){ $type_str .= "'".$type."'"; if($index < $count) $type_str .= ","; $index++; } $filter = array('type' => $type_str); $filter = PackageManager::toNameValueList($filter); $releases = PackageManager::getReleases($category_id, $package_id, $filter); $nodes = array(); $release_map = array(); foreach($releases['packages'] as $release){ $release = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($release); $nodes[] = array('description' => $release['description'], 'version' => $release['version'], 'build_number' => $release['build_number'], 'id' => $release['id']); $release_map[$release['id']] = array('package_id' => $release['package_id'], 'category_id' => $release['category_id']); } $_SESSION['ML_PATCHES'] = $release_map; echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('releases' => $nodes)); } /** * Obtain a promotion from the depot */ function getPromotion(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $header = PackageManager::getPromotion(); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('promotion' => $header)); } /** * Download the given release * * @param category_id this is passed via POST and is the category id of the release we wish to download * @param package_id this is passed via POST and is the package id of the release we wish to download * @param release_id this is passed via POST and is the release id of the release we wish to download * @return bool true is successful in downloading, false otherwise */ function download(){ global $sugar_config; $json = getJSONobj(); $package_id = ''; $category_id = ''; $release_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['package_id'])) { $package_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['package_id']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $category_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['category_id']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['release_id'])) { $release_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['release_id']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("PACKAGE ID: ".$package_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("CATEGORY ID: ".$category_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("RELEASE ID: ".$release_id); $result = $this->_pm->download($category_id, $package_id, $release_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("RESULT: ".print_r($result,true)); $success = 'false'; if($result != null){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Performing Setup"); $this->_pm->performSetup($result, 'module', false); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Complete Setup"); $success = 'true'; } echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('success' => $success)); } /** * Retrieve a list of categories that are subcategories to the selected category * * @param id - the id of the parent_category, -1 if this is the root * @return array - a list of categories/nodes which are underneath this node */ function getCategories(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $node_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $node_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['category_id']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("NODE ID: ".$node_id); $nodes = PackageManager::getCategories($node_id); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('nodes' => $nodes)); } function getNodes(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $category_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['category_id'])) { $category_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['category_id']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("CATEGORY ID: ".$category_id); $nodes = PackageManager::getModuleLoaderCategoryPackages($category_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug(var_export($nodes, true)); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('nodes' => $nodes)); } /** * Check the SugarDepot for updates for the given type as passed in via POST * @param type the type to check for * @return array return an array of releases for each given installed object if an update is found */ function checkForUpdates(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $type = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['type'])) { $type = nl2br($_REQUEST['type']); } $pm = new PackageManager(); $updates = $pm->checkForUpdates(); $nodes = array(); $release_map = array(); if(!empty($updates)){ foreach($updates as $update){ $update = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($update); $nodes[] = array('label' => $update['name'], 'description' => $update['description'], 'version' => $update['version'], 'build_number' => $update['build_number'], 'id' => $update['id'], 'type' => $update['type']); $release_map[$update['id']] = array('package_id' => $update['package_id'], 'category_id' => $update['category_id'], 'type' => $update['type']); } } //patches $filter = array(array('name' => 'type', 'value' => "'patch'")); $releases = $pm->getReleases('', '', $filter); if(!empty($releases['packages'])){ foreach($releases['packages'] as $update){ $update = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($update); $nodes[] = array('label' => $update['name'], 'description' => $update['description'], 'version' => $update['version'], 'build_number' => $update['build_number'], 'id' => $update['id'], 'type' => $update['type']); $release_map[$update['id']] = array('package_id' => $update['package_id'], 'category_id' => $update['category_id'], 'type' => $update['type']); } } $_SESSION['ML_PATCHES'] = $release_map; echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('updates' => $nodes)); } function getLicenseText(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $file = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { $file = hashToFile($_REQUEST['file']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("FILE : ".$file); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('license_display' => PackageManagerDisplay::buildLicenseOutput($file))); } /** * build the list of modules that are currently in the staging area waiting to be installed */ function getPackagesInStaging(){ $packages = $this->_pm->getPackagesInStaging('module'); $json = getJSONobj(); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('packages' => $packages)); } /** * build the list of modules that are currently in the staging area waiting to be installed */ function performInstall(){ $file = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { $file = hashToFile($_REQUEST['file']); } if(!empty($file)){ $this->_pm->performInstall($file); } $json = getJSONobj(); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('result' => 'success')); } function authenticate(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $username = ''; $password = ''; $servername = ''; $terms_checked = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $username = nl2br($_REQUEST['username']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { $password = nl2br($_REQUEST['password']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['servername'])) { $servername = $_REQUEST['servername']; } if(isset($_REQUEST['terms_checked'])) { $terms_checked = $_REQUEST['terms_checked']; if($terms_checked == 'on') $terms_checked = true; } if(!empty($username) && !empty($password)){ $password = md5($password); $result = PackageManager::authenticate($username, $password, $servername, $terms_checked); if(!is_array($result) && $result == true) $status = 'success'; else $status = $result['faultstring']; }else{ $status = 'failed'; } echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('status' => $status)); } function getDocumentation(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $package_id = ''; $release_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['package_id'])) { $package_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['package_id']); } if(isset($_REQUEST['release_id'])) { $release_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['release_id']); } $documents = PackageManager::getDocumentation($package_id, $release_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("DOCUMENTS: ".var_export($documents, true)); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('documents' => $documents)); } function downloadedDocumentation(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $document_id = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['document_id'])) { $document_id = nl2br($_REQUEST['document_id']); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Downloading Document: ".$document_id); PackageManagerComm::downloadedDocumentation($document_id); echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('result' => 'true')); } /** * Remove metadata files such as foo-manifest * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $file * @param unknown_type $meta */ protected function rmMetaFile($file, $meta) { $metafile = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)."/". pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME)."-$meta.php"; if(file_exists($metafile)) { unlink($metafile); } } function remove(){ $json = getJSONobj(); $file = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { $file = urldecode(hashToFile($_REQUEST['file'])); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("FILE TO REMOVE: ".$file); if(!empty($file)){ unlink($file); foreach(array("manifest", "icon") as $meta) { $this->rmMetaFile($file, $meta); } } echo 'result = ' . $json->encode(array('result' => 'true')); } } ?>