form_name = $name; } function getQSParent($parent = 'Accounts') { global $app_strings; $qsParent = array( 'form' => $this->form_name, 'method' => 'query', 'modules' => array($parent), 'group' => 'or', 'field_list' => array('name', 'id'), 'populate_list' => array('parent_name', 'parent_id'), 'required_list' => array('parent_id'), 'conditions' => array(array('name'=>'name','op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'')), 'order' => 'name', 'limit' => '30', 'no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH'] ); return $qsParent; } function getQSAccount($nameKey, $idKey, $billingKey = null, $shippingKey = null, $additionalFields = null) { global $app_strings; $field_list = array('name', 'id'); $populate_list = array($nameKey, $idKey); if($billingKey != null) { $field_list = array_merge($field_list, array('billing_address_street', 'billing_address_city', 'billing_address_state', 'billing_address_postalcode', 'billing_address_country')); $populate_list = array_merge($populate_list, array($billingKey . "_address_street", $billingKey . "_address_city", $billingKey . "_address_state", $billingKey . "_address_postalcode", $billingKey . "_address_country")); } //if if($shippingKey != null) { $field_list = array_merge($field_list, array('shipping_address_street', 'shipping_address_city', 'shipping_address_state', 'shipping_address_postalcode', 'shipping_address_country')); $populate_list = array_merge($populate_list, array($shippingKey . "_address_street", $shippingKey . "_address_city", $shippingKey . "_address_state", $shippingKey . "_address_postalcode", $shippingKey . "_address_country")); } if(!empty($additionalFields) && is_array($additionalFields)) { $field_list = array_merge($field_list, array_keys($additionalFields)); $populate_list = array_merge($populate_list, array_values($additionalFields)); } $qsParent = array( 'form' => $this->form_name, 'method' => 'query', 'modules' => array('Accounts'), 'group' => 'or', 'field_list' => $field_list, 'populate_list' => $populate_list, 'conditions' => array(array('name'=>'name','op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'')), 'required_list' => array($idKey), 'order' => 'name', 'limit' => '30', 'no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH'] ); return $qsParent; } /** * getQSContact * This is a customized method to handle returning in JSON notation the QuickSearch formats * for searching the Contacts module for a contact name. The method takes into account * the locale settings (s = salutation, f = first name, l = last name) that are permissible. * It should be noted though that any other characters present in the formatting will render * this widget non-functional. * @return The JSON format of a QuickSearch definition for the Contacts module */ function getQSContact($name, $idName) { global $app_strings, $locale; $qsContact = array('form' => $this->form_name, 'method'=>'get_contact_array', 'modules'=>array('Contacts'), 'field_list' => array('salutation', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id'), 'populate_list' => array($name, $idName, $idName, $idName), 'required_list' => array($idName), 'group' => 'or', 'conditions' => array( array('name'=>'first_name', 'op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>''), array('name'=>'last_name', 'op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'') ), 'order'=>'last_name', 'limit'=>'30', 'no_match_text'=> $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH']); return $qsContact; } function getQSUser($p_name = 'assigned_user_name', $p_id ='assigned_user_id') { global $app_strings; $qsUser = array('form' => $this->form_name, 'method' => 'get_user_array', // special method 'field_list' => array('user_name', 'id'), 'populate_list' => array($p_name, $p_id), 'required_list' => array($p_id), 'conditions' => array(array('name'=>'user_name','op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'')), 'limit' => '30','no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH']); return $qsUser; } function getQSCampaigns($c_name = 'campaign_name', $c_id = 'campaign_id') { global $app_strings; $qsCampaign = array('form' => $this->form_name, 'method' => 'query', 'modules'=> array('Campaigns'), 'group' => 'or', 'field_list' => array('name', 'id'), 'populate_list' => array($c_name, $c_id), 'conditions' => array(array('name'=>'name','op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'')), 'required_list' => array('campaign_id'), 'order' => 'name', 'limit' => '30', 'no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH']); return $qsCampaign; } /** * Loads Quick Search Object for any object (if suitable method is defined) * * @param string $module the given module we want to load the vardefs for * @param string $object the given object we wish to load the vardefs for * @param string $relationName the name of the relation between entities * @param type $nameField the name of the field to populate * @param type $idField the id of the field to populate */ function loadQSObject($module, $object, $relationName, $nameField, $idField) { $result = array(); VardefManager::loadVardef($module, $object); if (isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['relationships']) && array_key_exists($relationName, $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['relationships'])) { if (method_exists($this, 'getQS' . $module)) { $result = $this->{'getQS' . $module}; } elseif (method_exists($this, 'getQS' . $object)) { $result = $this->{'getQS' . $object}; } } else { if (method_exists($this, 'getQS' . $module)) { $result = $this->{'getQS' . $module}($nameField, $idField); } elseif (method_exists($this, 'getQS' . $object)) { $result = $this->{'getQS' . $object}($nameField, $idField); } } return $result; } // BEGIN QuickSearch functions for 4.5.x backwards compatibility support function getQSScripts() { global $sugar_version, $sugar_config, $theme; $qsScripts = ' '; return $qsScripts; } function getQSScriptsNoServer() { return $this->getQSScripts(); } function getQSScriptsJSONAlreadyDefined() { global $sugar_version, $sugar_config, $theme; $qsScriptsJSONAlreadyDefined = ''; return $qsScriptsJSONAlreadyDefined; } // END QuickSearch functions for 4.5.x backwards compatibility support } ?>