$data) { if(isset($data['connector'])) { if(ConnectorUtils::eapmEnabled($data['connector'])) { if(isset($data['authMethod']) && $data['authMethod'] == 'oauth'){ $connector = SourceFactory::getSource($data['connector'], false); if(!empty($connector) && $connector->propertyExists('oauth_consumer_key') && $connector->isRequiredConfigFieldsSet()) { $filteredList[$name] = $data; } }else{ $filteredList[$name] = $data; } } }else { $filteredList[$name] = $data; } } return $filteredList; } /** * Get the list of available APIs * @param bool $forceRebuild * @param bool $ignoreDisabled Should we ignore disabled status? * @return array */ public static function loadFullAPIList($forceRebuild=false, $ignoreDisabled = false) { if (inDeveloperMode()) { static $beenHereBefore = false; if ( !$beenHereBefore ) { $forceRebuild = true; $beenHereBefore = true; } } $cached=sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache.php'); if (!$forceRebuild && file_exists($cached) ) { // Already have a cache file built, no need to rebuild require $cached; return $ignoreDisabled?$fullAPIList:self::filterAPIList($fullAPIList); } $apiFullList = array(); $meetingPasswordList = array(); $needUrlList = array(); $baseDirList = array('include/externalAPI/','custom/include/externalAPI/'); foreach ( $baseDirList as $baseDir ) { $dirList = glob($baseDir.'*',GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach($dirList as $dir) { if ( $dir == $baseDir.'.' || $dir == $baseDir.'..' || $dir == $baseDir.'Base' ) { continue; } $apiName = str_replace($baseDir,'',$dir); if ( file_exists($dir.'/ExtAPI'.$apiName.'.php') ) { $apiFullList[$apiName]['className'] = 'ExtAPI'.$apiName; $apiFullList[$apiName]['file'] = $dir.'/'.$apiFullList[$apiName]['className'].'.php'; } if ( file_exists($dir.'/ExtAPI'.$apiName.'_cstm.php') ) { $apiFullList[$apiName]['className'] = 'ExtAPI'.$apiName.'_cstm'; $apiFullList[$apiName]['file_cstm'] = $dir.'/'.$apiFullList[$apiName]['className'].'.php'; } } } $optionList = array('supportedModules','useAuth','requireAuth','supportMeetingPassword','docSearch', 'authMethod', 'oauthFixed','needsUrl','canInvite','sendsInvites','sharingOptions','connector', 'oauthParams','restrictUploadsByExtension'); foreach ( $apiFullList as $apiName => $apiOpts ) { require_once($apiOpts['file']); if ( !empty($apiOpts['file_cstm']) ) { require_once($apiOpts['file_cstm']); } $className = $apiOpts['className']; $apiClass = new $className(); foreach ( $optionList as $opt ) { if ( isset($apiClass->$opt) ) { $apiFullList[$apiName][$opt] = $apiClass->$opt; } } // Special handling for the show/hide of the Meeting Password field, we need to create a dropdown for the Sugar Logic code. if ( isset($apiClass->supportMeetingPassword) && $apiClass->supportMeetingPassword == true ) { $meetingPasswordList[$apiName] = $apiName; } } create_cache_directory('/include/'); $cached_tmp = sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache-tmp.php'); $fd = fopen($cached_tmp,'w'); fwrite($fd,"<"."?php\n//This file is auto generated by ".basename(__FILE__)."\n\$fullAPIList = ".var_export($apiFullList,true).";\n\n"); fclose($fd); rename($cached_tmp, $cached); $fd = fopen(sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache-tmp.js'),'w'); fwrite($fd,"//This file is auto generated by ".basename(__FILE__)."\nSUGAR.eapm = ".json_encode($apiFullList).";\n\n"); fclose($fd); rename(sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache-tmp.js'),sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache.js')); if (!isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['extapi_meeting_password']) || (is_array($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['extapi_meeting_password']) && count(array_diff($meetingPasswordList,$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['extapi_meeting_password'])) != 0 )) { // Our meeting password list is different... we need to do something about this. require_once('modules/Administration/Common.php'); $languages = get_languages(); foreach( $languages as $lang => $langLabel ) { $contents = return_custom_app_list_strings_file_contents($lang); $new_contents = replace_or_add_dropdown_type('extapi_meeting_password', $meetingPasswordList, $contents); save_custom_app_list_strings_contents($new_contents, $lang); } } return $ignoreDisabled?$apiFullList:self::filterAPIList($apiFullList); } /** * Clear API cache file */ public static function clearCache() { $cached=sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache.php'); if ( file_exists($cached) ) { unlink($cached); } $cached=sugar_cached('include/externalAPI.cache.js'); if ( file_exists($cached) ) { unlink($cached); } } /** * This will hand back an initialized class for the requested external API, it will also load in the external API password information into the bean. * @param string $apiName The name of the requested API ( known API's can be listed by the listAPI() call ) * @param bool $apiName Ignore authentication requirements (optional) * @return ExternalAPIBase API plugin */ public static function loadAPI($apiName, $ignoreAuth=false) { $apiList = self::loadFullAPIList(); if ( ! isset($apiList[$apiName]) ) { return false; } $myApi = $apiList[$apiName]; require_once($myApi['file']); if ( !empty($myApi['file_cstm']) ) { require_once($myApi['file_cstm']); } $apiClassName = $myApi['className']; $apiClass = new $apiClassName(); if ($ignoreAuth) { return $apiClass; } if ($myApi['useAuth']) { $eapmBean = EAPM::getLoginInfo($apiName); if (!isset($eapmBean->application) && $myApi['requireAuth']) { // We need authentication, and they don't have it, don't load the API return false; } } if ( $myApi['useAuth'] && isset($eapmBean->application) ) { $apiClass->loadEAPM($eapmBean); } return $apiClass; } /** * Lists the available API's for a module or all modules, and possibly ignoring if the user has auth information for that API even if it is required * @param string $module Which module name you are searching for, leave blank to find all API's * @param bool $ignoreAuth Ignore API's demands for authentication (used to get a complete list of modules * @return API class */ public static function listAPI($module = '', $ignoreAuth = false) { $apiList = self::loadFullAPIList(); if ( $module == '' && $ignoreAuth == true ) { // Simplest case, return everything. return($apiList); } $apiFinalList = array(); // Not such an easy case, we need to limit to specific modules and see if we have authentication (or not) foreach ( $apiList as $apiName => $apiOpts ) { if ( $module == '' || in_array($module,$apiOpts['supportedModules']) ) { // This matches the module criteria if ( $ignoreAuth || !$apiOpts['useAuth'] || !$apiOpts['requireAuth'] ) { // Don't need to worry about authentication $apiFinalList[$apiName] = $apiOpts; } else { // We need to worry about authentication $eapmBean = EAPM::getLoginInfo($apiName); if ( isset($eapmBean->application) ) { // We have authentication $apiFinalList[$apiName] = $apiOpts; } } } } return $apiFinalList; } /** * Get the array of API names available for cetain module * @param string $moduleName * @param bool $ignoreAuth Ignore if we have authentication details or not * @param bool $addEmptyEntry Add empty entry? */ public static function getModuleDropDown($moduleName, $ignoreAuth = false, $addEmptyEntry = false) { global $app_list_strings; $apiList = self::listAPI($moduleName,$ignoreAuth); $apiDropdown = array(); if($addEmptyEntry){ $apiDropdown[''] = ''; } foreach ( $apiList as $apiName => $ignore ) { $appStringTranslKey = 'eapm_list_' .strtolower($moduleName); if ( isset($app_list_strings[$appStringTranslKey]) && !empty($app_list_strings[$appStringTranslKey][$apiName]) ) { $apiDropdown[$apiName] = $app_list_strings[$appStringTranslKey][$apiName]; } else if ( !empty($app_list_strings['eapm_list'][$apiName]) ) { $apiDropdown[$apiName] = $app_list_strings['eapm_list'][$apiName]; } else { $apiDropdown[$apiName] = $apiName; } } return $apiDropdown; } }