db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $this->upload_dir = empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir']) ? 'upload' : rtrim($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['upload_dir'], '/\\'); } function initializeComm(){ } /** * Obtain a promotion from SugarDepot * @return string the string from the promotion */ function getPromotion(){ $name_value_list = PackageManagerComm::getPromotion(); if(!empty($name_value_list)){ $name_value_list = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($name_value_list); return $name_value_list['description']; }else { return ''; } } /** * Obtain a list of category/packages/releases for use within the module loader */ function getModuleLoaderCategoryPackages($category_id = ''){ $filter = array(); $filter = array('type' => "'module', 'theme', 'langpack'"); $filter = PackageManager::toNameValueList($filter); return PackageManager::getCategoryPackages($category_id, $filter); } /** * Obtain the list of category_packages from SugarDepot * @return category_packages */ function getCategoryPackages($category_id = '', $filter = array()){ $results = PackageManagerComm::getCategoryPackages($category_id, $filter); PackageManagerComm::errorCheck(); $nodes = array(); $nodes[$category_id]['packages'] = array(); if(!empty($results['categories'])){ foreach($results['categories'] as $category){ $mycat = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($category); $nodes[$mycat['id']] = array('id' => $mycat['id'], 'label' => $mycat['name'], 'description' => $mycat['description'], 'type' => 'cat', 'parent' => $mycat['parent_id']); $nodes[$mycat['id']]['packages'] = array(); } } if(!empty($results['packages'])){ $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); foreach($results['packages'] as $package){ $mypack = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($package); $nodes[$mypack['category_id']]['packages'][$mypack['id']] = array('id' => $mypack['id'], 'label' => $mypack['name'], 'description' => $mypack['description'], 'category_id' => $mypack['category_id'], 'type' => 'package'); $releases = PackageManager::getReleases($category_id, $mypack['id'], $filter); $arr_releases = array(); $nodes[$mypack['category_id']]['packages'][$mypack['id']]['releases'] = array(); if(!empty($releases['packages'])){ foreach($releases['packages'] as $release){ $myrelease = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($release); //check to see if we already this one installed $result = $uh->determineIfUpgrade($myrelease['id_name'], $myrelease['version']); $enable = false; if($result == true || is_array($result)) $enable = true; $nodes[$mypack['category_id']]['packages'][$mypack['id']]['releases'][$myrelease['id']] = array('id' => $myrelease['id'], 'version' => $myrelease['version'], 'label' => $myrelease['description'], 'category_id' => $mypack['category_id'], 'package_id' => $mypack['id'], 'type' => 'release', 'enable' => $enable); } } //array_push($nodes[$mypack['category_id']]['packages'], $package_arr); } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("NODES". var_export($nodes, true)); return $nodes; } /** * Get a list of categories from the SugarDepot * @param category_id the category id of parent to obtain * @param filter an array of filters to pass to limit the query * @return array an array of categories for display on the client */ function getCategories($category_id, $filter = array()){ $nodes = array(); $results = PackageManagerComm::getCategories($category_id, $filter); PackageManagerComm::errorCheck(); if(!empty($results['categories'])){ foreach($results['categories'] as $category){ $mycat = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($category); $nodes[] = array('id' => $mycat['id'], 'label' => $mycat['name'], 'description' => $mycat['description'], 'type' => 'cat', 'parent' => $mycat['parent_id']); } } return $nodes; } function getPackages($category_id, $filter = array()){ $nodes = array(); $results = PackageManagerComm::getPackages($category_id, $filter); PackageManagerComm::errorCheck(); $packages = array(); //$xml = ''; //$xml .= ''; if(!empty($results['packages'])){ foreach($results['packages'] as $package){ $mypack = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($package); $packages[$mypack['id']] = array('package_id' => $mypack['id'], 'name' => $mypack['name'], 'description' => $mypack['description'], 'category_id' => $mypack['category_id']); $releases = PackageManager::getReleases($category_id, $mypack['id']); $arr_releases = array(); foreach($releases['packages'] as $release){ $myrelease = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($release); $arr_releases[$myrelease['id']] = array('release_id' => $myrelease['id'], 'version' => $myrelease['version'], 'description' => $myrelease['description'], 'category_id' => $mypack['category_id'], 'package_id' => $mypack['id']); } $packages[$mypack['id']]['releases'] = $arr_releases; } } return $packages; } function getReleases($category_id, $package_id, $filter = array()){ $releases = PackageManagerComm::getReleases($category_id, $package_id, $filter); PackageManagerComm::errorCheck(); return $releases; } /** * Retrieve the package as specified by the $id from the heartbeat server * * @param category_id the category_id to which the release belongs * @param package_id the package_id to which the release belongs * @param release_id the release_id to download * @return filename - the path to which the zip file was saved */ public function download($category_id, $package_id, $release_id) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('RELEASE _ID: '.$release_id); if(!empty($release_id)){ $filename = PackageManagerComm::addDownload($category_id, $package_id, $release_id); if($filename){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('RESULT: '.$filename); PackageManagerComm::errorCheck(); $filepath = PackageManagerComm::performDownload($filename); return $filepath; } }else{ return null; } } /** * Given the Mambo username, password, and download key attempt to authenticate, if * successful then store these credentials * * @param username Mambo username * @param password Mambo password * @param systemname the user's download key * @return true if successful, false otherwise */ function authenticate($username, $password, $systemname='', $terms_checked = true){ PackageManager::setCredentials($username, $password, $systemname); PackageManagerComm::clearSession(); $result = PackageManagerComm::login($terms_checked); if(is_array($result)) return $result; else return true; } function setCredentials($username, $password, $systemname){ $admin = new Administration(); $admin->retrieveSettings(); $admin->saveSetting(CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY, CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, $username); $admin->saveSetting(CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY, CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, $password); if(!empty($systemname)){ $admin->saveSetting('system', 'name', $systemname); } } function getCredentials(){ $admin = new Administration(); $admin->retrieveSettings(CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY, true); $credentials = array(); $credentials['username'] = ''; $credentials['password'] = ''; $credentials['system_name'] = ''; if(!empty($admin->settings[CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY.'_'.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME])){ $credentials['username'] = $admin->settings[CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY.'_'.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME]; } if(!empty($admin->settings[CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY.'_'.CREDENTIAL_USERNAME])){ $credentials['password'] = $admin->settings[CREDENTIAL_CATEGORY.'_'.CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD]; } if(!empty($admin->settings['system_name'])){ $credentials['system_name'] = $admin->settings['system_name']; } return $credentials; } function getTermsAndConditions(){ return PackageManagerComm::getTermsAndConditions(); } /** * Retrieve documentation for the given release or package * * @param package_id the specified package to retrieve documentation * @param release_id the specified release to retrieve documentation * * @return documents */ function getDocumentation($package_id, $release_id){ if(!empty($release_id) || !empty($package_id)){ $documents = PackageManagerComm::getDocumentation($package_id, $release_id); return $documents; }else{ return null; } } /** * Grab the list of installed modules and send that list to the depot. * The depot will then send back a list of modules that need to be updated */ function checkForUpdates(){ $lists = $this->buildInstalledReleases(array('module'), true); $updates = array(); if(!empty($lists)){ $updates = PackageManagerComm::checkForUpdates($lists); }//fi return $updates; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// HELPER FUNCTIONS function toNameValueList($array){ $list = array(); foreach($array as $name=>$value){ $list[] = array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value); } return $list; } function toNameValueLists($arrays){ $lists = array(); foreach($arrays as $array){ $lists[] = PackageManager::toNameValueList($array); } return $lists; } function fromNameValueList($nvl){ $array = array(); foreach($nvl as $list){ $array[$list['name']] = $list['value']; } return $array; } function buildInstalledReleases($types = array('module')){ //1) get list of installed modules $installeds = $this->getInstalled($types); $releases = array(); foreach($installeds as $installed){ $releases[] = array('name' => $installed->name, 'id_name' => $installed->id_name, 'version' => $installed->version, 'filename' => $installed->filename, 'type' => $installed->type); } $lists = array(); $name_value_list = array(); if(!empty($releases)){ $lists = $this->toNameValueLists($releases); }//fi return $lists; } function buildPackageXML($package, $releases = array()){ $xml = ''; $xml .= ''.$package['id'].''; $xml .= ''.$package['name'].''; $xml .= ''.$package['description'].''; if(!empty($releases)){ $xml .= ''; foreach($releases['packages'] as $release){ $myrelease = PackageManager::fromNameValueList($release); $xml .= ''; $xml .= ''.$myrelease['id'].''; $xml .= ''.$myrelease['version'].''; $xml .= ''.$myrelease['description'].''; $xml .= ''.$package['id'].''; $xml .= ''.$package['category_id'].''; $xml .= ''; } $xml .= ''; } $xml .= ''; return $xml; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// INSTALL SECTION function extractFile( $zip_file, $file_in_zip, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir){ $my_zip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); unzip_file( $zip_file, $file_in_zip, $my_zip_dir ); return( "$my_zip_dir/$file_in_zip" ); } function extractManifest( $zip_file,$base_tmp_upgrade_dir ) { global $sugar_config; $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir."/upgrades"; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; return $this->extractFile( $zip_file, "manifest.php",$base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); } function validate_manifest( $manifest ){ // takes a manifest.php manifest array and validates contents global $subdirs; global $sugar_version; global $sugar_flavor; global $mod_strings; if( !isset($manifest['type']) ){ die($mod_strings['ERROR_MANIFEST_TYPE']); } $type = $manifest['type']; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Getting InstallType"); if( $this->getInstallType( "/$type/" ) == "" ){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Error with InstallType".$type); die($mod_strings['ERROR_PACKAGE_TYPE']. ": '" . $type . "'." ); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Passed with InstallType"); if( isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']) ){ $version_ok = false; $matches_empty = true; if( isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches']) ){ $matches_empty = false; foreach( $manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['exact_matches'] as $match ){ if( $match == $sugar_version ){ $version_ok = true; } } } if( !$version_ok && isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches']) ){ $matches_empty = false; foreach( $manifest['acceptable_sugar_versions']['regex_matches'] as $match ){ if( preg_match( "/$match/", $sugar_version ) ){ $version_ok = true; } } } if( !$matches_empty && !$version_ok ){ die( $mod_strings['ERROR_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE'] . $sugar_version ); } } if( isset($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) && sizeof($manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors']) > 0 ){ $flavor_ok = false; foreach( $manifest['acceptable_sugar_flavors'] as $match ){ if( $match == $sugar_flavor ){ $flavor_ok = true; } } if( !$flavor_ok ){ //die( $mod_strings['ERROR_FLAVOR_INCOMPATIBLE'] . $sugar_flavor ); } } } function getInstallType( $type_string ){ // detect file type global $subdirs; $subdirs = array('full', 'langpack', 'module', 'patch', 'theme', 'temp'); foreach( $subdirs as $subdir ){ if( preg_match( "#/$subdir/#", $type_string ) ){ return( $subdir ); } } // return empty if no match return( "" ); } function performSetup($tempFile, $view = 'module', $display_messages = true){ global $sugar_config,$mod_strings; $base_filename = urldecode($tempFile); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("BaseFileName: ".$base_filename); $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir.'/upgrades'; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $manifest_file = $this->extractManifest( $base_filename,$base_tmp_upgrade_dir); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Manifest: ".$manifest_file); if($view == 'module') $license_file = $this->extractFile($base_filename, 'LICENSE.txt', $base_tmp_upgrade_dir); if(is_file($manifest_file)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug("VALIDATING MANIFEST". $manifest_file); require_once( $manifest_file ); $this->validate_manifest($manifest ); $upgrade_zip_type = $manifest['type']; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("VALIDATED MANIFEST"); // exclude the bad permutations if( $view == "module" ){ if ($upgrade_zip_type != "module" && $upgrade_zip_type != "theme" && $upgrade_zip_type != "langpack"){ $this->unlinkTempFiles(); if($display_messages) die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NOT_ACCEPTIBLE_TYPE']); } }elseif( $view == "default" ){ if($upgrade_zip_type != "patch" ){ $this->unlinkTempFiles(); if($display_messages) die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_ONLY_PATCHES']); } } $base_filename = preg_replace( "#\\\\#", "/", $base_filename ); $base_filename = basename( $base_filename ); mkdir_recursive( "$base_upgrade_dir/$upgrade_zip_type" ); $target_path = "$base_upgrade_dir/$upgrade_zip_type/$base_filename"; $target_manifest = remove_file_extension( $target_path ) . "-manifest.php"; if( isset($manifest['icon']) && $manifest['icon'] != "" ){ $icon_location = $this->extractFile( $tempFile ,$manifest['icon'], $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); $path_parts = pathinfo( $icon_location ); copy( $icon_location, remove_file_extension( $target_path ) . "-icon." . $path_parts['extension'] ); } if( copy( $tempFile , $target_path ) ){ copy( $manifest_file, $target_manifest ); if($display_messages) $messages = ''; }else{ if($display_messages) $messages = ''; } }//fi else{ $this->unlinkTempFiles(); if($display_messages) die($mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_MANIFEST']); } if(isset($messages)) return $messages; } function unlinkTempFiles() { global $sugar_config; @unlink($_FILES['upgrade_zip']['tmp_name']); @unlink("upload://".$_FILES['upgrade_zip']['name']); } function performInstall($file, $silent=true){ global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $current_language; $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir.'/upgrades'; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; if(!file_exists($base_tmp_upgrade_dir)){ mkdir_recursive($base_tmp_upgrade_dir, true); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("INSTALLING: ".$file); $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); $mi->silent = $silent; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Administration"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ABOUT TO INSTALL: ".$file); if(preg_match("#.*\.zip\$#", $file)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("1: ".$file); // handle manifest.php $target_manifest = remove_file_extension( $file ) . '-manifest.php'; include($target_manifest); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("2: ".$file); $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); unzip($file, $unzip_dir ); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("3: ".$unzip_dir); $id_name = $installdefs['id']; $version = $manifest['version']; $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $previous_install = array(); if(!empty($id_name) & !empty($version)) $previous_install = $uh->determineIfUpgrade($id_name, $version); $previous_version = (empty($previous_install['version'])) ? '' : $previous_install['version']; $previous_id = (empty($previous_install['id'])) ? '' : $previous_install['id']; if(!empty($previous_version)){ $mi->install($unzip_dir, true, $previous_version); }else{ $mi->install($unzip_dir); } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("INSTALLED: ".$file); $new_upgrade = new UpgradeHistory(); $new_upgrade->filename = $file; $new_upgrade->md5sum = md5_file($file); $new_upgrade->type = $manifest['type']; $new_upgrade->version = $manifest['version']; $new_upgrade->status = "installed"; //$new_upgrade->author = $manifest['author']; $new_upgrade->name = $manifest['name']; $new_upgrade->description = $manifest['description']; $new_upgrade->id_name = $id_name; $serial_manifest = array(); $serial_manifest['manifest'] = (isset($manifest) ? $manifest : ''); $serial_manifest['installdefs'] = (isset($installdefs) ? $installdefs : ''); $serial_manifest['upgrade_manifest'] = (isset($upgrade_manifest) ? $upgrade_manifest : ''); $new_upgrade->manifest = base64_encode(serialize($serial_manifest)); //$new_upgrade->unique_key = (isset($manifest['unique_key'])) ? $manifest['unique_key'] : ''; $new_upgrade->save(); //unlink($file); }//fi } function performUninstall($name){ $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $uh->name = $name; $uh->id_name = $name; $found = $uh->checkForExisting($uh); if($found != null){ global $sugar_config; global $mod_strings; global $current_language; $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir.'/upgrades'; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; if(is_file($found->filename)){ if(!isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']))$GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables'] = true; $unzip_dir = mk_temp_dir( $base_tmp_upgrade_dir ); unzip($found->filename, $unzip_dir ); $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); $mi->silent = true; $mi->uninstall( "$unzip_dir"); $found->delete(); unlink(remove_file_extension( $found->filename ) . '-manifest.php'); unlink($found->filename); }else{ //file(s_ have been deleted or are not found in the directory, allow database delete to happen but no need to change filesystem $found->delete(); } } } function getUITextForType( $type ){ if( $type == "full" ){ return( "Full Upgrade" ); } if( $type == "langpack" ){ return( "Language Pack" ); } if( $type == "module" ){ return( "Module" ); } if( $type == "patch" ){ return( "Patch" ); } if( $type == "theme" ){ return( "Theme" ); } } function getImageForType( $type ){ $icon = ""; switch( $type ){ case "full": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Upgrade", "" ,null,null,'.gif', "Upgrade"); break; case "langpack": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("LanguagePacks", "",null,null,'.gif',"Language Packs" ); break; case "module": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("ModuleLoader", "" ,null,null,'.gif', "Module Loader"); break; case "patch": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("PatchUpgrades", "",null,null,'.gif', "Patch Upgrades" ); break; case "theme": $icon = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("Themes", "",null,null,'.gif', "Themes" ); break; default: break; } return( $icon ); } function getPackagesInStaging($view = 'module'){ global $sugar_config; global $current_language; $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $base_upgrade_dir = "upload://upgrades"; $uContent = findAllFiles( $base_upgrade_dir, array() , false, 'zip'); $upgrade_contents = array(); $content_values = array_values($uContent); $alreadyProcessed = array(); foreach($content_values as $val){ if(empty($alreadyProcessed[$val])){ $upgrade_contents[] = $val; $alreadyProcessed[$val] = true; } } $upgrades_available = 0; $packages = array(); $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Administration"); foreach($upgrade_contents as $upgrade_content) { if(!preg_match('#.*\.zip$#', strtolower($upgrade_content)) || preg_match("#.*./zips/.*#", strtolower($upgrade_content))) { continue; } $the_base = basename($upgrade_content); $the_md5 = md5_file($upgrade_content); $md5_matches = $uh->findByMd5($the_md5); $file_install = $upgrade_content; if(empty($md5_matches)) { $target_manifest = remove_file_extension( $upgrade_content ) . '-manifest.php'; if(file_exists($target_manifest)) { require_once($target_manifest); $name = empty($manifest['name']) ? $upgrade_content : $manifest['name']; $version = empty($manifest['version']) ? '' : $manifest['version']; $published_date = empty($manifest['published_date']) ? '' : $manifest['published_date']; $icon = ''; $description = empty($manifest['description']) ? 'None' : $manifest['description']; $uninstallable = empty($manifest['is_uninstallable']) ? 'No' : 'Yes'; $type = $this->getUITextForType( $manifest['type'] ); $manifest_type = $manifest['type']; $dependencies = array(); if( isset( $manifest['dependencies']) ){ $dependencies = $manifest['dependencies']; } } //check dependencies first if(!empty($dependencies)) { $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $not_found = $uh->checkDependencies($dependencies); if(!empty($not_found) && count($not_found) > 0){ $file_install = 'errors_'.$mod_strings['ERR_UW_NO_DEPENDENCY']."[".implode(',', $not_found)."]"; } } if($view == 'default' && $manifest_type != 'patch') { continue; } if($view == 'module' && $manifest_type != 'module' && $manifest_type != 'theme' && $manifest_type != 'langpack') { continue; } if(empty($manifest['icon'])) { $icon = $this->getImageForType( $manifest['type'] ); } else { $path_parts = pathinfo( $manifest['icon'] ); $icon = ""; } $upgrades_available++; $packages[] = array('name' => $name, 'version' => $version, 'published_date' => $published_date, 'description' => $description, 'uninstallable' =>$uninstallable, 'type' => $type, 'file' => fileToHash($upgrade_content), 'file_install' => fileToHash($upgrade_content), 'unFile' => fileToHash($upgrade_content)); }//fi }//rof return $packages; } function getLicenseFromFile($file){ global $sugar_config; $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir.'/upgrades'; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; $license_file = $this->extractFile($file, 'LICENSE.txt', $base_tmp_upgrade_dir); if(is_file($license_file)){ $contents = file_get_contents($license_file); return $contents; }else{ return null; } } /** * Run the query to obtain the list of installed types as specified by the type param * * @param type an array of types you would like to search for * type options include (theme, langpack, module, patch) * * @return an array of installed upgrade_history objects */ function getInstalled($types = array('module')){ $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $in = ""; for($i = 0; $i < count($types); $i++){ $in .= "'".$types[$i]."'"; if(($i+1) < count($types)){ $in .= ","; } } $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$uh->table_name." WHERE type IN (".$in.")"; return $uh->getList($query); } function getinstalledPackages($types = array('module', 'langpack')){ global $sugar_config; $installeds = $this->getInstalled($types); $packages = array(); $upgrades_installed = 0; $uh = new UpgradeHistory(); $base_upgrade_dir = $this->upload_dir.'/upgrades'; $base_tmp_upgrade_dir = "$base_upgrade_dir/temp"; foreach($installeds as $installed) { $populate = false; $filename = from_html($installed->filename); $date_entered = $installed->date_entered; $type = $installed->type; $version = $installed->version; $uninstallable = false; $link = ""; $description = $installed->description; $name = $installed->name; $enabled = true; $enabled_string = 'ENABLED'; //if the name is empty then we should try to pull from manifest and populate upgrade_history_table if(empty($name)){ $populate = true; } $upgrades_installed++; switch($type) { case "theme": case "langpack": case "module": case "patch": if($populate){ $manifest_file = $this->extractManifest($filename, $base_tmp_upgrade_dir); require_once($manifest_file); $GLOBALS['log']->info("Filling in upgrade_history table"); $populate = false; if( isset( $manifest['name'] ) ){ $name = $manifest['name']; $installed->name = $name; } if( isset( $manifest['description'] ) ){ $description = $manifest['description']; $installed->description = $description; } if(isset($installdefs) && isset( $installdefs['id'] ) ){ $id_name = $installdefs['id']; $installed->id_name = $id_name; } $serial_manifest = array(); $serial_manifest['manifest'] = (isset($manifest) ? $manifest : ''); $serial_manifest['installdefs'] = (isset($installdefs) ? $installdefs : ''); $serial_manifest['upgrade_manifest'] = (isset($upgrade_manifest) ? $upgrade_manifest : ''); $installed->manifest = base64_encode(serialize($serial_manifest)); $installed->save(); }else{ $serial_manifest = unserialize(base64_decode($installed->manifest)); $manifest = $serial_manifest['manifest']; } if(($upgrades_installed==0 || $uh->UninstallAvailable($installeds, $installed)) && is_file($filename) && !empty($manifest['is_uninstallable'])) { $uninstallable = true; } $enabled = $installed->enabled; if(!$enabled) $enabled_string = 'DISABLED'; $file_uninstall = $filename; if(!$uninstallable){ $file_uninstall = 'UNINSTALLABLE'; $enabled_string = 'UNINSTALLABLE'; } else { $file_uninstall = fileToHash( $file_uninstall ); } $packages[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'version' => $version, 'type' => $type, 'published_date' => $date_entered, 'description' => $description, 'uninstallable' =>$uninstallable, 'file_install' => $file_uninstall , 'file' => fileToHash($filename), 'enabled' => $enabled_string ); break; default: break; } }//rof return $packages; } } ?>