getTableName(); $fieldDefs = $bean->getFieldDefinitions(); $indices = $bean->getIndices(); $engine = $this->getEngine($bean); return $this->createTableSQLParams($tablename, $fieldDefs, $indices, $engine); } /** * Generates sql for create table statement for a bean. * * @param string $tablename * @param array $fieldDefs * @param array $indices * @param string $engine optional, MySQL engine to use * @return string SQL Create Table statement */ public function createTableSQLParams( $tablename, $fieldDefs, $indices, $engine = null ) { if ( empty($engine) && isset($fieldDefs['engine'])) $engine = $fieldDefs['engine']; if ( !$this->isEngineEnabled($engine) ) $engine = ''; $sql = parent::createTableSQLParams($tablename,$fieldDefs,$indices); if (!empty($engine)) $sql.= " ENGINE=$engine"; return $sql; } /** * Returns the name of the engine to use or null if we are to use the default * * @param object $bean SugarBean instance * @return string */ private function getEngine($bean) { global $dictionary; $engine = null; if (isset($dictionary[$bean->getObjectName()]['engine'])) { $engine = $dictionary[$bean->getObjectName()]['engine']; } return $engine; } /** * Returns true if the engine given is enabled in the backend * * @param string $engine * @return bool */ private function isEngineEnabled( $engine ) { $engine = strtoupper($engine); $r = $this->db->query("SHOW ENGINES"); while ( $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r) ) if ( strtoupper($row['Engine']) == $engine ) return ($row['Support']=='YES' || $row['Support']=='DEFAULT'); return false; } /** * @see DBHelper::getColumnType() */ public function getColumnType( $type, $name = '', $table = '' ) { $map = array( 'int' => 'int', 'double' => 'double', 'float' => 'float', 'uint' => 'int unsigned', 'ulong' => 'bigint unsigned', 'long' => 'bigint', 'short' => 'smallint', 'varchar' => 'varchar', 'text' => 'text', 'longtext' => 'longtext', 'date' => 'date', 'enum' => 'varchar', 'relate' => 'varchar', 'multienum'=> 'text', 'html' => 'text', 'datetime' => 'datetime', 'datetimecombo' => 'datetime', 'time' => 'time', 'bool' => 'bool', 'tinyint' => 'tinyint', 'char' => 'char', 'blob' => 'blob', 'longblob' => 'longblob', 'currency' => 'decimal(26,6)', 'decimal' => 'decimal', 'decimal2' => 'decimal', 'id' => 'char(36)', 'url'=>'varchar', 'encrypt'=>'varchar', 'file' => 'varchar', ); // Bug 44291 - If requested type is in array, returns it. Otherwise return requested type, so devs could see exactly what went wrong in log. if (isset($map[$type])) return $map[$type]; else return $type; } /** * @see DBHelper::oneColumnSQLRep() */ protected function oneColumnSQLRep( $fieldDef, $ignoreRequired = false, $table = '', $return_as_array = false ) { $ref = parent::oneColumnSQLRep($fieldDef, $ignoreRequired, $table, true); if ( $ref['colType'] == 'int' && !empty($fieldDef['len']) ) $ref['colType'] .= "(".$fieldDef['len'].")"; // bug 22338 - don't set a default value on text or blob fields if ( isset($ref['default']) && ($ref['colType'] == 'text' || $ref['colType'] == 'blob' || $ref['colType'] == 'longtext' || $ref['colType'] == 'longblob' )) $ref['default'] = ''; if ( $return_as_array ) return $ref; else return "{$ref['name']} {$ref['colType']} {$ref['default']} {$ref['required']} {$ref['auto_increment']}"; } /** * @see DBHelper::changeColumnSQL() */ protected function changeColumnSQL( $tablename, $fieldDefs, $action, $ignoreRequired = false ) { if ($this->isFieldArray($fieldDefs)){ foreach ($fieldDefs as $def){ if ($action == 'drop') $columns[] = $def['name']; else $columns[] = $this->oneColumnSQLRep($def, $ignoreRequired); } }else{ if ($action == 'drop') $columns[] = $fieldDefs['name']; else $columns[] = $this->oneColumnSQLRep($fieldDefs); } return "alter table $tablename $action column ".implode(",$action column ", $columns); } /** * @see DBHelper::deleteColumnSQL() */ public function deleteColumnSQL( SugarBean $bean, $fieldDefs ) { if ($this->isFieldArray($fieldDefs)) foreach ($fieldDefs as $fieldDef) $columns[] = $fieldDef['name']; else $columns[] = $fieldDefs['name']; return "alter table ".$bean->getTableName()." drop column ".implode(", drop column ", $columns); } /** * @see DBHelper::keysSQL */ public function keysSQL( $indices, $alter_table = false, $alter_action = '' ) { // check if the passed value is an array of fields. // if not, convert it into an array if (!$this->isFieldArray($indices)) $indices[] = $indices; $columns = array(); foreach ($indices as $index) { if(!empty($index['db']) && $index['db'] != 'mysql') continue; if (isset($index['source']) && $index['source'] != 'db') continue; $type = $index['type']; $name = $index['name']; if (is_array($index['fields'])) $fields = implode(", ", $index['fields']); else $fields = $index['fields']; switch ($type) { case 'unique': $columns[] = " UNIQUE $name ($fields)"; break; case 'primary': $columns[] = " PRIMARY KEY ($fields)"; break; case 'index': case 'foreign': case 'clustered': case 'alternate_key': /** * @todo here it is assumed that the primary key of the foreign * table will always be named 'id'. It must be noted though * that this can easily be fixed by referring to db dictionary * to find the correct primary field name */ if ( $alter_table ) $columns[] = " INDEX $name ($fields)"; else $columns[] = " KEY $name ($fields)"; break; case 'fulltext': if ($this->full_text_indexing_enabled()) $columns[] = " FULLTEXT ($fields)"; else $GLOBALS['log']->debug('MYISAM engine is not available/enabled, full-text indexes will be skipped. Skipping:',$name); break; } } $columns = implode(", $alter_action ", $columns); if(!empty($alter_action)){ $columns = $alter_action . ' '. $columns; } return $columns; } /** * @see DBHelper::setAutoIncrement() */ protected function setAutoIncrement( $table, $field_name ) { return "auto_increment"; } /** * Sets the next auto-increment value of a column to a specific value. * * @param string $table tablename * @param string $field_name */ public function setAutoIncrementStart( $table, $field_name, $start_value ) { $this->db->query( "ALTER TABLE $table AUTO_INCREMENT = $start_value;"); return true; } /** * Returns the next value for an auto increment * * @param string $table tablename * @param string $field_name * @return string */ public function getAutoIncrement( $table, $field_name ) { $result = $this->db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$table'"); $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if (!empty($row['Auto_increment'])) return $row['Auto_increment']; return ""; } /** * @see DBHelper::get_indices() */ public function get_indices( $tablename ) { //find all unique indexes and primary keys. $result = $this->db->query("SHOW INDEX FROM $tablename"); $indices = array(); while (($row=$this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) !=null) { $index_type='index'; if ($row['Key_name'] =='PRIMARY') { $index_type='primary'; } elseif ( $row['Non_unique'] == '0' ) { $index_type='unique'; } $name = strtolower($row['Key_name']); $indices[$name]['name']=$name; $indices[$name]['type']=$index_type; $indices[$name]['fields'][]=strtolower($row['Column_name']); } return $indices; } /** * @see DBHelper::get_columns() */ public function get_columns( $tablename ) { //find all unique indexes and primary keys. $result = $this->db->query("DESCRIBE $tablename"); $columns = array(); while (($row=$this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) !=null) { $name = strtolower($row['Field']); $columns[$name]['name']=$name; $matches = array(); preg_match_all("/(\w+)(?:\(([0-9]+,?[0-9]*)\)|)( unsigned)?/i", $row['Type'], $matches); $columns[$name]['type']=strtolower($matches[1][0]); if ( isset($matches[2][0]) && in_array(strtolower($matches[1][0]),array('varchar','char','varchar2','int','decimal','float')) ) $columns[$name]['len']=strtolower($matches[2][0]); if ( stristr($row['Extra'],'auto_increment') ) $columns[$name]['auto_increment'] = '1'; if ($row['Null'] == 'NO' && !stristr($row['Key'],'PRI')) $columns[$name]['required'] = 'true'; if (!empty($row['Default']) ) $columns[$name]['default'] = $row['Default']; } return $columns; } /** * @see DBHelper::add_drop_constraint() */ public function add_drop_constraint( $table, $definition, $drop = false ) { $type = $definition['type']; $fields = implode(',',$definition['fields']); $name = $definition['name']; $foreignTable = isset($definition['foreignTable']) ? $definition['foreignTable'] : array(); $sql = ''; switch ($type){ // generic indices case 'index': case 'alternate_key': if ($drop) $sql = "DROP INDEX {$name} "; else $sql = "CREATE INDEX {$name} ON {$table} ({$fields})"; break; // constraints as indices case 'unique': if ($drop) $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP INDEX $name"; else $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE {$name} ({$fields})"; break; case 'primary': if ($drop) $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP PRIMARY KEY"; else $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY ({$fields})"; break; case 'foreign': if ($drop) $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP FOREIGN KEY ({$fields})"; else $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY {$name} ({$fields}) REFERENCES {$foreignTable}({$foreignfields})"; break; } return $sql; } /** * @see DBHelper::number_of_columns() */ public function number_of_columns( $table_name ) { $result = $this->db->query("DESCRIBE $table_name"); return ($this->db->getRowCount($result)); } /** * @see DBHelper::full_text_indexing_enabled() */ protected function full_text_indexing_enabled( $dbname = null ) { return $this->isEngineEnabled('MyISAM'); } /** * @see DBHelper::massageFieldDef() */ public function massageFieldDef( &$fieldDef, $tablename ) { DBHelper::massageFieldDef($fieldDef,$tablename); if ( isset($fieldDef['default']) && ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'text' || $fieldDef['dbType'] == 'blob' || $fieldDef['dbType'] == 'longtext' || $fieldDef['dbType'] == 'longblob' )) unset($fieldDef['default']); if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'uint') $fieldDef['len'] = '10'; if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'ulong') $fieldDef['len'] = '20'; if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'bool') $fieldDef['type'] = 'tinyint'; if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'bool' && empty($fieldDef['default']) ) $fieldDef['default'] = '0'; if (($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'varchar' || $fieldDef['dbType'] == 'enum') && empty($fieldDef['len']) ) $fieldDef['len'] = '255'; if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'uint') $fieldDef['len'] = '10'; if ($fieldDef['dbType'] == 'int' && empty($fieldDef['len']) ) $fieldDef['len'] = '11'; } } ?>