bean = loadBean($_REQUEST['source_module']); if ( $this->bean instanceOf SugarBean && !in_array($this->bean->object_name,array('EmailMan')) ) { $this->bean->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); if(!empty($this->bean->id))$_REQUEST['parent_id'] = $this->bean->id; if(!empty($this->bean->module_dir))$_REQUEST['parent_type'] = $this->bean->module_dir; if(!empty($this->bean->name))$_REQUEST['parent_name'] = $this->bean->name; if(!empty($this->bean->id))$_REQUEST['return_id'] = $this->bean->id; if(!empty($this->bean->module_dir))$_REQUEST['return_module'] = $this->bean->module_dir; //Now preload any related fields if(isset($_REQUEST['module'])) { $target_bean = loadBean($_REQUEST['module']); foreach($target_bean->field_defs as $fields) { if($fields['type'] == 'relate' && isset($fields['module']) && $fields['module'] == $_REQUEST['source_module'] && isset($fields['rname'])) { $rel_name = $fields['rname']; if(isset($this->bean->$rel_name)) { $_REQUEST[$fields['name']] = $this->bean->$rel_name; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['record']) && !empty($fields['id_name'])) { $_REQUEST[$fields['id_name']] = $_REQUEST['record']; } } } } } $this->_isDCForm = true; } } /** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { $view = (!empty($_REQUEST['target_view']))?$_REQUEST['target_view']: 'QuickCreate'; $module = $_REQUEST['module']; // locate the best viewdefs to use: 1. custom/module/quickcreatedefs.php 2. module/quickcreatedefs.php 3. custom/module/editviewdefs.php 4. module/editviewdefs.php $base = 'modules/' . $module . '/metadata/'; $source = 'custom/' . $base . strtolower($view) . 'defs.php'; if (!file_exists( $source)) { $source = $base . strtolower($view) . 'defs.php'; if (!file_exists($source)) { //if our view does not exist default to EditView $view = 'EditView'; $source = 'custom/' . $base . 'editviewdefs.php'; if (!file_exists($source)) { $source = $base . 'editviewdefs.php'; } } } //in some cases, the source file will not exist. In these cases lets just navigate to the full form directlhy if(!file_exists($source)){ global $app_strings; //write out jscript that will get evaluated and redirect the browser window. $no_defs_js = ''; //reports is a special case as it does not have an edit view so navigate to wizard view if(strtolower($module) == 'reports'){ $no_defs_js = ''; } //if this is not reports and there are no edit view files then go to detail view elseif(!file_exists('custom/' . $base . 'editviewdefs.php') && !file_exists($base . 'editviewdefs.php') && !file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module .'/EditView.php') && !file_exists('modules/' . $module .'/EditView.php') ){ $no_defs_js = ''; } echo json_encode(array('scriptOnly'=> $no_defs_js)); return; } $this->ev = new EditView(); $this->ev->view = $view; $this->ev->ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); $this->ev->ss->assign('isDCForm', $this->_isDCForm); //$_REQUEST['return_action'] = 'SubPanelViewer'; $this->ev->setup($module, $this->bean, $source); $this->ev->showSectionPanelsTitles = false; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['headerTpl'] = $this->headerTpl; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['footerTpl'] = $this->footerTpl; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] = $this->defaultButtons; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['button_location'] = 'bottom'; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['hidden'] = ''; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['hidden'] .= ''; $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['hideAudit']=true; //use module level view if available $editFileName = 'modules/'.$module.'/views/view.edit.php'; if(file_exists('custom/modules/'.$module.'/views/view.edit.php')) { $editFileName = 'custom/modules/'.$module.'/views/view.edit.php'; } $defaultProcess = true; if(file_exists($editFileName)) { include($editFileName); $c = $module . 'ViewEdit'; if(class_exists($c)) { $view = new $c; if($view->useForSubpanel) { $defaultProcess = false; //Check if we should use the module's QuickCreate.tpl file if($view->useModuleQuickCreateTemplate && file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/tpls/QuickCreate.tpl')) { $this->ev->defs['templateMeta']['form']['headerTpl'] = 'modules/'.$module.'/tpls/QuickCreate.tpl'; } $view->ev = & $this->ev; $view->ss = & $this->ev->ss; $class = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$module]; if(!empty($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class])){ require_once($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class]); $bean = new $class(); if (isset($_REQUEST['record']) && $_REQUEST['record'] != false) { $bean->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); } $view->bean = $bean; } $view->ev->formName = 'form_DC'.$view->ev->view .'_'.$module; $view->showTitle = false; // Do not show title since this is for subpanel ob_start(); $view->display(); $captured = ob_get_clean(); echo json_encode(array('title'=> $this->bean->name, 'url'=>'index.php?module=' . $this->bean->module_dir . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $this->bean->id ,'html'=> $captured, 'eval'=>true)); } } } //if defaultProcess is still true, then the default edit view was not used. Finish processing. if($defaultProcess){ $form_name = 'form_DC'.$this->ev->view .'_'.$module; $this->ev->formName = $form_name; $this->ev->process(true, $form_name); ob_clean(); echo json_encode(array('title'=> $this->bean->name, 'url'=>'index.php?module=' . $this->bean->module_dir . '&action=DetailView&record=' . $this->bean->id ,'html'=> $this->ev->display(false, true), 'eval'=>true)); } } }