type = $type; $this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); } function fetch($path){ $additional = ''; if(!$this->hasButton && !empty($this->button)){ $additional .= 'button . '>'; } if(!empty($this->buttons)){ foreach($this->buttons as $v){ $additional .= ' '; } } if(!empty($this->image)){ $additional .= ' image . '>'; } return $this->ss->fetch($path) . $additional; } function findTemplate($view){ static $tplCache = array(); if ( isset($tplCache[$this->type][$view]) ) { return $tplCache[$this->type][$view]; } $lastClass = get_class($this); $classList = array($this->type,str_replace('SugarField','',$lastClass)); while ( $lastClass = get_parent_class($lastClass) ) { $classList[] = str_replace('SugarField','',$lastClass); } $tplName = ''; foreach ( $classList as $className ) { global $current_language; if(isset($current_language)) { $tplName = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/'. $className .'/'. $current_language . '.' . $view .'.tpl'; if ( file_exists('custom/'.$tplName) ) { $tplName = 'custom/'.$tplName; break; } if ( file_exists($tplName) ) { break; } } $tplName = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/'. $className .'/'. $view .'.tpl'; if ( file_exists('custom/'.$tplName) ) { $tplName = 'custom/'.$tplName; break; } if ( file_exists($tplName) ) { break; } } $tplCache[$this->type][$view] = $tplName; return $tplName; } public function formatField($rawField, $vardef){ // The base field doesn't do any formatting, so override it in subclasses for more specific actions return $rawField; } public function unformatField($formattedField, $vardef){ // The base field doesn't do any formatting, so override it in subclasses for more specific actions return $formattedField; } function getSmartyView($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex = -1, $view){ $this->setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); return $this->fetch($this->findTemplate($view)); } function getListViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $col) { $tabindex = 1; //fixing bug #46666: don't need to format enum and radioenum fields //because they are already formated in SugarBean.php in the function get_list_view_array() as fix of bug #21672 if ($this->type != 'Enum' && $this->type != 'Radioenum') { $parentFieldArray = $this->setupFieldArray($parentFieldArray, $vardef); } else { $vardef['name'] = strtoupper($vardef['name']); } $this->setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, false); $this->ss->left_delimiter = '{'; $this->ss->right_delimiter = '}'; $this->ss->assign('col',$vardef['name']); return $this->fetch($this->findTemplate('ListView')); } /** * Returns a smarty template for the DetailViews * * @param parentFieldArray string name of the variable in the parent template for the bean's data * @param vardef vardef field defintion * @param displayParam parameters for display * available paramters are: * * labelSpan - column span for the label * * fieldSpan - column span for the field */ function getDetailViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { return $this->getSmartyView($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, 'DetailView'); } // 99% of all fields will just format like a listview, but just in case, it's here to override function getChangeLogSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { return $this->formatField($parentFieldArray[$vardef['name']],$vardef); } function getEditViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { if(!empty($vardef['function']['returns']) && $vardef['function']['returns'] == 'html'){ $type = $this->type; $this->type = 'Base'; $result= $this->getDetailViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); $this->type = $type; return $result; } // jpereira@dri - #Bug49513 - Readonly type not working as expected // If readonly is set in displayParams, the vardef will be displayed as in DetailView. if (isset($displayParams['readonly']) && $displayParams['readonly']) { return $this->getSmartyView($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, 'DetailView'); } // ~ jpereira@dri - #Bug49513 - Readonly type not working as expected return $this->getSmartyView($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, 'EditView'); } function getImportViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { return $this->getEditViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); } function getSearchViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex) { if(!empty($vardef['auto_increment']))$vardef['len']=255; return $this->getSmartyView($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, 'EditView'); } function getPopupViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex){ if (is_array($displayParams) && !isset($displayParams['formName'])) $displayParams['formName'] = 'popup_query_form'; else if (empty($displayParams)) $displayParams = array('formName' => 'popup_query_form'); return $this->getSearchViewSmarty($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); } public function getEmailTemplateValue($inputField, $vardef, $context = null){ // This does not return a smarty section, instead it returns a direct value return $this->formatField($inputField,$vardef); } function displayFromFunc( $displayType, $parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex = 0 ) { if ( ! is_array($vardef['function']) ) { $funcName = $vardef['function']; $includeFile = ''; $onListView = false; $returnsHtml = false; } else { $funcName = $vardef['function']['name']; $includeFile = ''; if ( isset($vardef['function']['include']) ) { $includeFile = $vardef['function']['include']; } if ( isset($vardef['function']['onListView']) && $vardef['function']['onListView'] == true ) { $onListView = true; } else { $onListView = false; } if ( isset($vardef['function']['returns']) && $vardef['function']['returns'] == 'html' ) { $returnsHtml = true; } else { $returnsHtml = false; } } if ( $displayType == 'ListView' || $displayType == 'popupView' || $displayType == 'searchView' || $displayType == 'wirelessEditView' || $displayType == 'wirelessDetailView' || $displayType == 'wirelessListView' ) { // Traditionally, before 6.0, additional functions were never called, so this code doesn't get called unless the vardef forces it if ( $onListView ) { if ( !empty($includeFile) ) { require_once($includeFile); } return $funcName($parentFieldArray, $vardef['name'], $parentFieldArray[strtoupper($vardef['name'])], $displayType); } else { $displayTypeFunc = 'get'.$displayType.'Smarty'; return $this->$displayTypeFunc($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); } } else { if ( !empty($displayParams['idName']) ) { $fieldName = $displayParams['idName']; } else { $fieldName = $vardef['name']; } if ( $returnsHtml ) { $this->setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex); $tpl = $this->findTemplate($displayType.'Function'); if ( $tpl == '' ) { // Can't find a function template, just use the base $tpl = $this->findTemplate('DetailViewFunction'); } return "" . $this->fetch($tpl) . ''; } else { return '{sugar_run_helper include="'.$includeFile.'" func="'.$funcName.'" bean=$bean field="'.$fieldName.'" value=$fields.'.$fieldName.'.value displayType="'.$displayType.'"}'; } } } function getEditView() { } /** * getSearchWhereValue * * Checks and returns a sane value based on the field type that can be used when building the where clause in a * search form. * * @param $value Mixed value being searched on * @return Mixed the value for the where clause used in search */ function getSearchWhereValue($value) { return $value; } /** * getSearchInput * * This function allows the SugarFields to handle returning the search input value given arguments (typically from $_REQUEST/$_POST) * and a search string. * * @param $key String value of key to search for * @param $args Mixed value containing haystack to search for value in * @return $value Mixed value that the SugarField should return */ function getSearchInput($key='', $args=array()) { //Nothing specified return empty string if(empty($key) || empty($args)) { return ''; } return isset($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : ''; } function getQueryLike() { } function getQueryIn() { } /** * Setup function to assign values to the smarty template, should be called before every display function */ function setup($parentFieldArray, $vardef, $displayParams, $tabindex, $twopass=true) { $this->button = ''; $this->buttons = ''; $this->image = ''; if ($twopass) { $this->ss->left_delimiter = '{{'; $this->ss->right_delimiter = '}}'; } else { $this->ss->left_delimiter = '{'; $this->ss->right_delimiter = '}'; } $this->ss->assign('parentFieldArray', $parentFieldArray); $this->ss->assign('vardef', $vardef); $this->ss->assign('tabindex', $tabindex); //for adding attributes to the field if(!empty($displayParams['field'])){ $plusField = ''; foreach($displayParams['field'] as $key=>$value){ $plusField .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';//bug 27381 } $displayParams['field'] = $plusField; } //for adding attributes to the button if(!empty($displayParams['button'])){ $plusField = ''; foreach($displayParams['button'] as $key=>$value){ $plusField .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } $displayParams['button'] = $plusField; $this->button = $displayParams['button']; } if(!empty($displayParams['buttons'])){ $plusField = ''; foreach($displayParams['buttons'] as $keys=>$values){ foreach($values as $key=>$value){ $plusField[$keys] .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } } $displayParams['buttons'] = $plusField; $this->buttons = $displayParams['buttons']; } if(!empty($displayParams['image'])){ $plusField = ''; foreach($displayParams['image'] as $key=>$value){ $plusField .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } $displayParams['image'] = $plusField; $this->image = $displayParams['image']; } $this->ss->assign('displayParams', $displayParams); } protected function getAccessKey($vardef, $fieldType = null, $module = null) { global $app_strings; $labelList = array( 'accessKey' => array(), 'accessKeySelect' => array(), 'accessKeyClear' => array(), ); // Labels are always in uppercase if ( isset($fieldType) ) { $fieldType = strtoupper($fieldType); } if ( isset($module) ) { $module = strtoupper($module); } // The vardef is the most specific, then the module + fieldType, then the module, then the fieldType if ( isset($vardef['accessKey']) ) { $labelList['accessKey'][] = $vardef['accessKey']; } if ( isset($vardef['accessKeySelect']) ) { $labelList['accessKeySelect'][] = $vardef['accessKeySelect']; } if ( isset($vardef['accessKeyClear']) ) { $labelList['accessKeyClear'][] = $vardef['accessKeyClear']; } if ( isset($fieldType) && isset($module) ) { $labelList['accessKey'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_'.$fieldType.'_'.$module; $labelList['accessKeySelect'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_SELECT_'.$fieldType.'_'.$module; $labelList['accessKeyClear'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_CLEAR_'.$fieldType.'_'.$module; } if ( isset($module) ) { $labelList['accessKey'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_'.$module; $labelList['accessKeySelect'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_SELECT_'.$module; $labelList['accessKeyClear'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_CLEAR_'.$module; } if ( isset($fieldType) ) { $labelList['accessKey'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_'.$fieldType; $labelList['accessKeySelect'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_SELECT_'.$fieldType; $labelList['accessKeyClear'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY_CLEAR_'.$fieldType; } // Attach the defaults to the ends $labelList['accessKey'][] = 'LBL_ACCESSKEY'; $labelList['accessKeySelect'][] = 'LBL_SELECT_BUTTON'; $labelList['accessKeyClear'][] = 'LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON'; // Figure out the label and the key for the button. // Later on we may attempt to make sure there are no two buttons with the same keys, but for now we will just use whatever is specified. $keyTypes = array('accessKey','accessKeySelect','accessKeyClear'); $accessKeyList = array( 'accessKey' => '', 'accessKeyLabel' => '', 'accessKeyTitle' => '', 'accessKeySelect' => '', 'accessKeySelectLabel' => '', 'accessKeySelectTitle' => '', 'accessKeyClear' => '', 'accessKeyClearLabel' => '', 'accessKeyClearTitle' => '', ); foreach( $keyTypes as $type ) { foreach ( $labelList[$type] as $tryThis ) { if ( isset($app_strings[$tryThis.'_KEY']) && isset($app_strings[$tryThis.'_TITLE']) && isset($app_strings[$tryThis.'_LABEL']) ) { $accessKeyList[$type] = $tryThis.'_KEY'; $accessKeyList[$type.'Title'] = $tryThis.'_TITLE'; $accessKeyList[$type.'Label'] = $tryThis.'_LABEL'; break; } } } return $accessKeyList; } /** * This should be called when the bean is saved. The bean itself will be passed by reference * @param SugarBean bean - the bean performing the save * @param array params - an array of paramester relevant to the save, most likely will be $_REQUEST */ public function save($bean, $params, $field, $properties, $prefix = '') { if ( isset($params[$prefix.$field]) ) { if(isset($properties['len']) && isset($properties['type']) && $this->isTrimmable($properties['type'])){ $bean->$field = trim($this->unformatField($params[$prefix.$field], $properties)); } else { $bean->$field = $this->unformatField($params[$prefix.$field], $properties); } } } /** * Check if the field is allowed to be trimmed * * @param string $type * @return boolean */ protected function isTrimmable($type) { return in_array($type, array('varchar', 'name')); } /** * Handles import field sanitizing for an field type * * @param $value string value to be sanitized * @param $vardefs array * @param $focus SugarBean object * @param $settings ImportFieldSanitize object * @return string sanitized value or boolean false if there's a problem with the value */ public function importSanitize( $value, $vardef, $focus, ImportFieldSanitize $settings ) { if( isset($vardef['len']) ) { // check for field length $value = sugar_substr($value, $vardef['len']); } return $value; } /** * isRangeSearchView * This method helps determine whether or not to display the range search view code for the sugar field * @param array $vardef entry representing the sugar field's definition * @return boolean true if range search view should be displayed, false otherwise */ protected function isRangeSearchView($vardef) { return !empty($vardef['enable_range_search']) && !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']!='Popup'; } /** * setupFieldArray * This method takes the $parentFieldArray mixed variable which may be an Array or object and attempts * to call any custom fieldSpecific formatting to the value depending on the field type. * * @see SugarFieldEnum.php, SugarFieldInt.php, SugarFieldFloat.php, SugarFieldRelate.php * @param mixed $parentFieldArray Array or Object of data where the field's value comes from * @param array $vardef The vardef entry linked to the SugarField instance * @return array $parentFieldArray The formatted $parentFieldArray with the formatField method possibly applied */ protected function setupFieldArray($parentFieldArray, $vardef) { $fieldName = $vardef['name']; if ( is_array($parentFieldArray) ) { $fieldNameUpper = strtoupper($fieldName); if ( isset($parentFieldArray[$fieldNameUpper])) { $parentFieldArray[$fieldName] = $this->formatField($parentFieldArray[$fieldNameUpper],$vardef); } else { $parentFieldArray[$fieldName] = ''; } } elseif (is_object($parentFieldArray)) { if ( isset($parentFieldArray->$fieldName) ) { $parentFieldArray->$fieldName = $this->formatField($parentFieldArray->$fieldName,$vardef); } else { $parentFieldArray->$fieldName = ''; } } return $parentFieldArray; } } ?>