'Are you sure you want to remove this account from this project?', 'ERR_DELETE_RECORD' => 'A record number must be specified to delete the account.', 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME' => 'Company Name:', 'LBL_ACCOUNT' => 'Company:', 'LBL_ACTIVITIES_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Activities', 'LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION' => 'Address Information', 'LBL_ANNUAL_REVENUE' => 'Annual Revenue:', 'LBL_ANY_ADDRESS' => 'Any Address:', 'LBL_ANY_EMAIL' => 'Any Email:', 'LBL_ANY_PHONE' => 'Any Phone:', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_NAME' => 'User:', 'LBL_RATING'=>'Rating', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_USER'=>'Assigned to:', 'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO_ID' => 'Assigned to:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_CITY' => 'Billing City:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_COUNTRY' => 'Billing Country:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE' => 'Billing Postal Code:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STATE' => 'Billing State:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET_2' =>'Billing Street 2', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET_3' =>'Billing Street 3', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET_4' =>'Billing Street 4', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET' => 'Billing Street:', 'LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS' => 'Billing Address:', 'LBL_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION' => 'Company Information', 'LBL_CITY' => 'City:', 'LBL_CONTACTS_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Contacts', 'LBL_COUNTRY' => 'Country:', 'LBL_DATE_ENTERED' => 'Date Created:', 'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED' => 'Date Modified:', 'LBL_DEFAULT_SUBPANEL_TITLE' => 'Accounts', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION' => 'Description Information', 'LBL_DESCRIPTION' => 'Description:', 'LBL_DUPLICATE' => 'Possible Duplicate Account', 'LBL_EMAIL' => 'Email Address:', 'LBL_EMPLOYEES' => 'Employees:', 'LBL_FAX' => 'Fax:', 'LBL_INDUSTRY' => 'Industry:', 'LBL_LIST_ACCOUNT_NAME' => 'Account Name', 'LBL_LIST_CITY' => 'City', 'LBL_LIST_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Email Address', 'LBL_LIST_PHONE' => 'Phone', 'LBL_LIST_STATE' => 'State', 'LBL_LIST_WEBSITE' => 'Website', 'LBL_MEMBER_OF' => 'Member of:', 'LBL_MEMBER_ORG_FORM_TITLE' => 'Member Organizations', 'LBL_MEMBER_ORG_SUBPANEL_TITLE'=>'Member Organizations', 'LBL_NAME'=>'Name:', 'LBL_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'Other Email:', 'LBL_OTHER_PHONE' => 'Other Phone:', 'LBL_OWNERSHIP' => 'Ownership:', 'LBL_PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID' => 'Parent Account ID', 'LBL_PHONE_ALT' => 'Alternate Phone:', 'LBL_PHONE_FAX' => 'Phone Fax:', 'LBL_PHONE_OFFICE' => 'Office Phone:', 'LBL_PHONE' => 'Phone:', 'LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS'=>'Email Address(es)', 'LBL_POSTAL_CODE' => 'Postal Code:', 'LBL_PUSH_BILLING' => 'Push Billing', 'LBL_PUSH_SHIPPING' => 'Push Shipping', 'LBL_SAVE_ACCOUNT' => 'Save Account', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_CITY' => 'Shipping City:', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_COUNTRY' => 'Shipping Country:', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_POSTALCODE' => 'Shipping Postal Code:', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STATE' => 'Shipping State:', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET_2' => 'Shipping Street 2', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET_3' => 'Shipping Street 3', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET_4' => 'Shipping Street 4', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET' => 'Shipping Street:', 'LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => 'Shipping Address:', 'LBL_STATE' => 'State:', 'LBL_TICKER_SYMBOL' => 'Ticker Symbol:', 'LBL_TYPE' => 'Type:', 'LBL_USERS_ASSIGNED_LINK'=>'Assigned Users', 'LBL_USERS_CREATED_LINK'=>'Created By Users', 'LBL_USERS_MODIFIED_LINK'=>'Modified Users', 'LBL_VIEW_FORM_TITLE' => 'Account View', 'LBL_WEBSITE' => 'Website:', 'LNK_ACCOUNT_LIST' => 'Accounts', 'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT' => 'Create Account', 'MSG_DUPLICATE' => 'Creating this account may potentially create a duplicate account. You may either select an account from the list below or you may click on Save to continue creating a new account with the previously entered data.', 'MSG_SHOW_DUPLICATES' => 'Creating this account may potentially create a duplicate account. You may either click on Save to continue creating this new account with the previously entered data or you may click Cancel.', 'NTC_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS' => 'Copy billing address to shipping address', 'NTC_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS2' => 'Copy to shipping', 'NTC_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => 'Copy shipping address to billing address', 'NTC_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2' => 'Copy to billing', 'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?', 'NTC_REMOVE_ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this record?', 'NTC_REMOVE_MEMBER_ORG_CONFIRMATION' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this record as a member organization?', );