'mysqli_free_result', 'close' => 'mysqli_close', 'row_count' => 'mysqli_num_rows', 'affected_row_count' => 'mysqli_affected_rows', ); /** * @see DBManager::checkError() */ public function checkError( $msg = '', $dieOnError = false ) { if (DBManager::checkError($msg, $dieOnError)) return true; $userMsg = inDeveloperMode()?"$msg: ":""; if (mysqli_errno($this->getDatabase())){ if($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("$msg: MySQL error ".mysqli_errno($this->database).": ".mysqli_error($this->database)); sugar_die ($userMsg.$GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_DB_FAIL']); } else{ $this->last_error = $userMsg."MySQL error ".mysqli_errno($this->database).": ".mysqli_error($this->database); $GLOBALS['log']->error("$msg: MySQL error ".mysqli_errno($this->database).": ".mysqli_error($this->database)); } return true; } return false; } /** * @see MysqlManager::query() */ public function query( $sql, $dieOnError = false, $msg = '', $suppress = false, $autofree = false ) { static $queryMD5 = array(); parent::countQuery($sql); $GLOBALS['log']->info('Query:' . $sql); $this->checkConnection(); //$this->freeResult(); $this->query_time = microtime(true); $this->lastsql = $sql; if ($suppress==true){ } else { $result = mysqli_query($this->database,$sql); } $md5 = md5($sql); if (empty($queryMD5[$md5])) $queryMD5[$md5] = true; $this->lastmysqlrow = -1; $this->query_time = microtime(true) - $this->query_time; $GLOBALS['log']->info('Query Execution Time:'.$this->query_time); // This is some heavy duty debugging, leave commented out unless you need this: /* $bt = debug_backtrace(); for ( $i = count($bt) ; $i-- ; $i > 0 ) { if ( strpos('MysqliManager.php',$bt[$i]['file']) === false ) { $line = $bt[$i]; } } $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("${line['file']}:${line['line']} ${line['function']} \nQuery: $sql\n"); */ $this->checkError($msg.' Query Failed: ' . $sql, $dieOnError); if($autofree) $this->lastResult[] =& $result; return $result; } /** * @see DBManager::getFieldsArray() */ public function getFieldsArray( &$result, $make_lower_case = false ) { $field_array = array(); if (!isset($result) || empty($result)) return 0; $i = 0; while ($i < mysqli_num_fields($result)) { $meta = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i); if (!$meta) return 0; if($make_lower_case == true) $meta->name = strtolower($meta->name); $field_array[] = $meta->name; $i++; } return $field_array; } /** * @see DBManager::fetchByAssoc() */ public function fetchByAssoc( &$result, $rowNum = -1, $encode = true ) { if (!$result) return false; if ($result && $rowNum > -1) { if ($this->getRowCount($result) > $rowNum) mysqli_data_seek($result, $rowNum); $this->lastmysqlrow = $rowNum; } $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); if ($encode && $this->encode && is_array($row)) return array_map('to_html', $row); return $row; } /** * @see DBManager::quote() */ public function quote( $string, $isLike = true ) { return mysqli_escape_string($this->getDatabase(),DBManager::quote($string)); } /** * @see DBManager::quoteForEmail() */ public function quoteForEmail( $string, $isLike = true ) { return mysqli_escape_string($this->getDatabase(),$string); } /** * @see DBManager::connect() */ public function connect( array $configOptions = null, $dieOnError = false ) { global $sugar_config; if (is_null($configOptions)) $configOptions = $sugar_config['dbconfig']; if(!isset($this->database)) { //mysqli connector has a separate parameter for port.. We need to separate it out from the host name $dbhost=$configOptions['db_host_name']; $dbport=null; $pos=strpos($configOptions['db_host_name'],':'); if ($pos !== false) { $dbhost=substr($configOptions['db_host_name'],0,$pos); $dbport=substr($configOptions['db_host_name'],$pos+1); } $this->database = mysqli_connect($dbhost,$configOptions['db_user_name'],$configOptions['db_password'],$configOptions['db_name'],$dbport); if(empty($this->database)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not connect to DB server ".$dbhost." as ".$configOptions['db_user_name'].". port " .$dbport . ": " . mysqli_connect_error()); sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB']); } } if(!@mysqli_select_db($this->database,$configOptions['db_name'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal( "Unable to select database {$configOptions['db_name']}: " . mysqli_connect_error()); sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB']); } // cn: using direct calls to prevent this from spamming the Logs mysqli_query($this->database,"SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); // no quotes around "[charset]" mysqli_query($this->database,"SET NAMES 'utf8'"); if($this->checkError('Could Not Connect', $dieOnError)) $GLOBALS['log']->info("connected to db"); } } ?>