module = $module; require_once('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php'); if(file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php')){ require_once('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php'); } //require_once('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php'); $this->searchFields = $searchFields[$module]; if(empty($tpl)) { $this->tpl = 'modules/' . $module . '/SearchForm.html'; if(!empty($GLOBALS['layout_edit_mode'])){ $this->tpl = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'].'studio/custom/working/modules/' . $module . '/SearchForm.html'; } } else { $this->tpl = $tpl; } $this->bean = $seedBean; $this->tabs = array(array('title' => $app_strings['LNK_BASIC_SEARCH'], 'link' => $module . '|basic_search', 'key' => $module . '|basic_search'), array('title' => $app_strings['LNK_ADVANCED_SEARCH'], 'link' => $module . '|advanced_search', 'key' => $module . '|advanced_search')); if(file_exists('modules/'.$this->module.'/index.php')){ $this->tabs[] = array('title' => $app_strings['LNK_SAVED_VIEWS'], 'link' => $module . '|saved_views', 'key' => $module . '|saved_views'); } } /** * Populate the searchFields from an array * * @param array $array array to search through * @param string $switchVar variable to use in switch statement * @param bool $addAllBeanFields true to process at all bean fields */ function populateFromArray(&$array, $switchVar = null, $addAllBeanFields = true) { //CL Bug:33176 if(empty($array['searchFormTab']) && empty($switchVar)) { $array['searchFormTab'] = 'advanced_search'; } if(!empty($array['searchFormTab']) || !empty($switchVar)) { $arrayKeys = array_keys($array); $searchFieldsKeys = array_keys($this->searchFields); if(empty($switchVar)) $switchVar = $array['searchFormTab']; switch($switchVar) { case 'basic_search': foreach($this->searchFields as $name => $params) { if(isset($array[$name . '_basic'])) { $this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = is_string($array[$name . '_basic'])?trim($array[$name . '_basic']):$array[$name . '_basic']; } } if($addAllBeanFields) { foreach($this->bean->field_name_map as $key => $params) { if(in_array($key . '_basic' , $arrayKeys) && !in_array($key, $searchFieldsKeys)) { $this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default', 'value' => $array[$key . '_basic']); } } } break; case 'advanced_search': foreach($this->searchFields as $name => $params) { if(isset($array[$name])) { $this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = is_string($array[$name])?trim($array[$name]):$array[$name]; } } if((empty($array['massupdate']) || $array['massupdate'] == 'false') && $addAllBeanFields) { foreach($this->bean->field_name_map as $key => $params) { if(in_array($key, $arrayKeys) && !in_array($key, $searchFieldsKeys)) { $this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default', 'value' => $array[$key]); } } } break; case 'saved_views': foreach($this->searchFields as $name => $params) { if(isset($array[$name . '_basic'])) { // save basic first $this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $array[$name . '_basic']; } if(isset($array[$name])) { // overwrite by advanced if available $this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $array[$name]; } } if($addAllBeanFields) { foreach($this->bean->field_name_map as $key => $params) { if(!in_array($key, $searchFieldsKeys)) { if(in_array($key . '_basic', $arrayKeys) ) { $this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default', 'value' => $array[$key . '_basic']); } if(in_array($key, $arrayKeys)) { $this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default', 'value' => $array[$key]); } } } } } } } /** * Populate the searchFields from $_REQUEST * * @param string $switchVar variable to use in switch statement * @param bool $addAllBeanFields true to process at all bean fields */ function populateFromRequest($switchVar = null, $addAllBeanFields = true) { $this->populateFromArray($_REQUEST, $switchVar, $addAllBeanFields); } /** * The fuction will returns an array of filter conditions. * */ function generateSearchWhere($add_custom_fields = false, $module='') { global $timedate; $values = $this->searchFields; $where_clauses = array(); $like_char = '%'; $table_name = $this->bean->object_name; foreach($this->searchFields as $field=>$parms) { $customField = false; // Jenny - Bug 7462: We need a type check here to avoid database errors // when searching for numeric fields. This is a temporary fix until we have // a generic search form validation mechanism. $type = (!empty($this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['type']))?$this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['type']:''; if(!empty($this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['source']) && $this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'custom_fields'){ $customField = true; } if ($type == 'int') { if (!empty($parms['value'])) { $tempVal = explode(',', $parms['value']); $newVal = ''; foreach($tempVal as $key => $val) { if (!empty($newVal)) $newVal .= ','; if(!empty($val) && !(is_numeric($val))) $newVal .= -1; else $newVal .= $val; } $parms['value'] = $newVal; } } // do not include where clause for custom fields with checkboxes that are unchecked elseif($type == 'bool' && empty($parms['value']) && $customField) { continue; } elseif($type == 'bool' && !empty($parms['value'])){ if ($parms['value'] == 'on'){ $parms['value'] = 1; } } if(isset($parms['value']) && $parms['value'] != "") { $operator = 'like'; if(!empty($parms['operator'])) { $operator = strtolower($parms['operator']); } if(is_array($parms['value'])) { $field_value = ''; // If it is a custom field of mutliselect we have to do some special processing if($customField && !empty($this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) && $this->bean->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) { $operator = 'custom_enum'; $db_field = $this->bean->table_name . "_cstm." . $field; foreach($parms['value'] as $key => $val) { if($val != ' ' and $val != '') { $qVal = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($val); if (!empty($field_value)) { $field_value .= ' or '; } $field_value .= "$db_field like '$qVal' or $db_field like '%$qVal^%' or $db_field like '%^$qVal%' or $db_field like '%^$qVal^%'"; } } } else { $operator = $operator != 'subquery' ? 'in' : $operator; foreach($parms['value'] as $key => $val) { if($val != ' ' and $val != '') { if (!empty($field_value)) { $field_value .= ','; } $field_value .= "'" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($val) . "'"; } } } } else { $field_value = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($parms['value']); } //set db_fields array. if(!isset($parms['db_field'])) { $parms['db_field'] = array($field); } if(isset($parms['my_items']) and $parms['my_items'] == true) { global $current_user; $field_value = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($current_user->id); $operator = '='; } $where = ''; $itr = 0; if($field_value != '') { foreach ($parms['db_field'] as $db_field) { if (strstr($db_field, '.') === false) { if(!$customField){ $db_field = $this->bean->table_name . "." . $db_field; }else{ $db_field = $this->bean->table_name . "_cstm." . $db_field; } } if($type == 'date') { // Collin - Have mysql as first because it's usually the case // The regular expression check is to circumvent special case YYYY-MM if($GLOBALS['db']->dbType == 'mysql') { if(preg_match('/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) == 0) { $field_value = $timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false); $operator = '='; } else { $operator = 'db_date'; } } else if($GLOBALS['db']->dbType == 'oci8') { if(preg_match('/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) == 0) { $field_value = $timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false); $field_value = "to_date('" . $field_value . "', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')"; } $operator = 'db_date'; } else if($GLOBALS['db']->dbType == 'mssql') { if(preg_match('/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) == 0) { $field_value = "Convert(DateTime, '".$timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false)."')"; } $operator = 'db_date'; } else { $field_value = $timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false); $operation = '='; } } if($type == 'datetime'|| $type == 'datetimecombo') { $dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value); $field_value = $dates["start"] . "<>" . $dates["end"]; $operator = 'between'; } if($GLOBALS['db']->dbType == 'oci8' && isset($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'case_insensitive') { $db_field = 'upper(' . $db_field . ")"; $field_value = strtoupper($field_value); } $itr++; if(!empty($where)) { $where .= " OR "; } switch($operator) { case 'subquery': $in = 'IN'; if ( isset($parms['subquery_in_clause']) ) { if ( !is_array($parms['subquery_in_clause']) ) { $in = $parms['subquery_in_clause']; } elseif ( isset($parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value]) ) { $in = $parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value]; } } $sq = $parms['subquery']; if(is_array($sq)){ $and_or = ' AND '; if (isset($sq['OR'])){ $and_or = ' OR '; } $first = true; foreach($sq as $q){ if(empty($q) || strlen($q)<2) continue; if(!$first){ $where .= $and_or; } $where .= " {$db_field} $in ({$q} '{$field_value}%') "; $first = false; } }elseif(!empty($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'format'){ $stringFormatParams = array(0 => $field_value, 1 => $GLOBALS['current_user']->id); $where .= "{$db_field} $in (".string_format($parms['subquery'], $stringFormatParams).")"; }else{ $where .= "{$db_field} $in ({$parms['subquery']} '{$field_value}%')"; } break; case 'like': $where .= $db_field . " like '".$field_value.$like_char."'"; break; case 'in': $where .= $db_field . " in (".$field_value.')'; break; case '=': $where .= $db_field . " = '".$field_value ."'"; break; case 'db_date': if(preg_match('/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) == 0) { $where .= $db_field . " = ". $field_value; } else { // Create correct date_format conversion String if($GLOBALS['db']->dbType == 'oci8') { $where .= db_convert($db_field,'date_format',array("'YYYY-MM'")) . " = '" . $field_value . "'"; } else { $where .= db_convert($db_field,'date_format',array("'%Y-%m'")) . " = '" . $field_value . "'"; } } break; case 'between': $field_value = explode('<>', $field_value); $where .= $db_field . " >= '".$field_value[0] . "' AND " .$db_field . " <= '".$field_value[1]."'"; break; } } } if(!empty($where)) { if($itr > 1) { array_push($where_clauses, '( '.$where.' )'); } else { array_push($where_clauses, $where); } } } } return $where_clauses; } /** * displays the tabs (top of the search form) * * @param string $currentKey key in $this->tabs to show as the current tab * * @return string html */ function displayTabs($currentKey) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->displayTabs(): tabs='.print_r($this->tabs,true)); $tabPanel = new SugarWidgetTabs($this->tabs, $currentKey, 'SUGAR.searchForm.searchFormSelect'); if(isset($_REQUEST['saved_search_select']) && $_REQUEST['saved_search_select']!='_none') { $saved_search=loadBean('SavedSearch'); $saved_search->retrieveSavedSearch($_REQUEST['saved_search_select']); } $str = $tabPanel->display(); $str .= ''; return $str; } /** * sets up the search forms, populates the preset values * */ function setup() { global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $theme, $timedate; $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->setup()'); $this->xtpl = new XTemplate($this->tpl); $this->xtpl->assign("MOD", $mod_strings); $this->xtpl->assign("APP", $app_strings); $this->xtpl->assign("THEME", $theme); $this->xtpl->assign("CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT", $timedate->get_cal_date_format()); $this->xtpl->assign("USER_DATEFORMAT", '('. $timedate->get_user_date_format().')'); foreach($this->searchFields as $name => $params) { if(isset($params['template_var'])) $templateVar = $params['template_var']; else $templateVar = strtoupper($name); if(isset($params['value'])) { // populate w/ preselected values if(isset($params['options'])) { $options = $app_list_strings[$params['options']]; if(isset($params['options_add_blank']) && $params['options_add_blank']) array_unshift($options, ''); $this->xtpl->assign($templateVar, get_select_options_with_id($options, $params['value'])); } else { if(isset($params['input_type'])) { switch($params['input_type']) { case 'checkbox': // checkbox input if($params['value'] == 'on' || $params['value']) $this->xtpl->assign($templateVar, 'checked'); break; } } else {// regular text input $this->xtpl->assign($templateVar, to_html($params['value'])); } } } else { // populate w/o preselected values if(isset($params['options'])) { $options = $app_list_strings[$params['options']]; if(isset($params['options_add_blank']) && $params['options_add_blank']) array_unshift($options, ''); $this->xtpl->assign($templateVar, get_select_options_with_id($options, '')); } } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id'])) $this->xtpl->assign("USER_FILTER", get_select_options_with_id(get_user_array(FALSE), $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id'])); else $this->xtpl->assign("USER_FILTER", get_select_options_with_id(get_user_array(FALSE), '')); // handle my items only if(isset($this->searchFields['current_user_only']) && isset($this->searchFields['current_user_only']['value'])) $this->xtpl->assign("CURRENT_USER_ONLY", "checked"); } /** * displays the search form header * * @param string $view which view is currently being displayed * */ function displayHeader($view) { global $current_user; $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->displayHeader()'); $header_text = ''; if(is_admin($current_user) && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'DynamicLayout' && !empty($_SESSION['editinplace'])){ $header_text = "".SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("EditLayout","border='0' alt='Edit Layout' align='bottom'").""; } echo $header_text . $this->displayTabs($this->module . '|' . $view); echo "
" . "" . "" . "" . ""; } /** * displays the search form body, for example if basic_search is being displayed, then the function call would be * displayWithHeaders('basic_search', $htmlForBasicSearchBody) { * * @param string $view which view is currently being displayed * @param string $basic_search_text body of the basic search tab * @param string $advanced_search_text body of the advanced search tab * @param string $saved_views_text body of the saved views tab * */ function displayWithHeaders($view, $basic_search_text = '', $advanced_search_text = '', $saved_views_text = '') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->displayWithHeaders()'); $this->displayHeader($view); echo "
" . $basic_search_text . "
"; echo "
" . $advanced_search_text . "
"; echo "
" . $saved_views_text . "
"; echo $this->getButtons(); echo '
'; // echo ''; } /** * displays the basic search form body * * @param bool $header display this with headers * @param bool $return echo or return the html * * @return string html of contents */ function displayBasic($header = true, $return = false) { global $current_user; $this->bean->custom_fields->populateAllXTPL($this->xtpl, 'search' ); $this->xtpl->parse("main"); if(!empty($GLOBALS['layout_edit_mode'])){ $this->xtpl->parse("advanced"); } $text = $this->xtpl->text("main"); if(!empty($GLOBALS['layout_edit_mode'])){ $text .= $this->xtpl->text("advanced"); } if($header && empty($GLOBALS['layout_edit_mode'])) { $this->displayWithHeaders('basic_search', $text); } else { if($return) return $text; else echo $text; } } /** * displays the advanced search form body * * @param bool $header display this with headers * @param bool $return echo or return the html * * @return string html of contents */ function displayAdvanced($header = true, $return = false, $listViewDefs='', $lv='') { global $current_user, $current_language; $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->displayAdvanced()'); $this->bean->custom_fields->populateAllXTPL($this->xtpl, 'search' ); if(!empty($listViewDefs) && !empty($lv)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('SearchForm.php->displayAdvanced(): showing saved search'); $savedSearch = new SavedSearch($listViewDefs[$this->module], $lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy'], $lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder']); $this->xtpl->assign('SAVED_SEARCH', $savedSearch->getForm($this->module, false)); $this->xtpl->assign('MOD_SAVEDSEARCH', return_module_language($current_language, 'SavedSearch')); $this->xtpl->assign('ADVANCED_SEARCH_IMG', SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('advanced_search.gif')); //this determines whether the saved search subform should be rendered open or not if(isset($_REQUEST['showSSDIV']) && $_REQUEST['showSSDIV']=='yes'){ $this->xtpl->assign('SHOWSSDIV', 'yes'); $this->xtpl->assign('DISPLAYSS', ''); }else{ $this->xtpl->assign('SHOWSSDIV', 'no'); $this->xtpl->assign('DISPLAYSS', 'display:none'); } } $this->xtpl->parse("advanced"); $text = $this->xtpl->text("advanced"); if($header) { $this->displayWithHeaders('advanced_search', '', $text); } else { if($return) return $text; else echo $text; } } /** * displays the saved views form body * * @param bool $header display this with headers * @param bool $return echo or return the html * * @return string html of contents */ function displaySavedViews($listViewDefs, $lv, $header = true, $return = false) { global $current_user; $savedSearch = new SavedSearch($listViewDefs[$this->module], $lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy'], $lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder']); if($header) { $this->displayWithHeaders('saved_views', $this->displayBasic(false, true), $this->displayAdvanced(false, true), $savedSearch->getForm($this->module)); echo ''; } else { echo $savedSearch->getForm($this->module, false); } } /** * get the search buttons * * @return string html of contents */ function getButtons() { global $app_strings; $SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS = ''; $savedSearch = new SavedSearch(); $SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS = $savedSearch->getSelect($this->module); $str = " "; $str .= ""; if(!empty($SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS) && $this->showSavedSearchOptions){ $str .= "    |   {$app_strings['LBL_SAVED_SEARCH_SHORTCUT']}  {$SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS} "; } $str .= " "; return $str; } } ?>