mView = 'DetailView'; } /** * parse * * @param $filePath The file path of the HTML file to parse * @param $vardefs The module's vardefs * @param $moduleDir The module's directory * @param $merge boolean value indicating whether or not to merge the parsed contents * @param $masterCopy The file path of the mater copy of the metadata file to merge against * @return String format of metadata contents **/ function parse($filePath, $vardefs = array(), $moduleDir = '', $merge=false, $masterCopy=null) { // Grab file contents $contents = file_get_contents($filePath); // Remove \n,\r characters to allow for better text parsing $contents = $this->trimHTML($contents); $contents = $this->stripFlavorTags($contents); // Notes DetailView.html file is messed up if($moduleDir == 'Notes') { $contents = str_replace('{PAGINATION}', '{PAGINATION}', $contents); $contents = str_replace('