focus = $bean; //Try to load the link vardef from the beans field defs. Otherwise start searching if (empty($bean->field_defs) || empty($bean->field_defs[$linkName]) || empty($bean->field_defs[$linkName]['relationship'])) { if (empty($linkDef)) { //Assume $linkName is really relationship_name, and find the link name with the vardef manager $this->def = VardefManager::getLinkFieldForRelationship($bean->module_dir, $bean->object_name, $linkName); } else { $this->def = $linkDef; } //Check if multiple links were found for a given relationship if (is_array($this->def) && !isset($this->def['name'])) { //More than one link found, we need to figure out if we are currently on the LHS or RHS //default to lhs for now if (isset($this->def[0]['side']) && $this->def[0]['side'] == 'left') { $this->def = $this->def[0]; } else if (isset($this->def[1]['side']) && $this->def[1]['side'] == 'left') { $this->def = $this->def[1]; } else { $this->def = $this->def[0]; } } if (empty($this->def['name'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("failed to find link for $linkName"); return false; } $this->name = $this->def['name']; } else { //Linkdef was found in the bean (this is the normal expectation) $this->def = $bean->field_defs[$linkName]; $this->name = $linkName; } //Instantiate the relationship for this link. $this->relationship = SugarRelationshipFactory::getInstance()->getRelationship($this->def['relationship']); if (!$this->loadedSuccesfully()) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("{$this->name} for {$this->def['relationship']} failed to load\n"); } //Following behavior is tied to a property(ignore_role) value in the vardef. It alters the values of 2 properties, ignore_role_filter and add_distinct. //the property values can be altered again before any requests are made. if (!empty($this->def) && is_array($this->def)) { if (array_key_exists('ignore_role', $this->def)) { if ($this->def['ignore_role']) { $this->ignore_role_filter=true; $this->add_distinct=true; } } } } /** * Returns false if no relationship was found for this link * @return bool */ public function loadedSuccesfully() { return !empty($this->relationship); } /** * Forces the link to load the relationship rows. * Will be called internally when the $rows property is accessed or get() is called * @return void */ public function load() { $data = $this->relationship->load($this); $this->rows = $data['rows']; $this->beans = null; $this->loaded = true; } /** * @return array ids of records related through this link */ public function get($role = false) { if (!$this->loaded) $this->load(); return array_keys($this->rows); } /** * @deprecated * * @return string name of table for the relationship of this link */ public function getRelatedTableName() { return BeanFactory::getBean($this->getRelatedModuleName())->table_name; } /** * @return string the name of the module on the other side of this link */ public function getRelatedModuleName() { if (!$this->relationship) return false; if ($this->getSide() == REL_LHS) { return $this->relationship->getRHSModule(); } else { return $this->relationship->getLHSModule(); } } /** * @return string the name of the link field used on the other side of the rel */ public function getRelatedModuleLinkName() { if (!$this->relationship) return false; if ($this->getSide() == REL_LHS) { return $this->relationship->getRHSLink(); } else { return $this->relationship->getLHSLink(); } } /** * * @return string "many" if multiple records can be related through this link * or "one" if at most, one record can be related. */ public function getType() { switch ($this->relationship->type) { case REL_MANY_MANY: return "many"; case REL_ONE_ONE: return "one"; case REL_ONE_MANY: return $this->getSide() == REL_LHS ? "many" : "one"; } return "many"; } /** * @return SugarBean The parent Bean this link references */ public function getFocus() { return $this->focus; } /** * @deprecated * @return list of fields that exist only on the relationship */ public function getRelatedFields(){ return $this->relationship_fields; } /** * @param $name * @return The value for the relationship field $name */ public function getRelatedField($name){ if (!empty($this->relationship_fields) && !empty($this->relationship_fields[$name])) return $this->relationship_fields[$name]; else return null; //For now return null. Later try the relationship object directly. } /** * @return SugarRelationship the relationship object this link references */ public function getRelationshipObject() { return $this->relationship; } /** * @return string "LHS" or "RHS" depending on the side of the relationship this link represents */ public function getSide() { //First try the relationship if ($this->relationship->getLHSLink() == $this->name && ($this->relationship->getLHSModule() == $this->focus->module_name) ){ return REL_LHS; } if ($this->relationship->getRHSLink() == $this->name && ($this->relationship->getRHSModule() == $this->focus->module_name) ){ return REL_RHS; } //Next try the vardef if (!empty($this->def['side'])) { if ((strtolower($this->def['side']) == 'left' || $this->def['side'] == REL_LHS) //Some relationships make have left in the vardef errorneously if generated by module builder && $this->name != $this->relationship->def['join_key_lhs']) { return REL_LHS ; } else { return REL_RHS; } } //Next try using the id_name and relationship join keys else if (!empty($this->def['id_name'])) { if (isset($this->relationship->def['join_key_lhs']) && $this->def['id_name'] == $this->relationship->def['join_key_lhs']) return REL_RHS; else if (isset($this->relationship->def['join_key_rhs']) && $this->def['id_name'] == $this->relationship->def['join_key_rhs']) return REL_LHS; } $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to get proper side for link {$this->name}"); } /** * @return bool true if LHSModule == RHSModule */ protected function is_self_relationship() { return $this->relationship->isSelfReferencing(); } /** * @return bool true if this link represents a relationship where the parent could be one of multiple modules. (ex. Activities parent) */ public function isParentRelationship(){ return $this->relationship->isParentRelationship(); } /** * @param $params array of parameters. Possible parameters include: * 'join_table_link_alias': alias the relationship join table in the query (for M2M relationships), * 'join_table_alias': alias for the final table to be joined against (usually a module main table) * @param bool $return_array if true the query is returned as a array broken up into * select, join, where, type, rel_key, and joined_tables * @return string/array join query for this link */ function getJoin($params, $return_array =false) { return $this->relationship->getJoin($this, $params, $return_array); } /** * @param array $params optional parameters. Possible Values; * 'return_as_array': returns the query broken into * @return String/Array query to grab just ids for this relationship */ function getQuery($params = array()) { return $this->relationship->getQuery($this, $params); } /** * This function is similair getJoin except for M2m relationships it won't join agaist the final table. * Its used to retrieve the ID of the related beans only * @param $params array of parameters. Possible parameters include: * 'return_as_array': returns the query broken into * @param bool $return_array same as passing 'return_as_array' into parameters * @return string/array query to use when joining for subpanels */ public function getSubpanelQuery($params = array(), $return_array = false) { if (!empty($this->def['ignore_role'])) $params['ignore_role'] = true; return $this->relationship->getSubpanelQuery($this, $params, $return_array); } /** * @return array of SugarBeans related through this link. Use with caution. */ function getBeans() { if (!$this->loaded) { $this->load(); } if(!is_array($this->beans)) { $this->beans = array(); $rel_module = $this->getRelatedModuleName(); //First swap in the temp loaded beans $this->beans = $this->tempBeans; $this->tempBeans = array(); //now load from the rows foreach ($this->rows as $id => $vals) { if (empty($this->beans[$id])) { $tmpBean = BeanFactory::getBean($rel_module, $id); if($tmpBean !== FALSE) $this->beans[$id] = $tmpBean; } } } return $this->beans; } /** * @return bool true if this link has initialized its related beans. */ public function beansAreLoaded() { return is_array($this->beans); } /** * use this function to create link between 2 objects * 1:1 will be treated like 1 to many. * * the function also allows for setting of values for additional field in the table being * updated to save the relationship, in case of many-to-many relationships this would be the join table. * * @param array $rel_keys array of ids or SugarBean objects. If you have the bean in memory, pass it in. * @param array $additional_values the values should be passed as key value pairs with column name as the key name and column value as key value. * * @return void */ function add($rel_keys,$additional_values=array()) { if (!is_array($rel_keys)) $rel_keys = array($rel_keys); foreach($rel_keys as $key) { //We must use beans for LogicHooks and other buisiness logic to fire correctly if (!($key instanceof SugarBean)) { $key = $this->getRelatedBean($key); if (!($key instanceof SugarBean)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to load related bean by id"); return false; } } if(empty($key->id) || empty($this->focus->id)) return false; if ($this->getSide() == REL_LHS) { $this->relationship->add($this->focus, $key, $additional_values); } else { $this->relationship->add($key, $this->focus, $additional_values); } } } /** * Marks the relationship delted for this given record pair. * @param $id id of the Parent/Focus SugarBean * @param string $related_id id or SugarBean to unrelate. Pass a SugarBean if you have it. * @return void */ function delete($id, $related_id='') { if (empty($this->focus->id)) $this->focus = BeanFactory::getBean($this->focus->module_name, $id); if (!empty($related_id)) { if (!($related_id instanceof SugarBean)) { $related_id = $this->getRelatedBean($related_id); } if ($this->getSide() == REL_LHS) { $this->relationship->remove($this->focus, $related_id); } else { $this->relationship->remove($related_id, $this->focus); } } else { $this->relationship->removeAll($this); } } /** * Returns a SugarBean with the given ID from the related module. * @param bool $id id of related record to retrieve * @return SugarBean */ protected function getRelatedBean($id = false) { return BeanFactory::getBean($this->getRelatedModuleName(), $id); } public function &__get($name) { switch($name) { case "relationship_type": return $this->relationship->type; case "_relationship": return $this->relationship; case "beans": if (!is_array($this->beans)) $this->getBeans(); return $this->beans; case "rows": if (!is_array($this->rows)) $this->load(); return $this->rows; } return $this->$name; } public function __set($name, $val) { if($name == "beans") $this->beans = $val; } /** * Add a bean object to the list of beans currently loaded to this relationship. * This for the most part should not need to be called except by the relatipnship implementation classes. * @param SugarBean $bean * @return void */ public function addBean($bean) { if (!is_array($this->beans)) { $this->tempBeans[$bean->id] = $bean; } else { $this->beans[$bean->id] = $bean; } } /** * Remove a bean object from the list of beans currently loaded to this relationship. * This for the most part should not need to be called except by the relatipnship implementation classes. * * @param SugarBean $bean * @return void */ public function removeBean($bean) { if (!is_array($this->beans) && isset($this->tempBeans[$bean->id])) { unset($this->tempBeans[$bean->id]); } else { unset($this->beans[$bean->id]); unset($this->rows[$bean->id]); } } /** * Directly queries the databse for set of values. The relationship classes and not link should handle this. * @deprecated * @param $table_name string relationship table * @param $join_key_values array of key=>values to identify this relationship by * @return bool true if the given join key set exists in the relationship table */ public function relationship_exists($table_name, $join_key_values) { //find the key values for the table. $dup_keys=$this->_get_alternate_key_fields($table_name); if (empty($dup_keys)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("No alternate key define, skipping duplicate check.."); return false; } $delimiter=''; $this->_duplicate_where=' WHERE '; foreach ($dup_keys as $field) { //look for key in $join_key_values, if found add to filter criteria else abort duplicate checking. if (isset($join_key_values[$field])) { $this->_duplicate_where .= $delimiter.' '.$field."='".$join_key_values[$field]."'"; $delimiter='AND'; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->error('Duplicate checking aborted, Please supply a value for this column '.$field); return false; } } //add deleted check. $this->_duplicate_where .= $delimiter.' deleted=0'; $query='SELECT id FROM '.$table_name.$this->_duplicate_where; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("relationship_exists query(".$query.')'); $result=$this->_db->query($query, true); $row = $this->_db->fetchByAssoc($result); if ($row == null) { return false; } else { $this->_duplicate_key=$row['id']; return true; } } //Below are functions not used directly and exist for backwards compatiblity with customizations, will be removed in a later version /* returns array of keys for duplicate checking, first check for an index of type alternate_key, if not found searches for * primary key. * */ public function _get_alternate_key_fields($table_name) { $indices=Link::_get_link_table_definition($table_name,'indices'); if (!empty($indices)) { foreach ($indices as $index) { if ( isset($index['type']) && $index['type'] == 'alternate_key' ) { return $index['fields']; } } } //bug 32623, when the relationship is built in old version, there is no alternate_key. we have to use join_key_lhs and join_key_lhs. $relDef = $this->relationship->def; if (!empty($relDef['join_key_lhs']) && !empty($relDef['join_key_rhs'])) return array($relDef['join_key_lhs'], $relDef['join_key_rhs']); } /** * @deprecated * Gets the vardef for the relationship of this link. */ public function _get_link_table_definition($table_name, $def_name) { if (isset($this->relationship->def[$def_name])) return $this->relationship->def[$def_name]; return null; } /** * @deprecated * Return the name of the role field for the passed many to many table. * if there is no role filed : return false * @param $table_name name of relationship table to inspect * @return bool|string */ public function _get_link_table_role_field($table_name) { $varDefs = $this->_get_link_table_definition($table_name, 'fields'); $role_field = false; if(!empty($varDefs)){ $role_field = ''; foreach($varDefs as $v){ if(strpos($v['name'], '_role') !== false){ $role_field = $v['name']; } } } return $role_field; } /** * @deprecated * * @return boolean returns true if this link is LHS */ public function _get_bean_position() { return $this->getSide() == REL_LHS; } } ?>