menuItems = array(); } function getScript() { $json = getJSONobj(); return "SUGAR.contextMenu.registerObjectType('{$this->objectName}', " . $json->encode($this->menuItems) . ");\n"; } /** * adds a menu item to the current contextMenu * * @param string $text text of the item * @param string $action function or pointer to the javascript function to call * @param array $params other parameters includes: * url - The URL for the MenuItem's anchor's "href" attribute. * target - The value to be used for the MenuItem's anchor's "target" attribute. * helptext - Additional instructional text to accompany the text for a MenuItem. Example: If the text is * "Copy" you might want to add the help text "Ctrl + C" to inform the user there is a keyboard * shortcut for the item. * emphasis - If set to true the text for the MenuItem will be rendered with emphasis (using ). * strongemphasis - If set to true the text for the MenuItem will be rendered with strong emphasis (using ). * disabled - If set to true the MenuItem will be dimmed and will not respond to user input or fire events. * selected - If set to true the MenuItem will be highlighted. * submenu - Appends / removes a menu (and it's associated DOM elements) to / from the MenuItem. * checked - If set to true the MenuItem will be rendered with a checkmark. */ function addMenuItem($text, $action, $module = null, $aclAction = null, $params = null) { // check ACLs if module and aclAction set otherwise no ACL check if(((!empty($module) && !empty($aclAction)) && ACLController::checkAccess($module, $aclAction)) || (empty($module) || empty($aclAction))) { $item = array('text' => translate($text), 'action' => $action); foreach(array('url', 'target', 'helptext', 'emphasis', 'strongemphasis', 'disabled', 'selected', 'submenu', 'checked') as $param) { if(!empty($params[$param])) $item[$param] = $params[$param]; } array_push($this->menuItems, $item); } } /** * Loads up menu items from files located in include/contextMenus/menuDefs * @param string $name name of the object */ function loadFromFile($name) { global $menuDef; clean_string($name, 'FILE'); require_once('include/contextMenus/menuDefs/' . $name . '.php'); $this->loadFromDef($name, $menuDef[$name]); } /** * Loads up menu items from def * @param string $name name of the object type * @param array $defs menu item definitions */ function loadFromDef($name, $defs) { $this->objectName = $name; foreach($defs as $def) { $this->addMenuItem($def['text'], $def['action'], (empty($def['module']) ? null : $def['module']), (empty($def['aclAction']) ? null : $def['aclAction']), (empty($def['params']) ? null : $def['params'])); } } } ?>